Speaker:Prof. H.-T. Lin (Tina), 林卉婷 助理教授 (IONTU)
Title:”Fun and curiosity brings me to the ocean research field”「愛玩與好奇 帶領我走向海洋科學研究之路」
Time:9/20 (Thu) 14:20-15:10
Location:Room 232 of IONTU
In this talk, I’ll share my experience in the science and technology for the deep hydrothermal and coral reef water research. I’ll introduce how the sampling devices for seawater/hydrothermal samples can be integrated into a moored observatory or be mounted on to a remotely-operated-vehicle (ROV) or human-occupied-vehicle (HOV). In the end, I’ll provide a few ideas to use our existing IO-NTU device for deep submarine hydrothermal research in Taiwan.
The talk will be in English.