Marine Science Program

Marine Science Program

[ Overview ]

The ocean covers seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface. It plays a crucial role in regulating climate, affecting the environment, utilizing resources, and promoting sustainable development. In recent years, ocean science has become increasingly important worldwide. There has been significant growth in global research and educational efforts aimed at increasing public understanding of the ocean. These initiatives seek to enhance awareness of the importance of the ocean and safeguard its environment and resources, which are essential for long-term human development. 

Taiwan is encircled by the ocean, which significantly impacts its people’s lives, economy, culture, society, and sustainable development. Universities play a crucial role in promoting accurate ocean science knowledge, ensuring that future leaders and the public understand the ocean’s importance. This understanding contributes to protecting the marine environment and advancing the sustainable utilization of oceanic resources.

National Taiwan University established the Institute of Oceanography in 1968, becoming a pioneer in ocean science education and research in Taiwan. While our institution leads in marine science research and education nationally, we lack an undergraduate department. Although we offer general courses for non-marine science students, there’s a need for better integration. This program aims to provide structured marine science courses for non-specialist students, enhancing their understanding of marine science and Taiwan’s marine environment and cultivating future marine professionals.

[ Participating Departments ]

The Institute of Oceanography is responsible for coordinating this program. The teaching and research units involved include the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, the Department of Geosciences, the Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering under the College of Engineering, the Department of Life Sciences, and the Institute of Fisheries Science under the College of Life Sciences.

Qualifications and Application Process


  • Applicants are required to be enrolled as students at National Taiwan University.
  • Undergraduate applicants must have completed a minimum of one year of study.


Application Components:

  • Application form of Marine Science Program with signatures from the chair and dean of their affiliated department and college. 
  • Full academic transcript


Application Procedure:


Degree Requirements:

  • Students must earn a minimum of 15 credits, including a minimum of 6 credits for compulsory courses and a minimum of 9 credits for optional courses.
  • At least 7 credits should be from courses outside of the compulsory curriculum of the student’s major or minor.

Course Requirements

The total credits required for this program are at least 15 credits. Among these, students must complete 6 credits of required courses and choose 9 credits of elective courses. Additionally, at least 7 credits must be earned from courses that are not part of the student’s major, department, minor, or affiliated departments.

Required courses:

  • Select at least 6 credits from the following courses.


Elective Courses:

  • The student is required to take a minimum of 9 credits of elective courses.These courses may be chosen from those designated with ‘U’ codes offered by the Institution of Oceanography or courses related to oceanography from other departments.
  • Additionally, students have the option to take up to 3 courses, totaling 6 credits, from the Department of Atmospheric Science, Geoscience, Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, as well as Life Science and the Institute of Fisheries Sciences.
  • If the course you want isn’t listed, it might still be eligible for credit transfer after review and approval by the Institute of Oceanography.

Course Requirements

At least 15 credits

Required Courses

Choose 6 credits

  • Marine Monitoring and Technology (2)

    Ocean5134 241 U6320

  • Introduction to Marine Geology (1)

    Ocean5001 241 U0010

  • Introduction to Biological Oceanography (1)

    Ocean5129 241 U6260

  • Introduction to Chemical Oceanography (1)

    Ocean5128 241 U6250

  • Introduction to Physical Oceanography (1)

    Ocean5037 241 U1760

  • Introduction to Marine Science (2)

    Ocean5008 241 U0750

Elective Courses

Courses offered by the Institution of Oceanography, including those starting with the letter “U”.

課 號課程識別碼科 目學分數
Ocean5115 241 U6120Taiwan Regional Oceanography2
Ocean5085 241 U1980Fundamentals of Oceanic Statistics 2
Ocean7089 241 M2940Field Work in Marine Physics1
Ocean7090 241 M2950Field Work in Marine Biology1
Ocean7091 241 M2960Field Work in Marine Geology1
Ocean7095 241 M3010Field Work in Marine Chemistry1
Ocean5039 241 U1780Physical Oceanography2
Ocean5025 241 U1630Introduction to Physical Oceanography2
Ocean5100 241 U5070Ocean-atmosphere Interaction and the Ocean Climate3
Ocean5102 241 U5080Computational Ocean Acoustics and Signal Processing 3
Ocean5103 241 U6000Small-scale Processes in the Ocean2
Ocean5124 241 U6210Physics in Upper Ocean Boundary Layer2
Ocean5060 241 U2000Acoustical Oceanography3
Ocean5049 241 U1890Marine Pollution2
Ocean5047 241 U1870Introduction to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter2
Ocean7193 241 M4000Chemistry and Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs3
Ocean5045 241 U1850Introduction to Biogeochemistry2
Ocean5075 241 U3050Practice in Marine Geological and Geochemical Instrumentation2
Ocean5123 241 U6200Primary Course of Geophysical Mathematics2
Ocean5119 241 U6160Lithospheric Mechanism of Ocean Basin 2
Ocean5126 241 EU6230Invitation to Paleoceanography2
Ocean5132241 U6300Climate and Ocean: From Past to Future2
Ocean5116 241 U6130Seismic Data Processing and Analysis2
Ocean5016 241 U1140Applied Geophysics2
Ocean5130 241 U6270An Introduction to Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 2
Ocean5062 241 U2020Marine Conservation Biology2
Ocean5051 241 EU1910Biological Oceanography3
Ocean5052 241 EU1920Computer Intensive Statistics in Ecology3
Ocean5048 241 U1880Fish Sclerochronology2
Ocean5067 241 U2070Special Topics on Ichthyology2
Ocean5059 241 U1990Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic Approach3
Ocean5093 241 U5020Marine Fish Taxonomy and Practice Work 2
Ocean5105 241 U6020Population Ecology and Sustainable Fisheries Resources 3
Ocean5002 241 EU0140Marine Ecology3
Ocean5089 241 EU4080Exploring the Deep Sea2
Ocean5098 241 EU5050Ecological Data Analysis in R 3
Ocean5097 241 EU5040Coral Reef Ecosystem in a Changing World3
Ocean5091 241 U5000Developmental Mechanisms and Animal Evolution2
Ocean5108 241 U6050Laboratory of Modern Aquatic Biological Research3
Ocean5135 241 U6280Autonomous Ocean Sensing3
Ocean5136 241 U6330Small-scale Ocean Dynamics under Typhoons Environmental2
Ocean5137 241 U6340Geological History and Environmental Changes2
Ocean5138 241 U6350Fisheries Analyses with R3
Ocean5142 241 U6390Marine Environmental Management2
Ocean5139 241 U6360Topics in Marine Ecology and Sustainability1
Ocean5140 241 U6370Field Experiment, Data Analysis, and Modeling for Ocean Processes3
Ocean5141 241 U6380Marine Resources2
Ocean5144 241 U6410Time Series Analysis2

