


  • 專長領域

    Paleoclimate science, air quality, water quality, sustainable ecosystems, climate change, agricultural research, and weather prediction.
    Extensive experience in planning, programming, budgeting, and executing complex scientific programs and projects.

  • 學經歷

    • Retired – US Federal Government (September 2023)
    • Senior Scientist – Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
    • Science Adviser – Agriculture and Environmental Services Department, The World Bank
    • Chief Scientist – Office of Science Advisor, US EPA (2008-2010)
    • Senior Executive Director – Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    • Seconded Scientist – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to the World Meteorological Organization
    • Sub-Committee Member – White House National Science and Technology Committee on Environment and Natural Resources


    • Doctoral Degree: Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry
    • Master’s Degree: Oceanography and Marine Chemistry
    • Bachelor’s Degree: Oceanography and Geology

  • 榮譽

    • 2010 US Presidential Award for Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance
    • 2016 US Department of State Inaugural Embassy Science Fellow at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)

  • 研究室

  • 網址

  • 電話

  • Email


  • Afshin Shabani, Sean A. Woznicki, Megan Mehaffey, Jonathan Butcher, Tim A. Wool, Pai-Yei Whung. A coupled hydrodynamic (HEC-RAS 2D) and water quality model (WASP) for simulating flood-induced soil, sediment, and contaminant transport, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 14(4), 2021.
  • Michael J. Mangiante, Pai-Yei Whung, Luxi Zhou, and Rachel Porter. Economic and technical assessment of rooftop solar photovoltaic potential in Brownsville, Texas, U.S.A., Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 80(11): 101450, 2020.
  • Pei-Ying Kobres, Jean-Paul Chretien, Michael A. Johansson, Jeffrey J. Morgan, Pai-Yei Whung, et al. A systematic review and evaluation of Zika virus forecasting and prediction research during a public health emergency of international concern, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13(10): e0007451, 2019.
  • Mark Myer, Chelsea M. Fizer, Kenneth McPherson, et al. Mapping Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) and Aedes albopictus Vector Mosquito Distribution in Brownsville, TX, Journal of Medical Entomology, 57(1), 2019.
  • Luxi Zhou, Donna B. Schwede, Wyat Appel, Michael J. Mangiante, David C. Wong, Sergey L. Napelenok, Pai-Yei Whung, et al. The impact of air pollutant deposition on solar energy system efficiency: An approach to estimate PV soiling effects with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, Science of The Total Environment, 651 (Pt1), 2018.
  • Mohamed Mo Sallam, Chelsea Fizer, Andrew Pilant, Pai-Yei Whung. Systematic Review: Land Cover, Meteorological, and Socioeconomic Determinants of Aedes Mosquito Habitat for Risk Mapping, Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 2017.