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Dear Alumni,

Do you recall the last time you visited the Institute of Oceanography? Do you ever find yourself reminiscing about your time by the Drunken Moon Lake?

Since our founding in 1968, the Institute of Oceanography has upheld a spirit of dedication and excellence throughout its journey of over fifty years. Our faculty, students, and staff have remained steadfast, weathering challenges and working diligently to advance marine scientific research and talent development for Taiwan. We have laid the foundation and made significant strikes in understanding our surrounding marine environment. We have also nurtured many talents, guiding the next generation of Taiwan to excel in marine science research.

Your participation and contributions have greatly enriched our journey. We eagerly anticipate your continued support and engagement as we continue to celebrate and advance the legacy of the Institute of Oceanography.

Ecosystem oceanography
Field sampling and observations

Regional Oceanography of Taiwan

  • An Academic Achievement with Long-term Support from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Technology

    Regional Oceanography of Taiwan is the first textbook on regional oceanography written by Taiwanese scholars. It compiles significant oceanographic findings and valuable data from research vessel explorations and marine experiments. It offers a comprehensive documentation of the history and achievements in marine research, research vessels, and ocean exploration over the past 50 years in Taiwan.

  • The Only Comprehensive Resource on Basic Oceanography with a Taiwan Focus

    This book synthesizes research findings in physics, chemistry, geology, geophysics, biological oceanography, marine biology, and biodiversity, covering the Taiwan Strait, East China Sea, Northwest Pacific, South China Sea, and other marine regions. It translates complex and challenging content into clear, accessible illustrations and text. Serving as an unprecedented single-entry point for marine research in Taiwan, this resource also enhances awareness of ocean-related national policy development and establishes fundamental marine literacy for citizens.

  • A Forward-looking Concept for Emerging Marine Ecology Research

    Regional Oceanography of Taiwan explores the study of food webs and the transfer of energy within them, along with the effects of physical, chemical, and geological dynamics. It also addresses popular topics such as marine pollution, global warming, climate change, and social impacts. The textbook has been adopted by many universities and graduate institutes for courses in marine research, oceanography, and liberal education.

  • Impressive Book Sales

    According to National Taiwan University Press, Regional Oceanography of Taiwan has sold a total of 1,132 copies (from its release in September 2018 to being sold out in February 2020). The Institute of Oceanography distributed/purchased 520 copies, of which 346 were gifted, 132 were lent to NTU Press, and 16 were provided for review by the Ministry of Science and Technology, leaving 26 copies remaining. The second edition of 700 copies was released in April 2020.