IONTU speech announcement  9/14 (Fri)  15:30  “Open-access” to paleo-extreme events archived into deep sedimentary archives around Taiwan: From the birth of the EAGER Project to the 2018 Marion Dufresne cruise.  Dr. Serge Lallemand (Senior researcher, Geosciences Montpellier Laboratory, Montpellier University, France)

Speaker:Dr. Serge Lallemand (Senior researcher, Geosciences Montpellier Laboratory, Montpellier University, France)

Title:“Open-access” to paleo-extreme events archived into deep sedimentary archives around Taiwan: From the birth of the EAGER Project to the 2018 Marion Dufresne cruise.

Time:9/14 (Fri) 15:30 ~17:00

Location:2nd floor large lecture hall of IONTU