CO speech announcement 11/12 (Tue) 13:20 What we have learned from boron systems in coral Porites–Insights into coral calcification carbonate chemistry and its relationship to ocean acidification. Yi-Wei Liu (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica) 2024-11-06
RECENT NEWS Mercury bioaccumulation and trophic transfer in Pacific Saury from the North Pacific Ocean ... more 2024-07-10
RECENT NEWS Drivers of coastal benthic communities in a complex environmental setting ... more 2024-06-11
RECENT NEWS Microhabitat association and resistance of Tanaidacea (Crustacea) to tropical cyclones in rocky intertidal areas of central-eastern Taiwan ... more 2024-06-06
Asynchronous evolution of ocean temperatures and ice sheets across the most recent global climate transition on Earth ~3 million years ago ... more 2023-07-17
Research Highlights Trade-offs between competitive ability and resistance to top-down control in marine microbes ... more 2023-04-28
Deterministic assembly processes strengthen the effects of β-diversity on community biomass of marine bacterioplankton ... more 2023-03-06
Mercury stable isotopes explore sources of methylmercury in giant Pacific Bluefin tuna ... more 2023-02-21