Courses related to marine science offered by other departments

系 所課 號課程識別碼科 目學分數
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci3006 209 32600Introduction to Physical Oceanography2
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci5082 229 U5780Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction I1
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci5083 229 U5790Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction II1
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci7072 229 M8300Global Climate Change2
Department of GeosciencesGeo5008 204 U0190Analysis of Geochemical Data2
Department of GeosciencesGeo5150 204 U2880Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting2
Department of GeosciencesGeo4017 204 49390Observing the Marine Environment2
Department of GeosciencesGeo5092 204 EU2300Regional Paleoceanography2
Department of GeosciencesGeo7065 204 M2670Introduction to Paleoceanography2
Department of Life ScienceLS5073 B21 U2170Mathematics for Life Scientists2
Department of Life ScienceLS3027 B01 34610Marine Life Science2
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5033 B45 U1340Aquaculture3
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5010 B45 U1080Aquatic Animal Physiology3
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5017 B45 U1170Biology of Teleost Reproduction2
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5030 B45 U1310Marine Fisheries Ecology2
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5058B45 U1600Natural Product Chemistry of Aquatic Organisms2
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5027 B45 U1290Aquaculture Technology2
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5064 B45 U1670Environmental microbiology of aquatic systems2
Department Of Engineering
Science Ocean Engineering
ESOE5037 525 U2210Principles of Underwater Sound3
Department Of Engineering
Science Ocean Engineering
ESOE5133 525 U0820Intermediate Fluid Mechanics3
Department Of Engineering
Science Ocean Engineering
ESOE5112 525 U2340525 U2340Coastal Transport Processes3
Department of LawLAW2091 A01 28320International Law of the Sea (Ⅰ) 2
Department of LawLAW2092 A01 28330International Law of the Sea (Ⅱ)2

Courses that fulfill elective requirements, with a limit of three courses totaling six credits

系所課 號課程識別碼科 目學分數
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci3001 229 30110Atmospheric Dynamics (Ⅰ)3
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci3002 229 30120Atmospheric Dynamics (Ⅱ)3
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci4004 229 23100Climatology3
Department of Atmospheric SciencesAtmSci5058 229 U5560Biogeochemistry and Climate3
Department of GeosciencesGeo2001 204 49020Earth Materials3
Department of GeosciencesGeo2003 204 49040Earth History3
Department of GeosciencesGeo2005 204 49060Earth Structure3
Department of GeosciencesGeo2006 204 29080Geophysics 3
Department of GeosciencesGeo3001 204 49070Geochemistry3
Department of GeosciencesGeo3004 204 49090Earth Surface Processes and Landforms2
Department of GeosciencesGeo4001 204 49110Geological Resources2
Department of Life ScienceLS3023 B01 34110Ecology3
Department of Life ScienceLS3027 B01 34610Marine Life Science2
Department of Life ScienceLS2017 B01 23210Aquatic Biology2
Department of Life ScienceLS5022 B21 U1410Biodiversity of Fishes3
Department of Life ScienceLS3020 B0133010Microbiology3
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5010 B45 U1080Aquatic Animal Physiology3
Institute of Fisheries SciencesFishSc5033 B45 U1340Aquaculture3
Department Of Engineering
Science Ocean Engineering
ESOE2006 50522100Fluid Mechanics3
Department Of Engineering
Science Ocean Engineering
ESOE5133 525 U3070Introduction to Water Wave Mechanics and Oceanography3
Department of LawLAW2091A01 28320International Law of the Sea (Ⅰ)2
Department of LawLAW2092A01 28330International Law of the Sea (Ⅱ)2

Procedure for Issuing Certificates

Before graduation, students who meet the requirements should submit the Oceanography Degree Program Certificate Application Form, along with full official transcripts (both in Chinese and English), to the Office of the Institute of Oceanography one month before their graduation date. After approval by the program committee and endorsement by the Dean of Academic Affairs and the President, the Director of the Institute of Oceanography will issue the “Oceanography Degree Program” certificate.


Students enrolled in the program who have met the graduation requirements of their department (or institute) but have not completed the required credits of the program may apply for an extension of their study period up to one year from the Office of Academic Affairs.  However, the total study duration must still comply with university regulations.

Undergraduate students enrolled in the program who have not yet completed the program requirements may continue in the program as graduate students at the university. Credits already earned will be included in the total credit count.


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