
Raúl Iván Tapia Arroyo


  • 專長領域

    Paleoceanography, Paleoclimate, Micropaleontology, Geochemistry and Ecology of Foraminifera

  • 學經歷

    • 2024-present Research Associate, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 2019-2024 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 2017-2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile
    • 2016-2017 Research Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway
    • 2009-2011 Research Assistant, Department of Zoology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
    • 2003-2008 Research Assistant, Department of Oceanography, Universidad de Concepción, Chile


    • 2016 Dr. rer. nat., Marine Geosciences, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany (degree awarded by Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
    • 2008 M.Sc. in Oceanography, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
    • 2003 Professional Title of Marine Biologist, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
    • 2002 B.S. in Marine Biology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

  • 榮譽

    • 2023 Postdoctoral Research Award from the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan

  • 研究室


  • 網址

  • 電話

    +886-3-988-0544 #14

  • Email


A. Refereed Paper

  • Tapia, R.*, Le, SC., Ho, S. L.*, Bassetti, M. A., Lin, I. T., Lin, H. L., Chang, Y. P., Jiann, K. T., Wang, P. L., Lin, J. K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Hsu, S. K., Su, C. C.* (2022) Planktic-benthic foraminifera ratio (%P) as a tool for the reconstruction of paleobathymetry and geohazard: A case study from Taiwan. Marine Geology, 453, 106922.
  • Tapia, R.*, Ho, S.L.*, Wang, H.-Y., Groeneveld, J., Mohtadi, M. (2022) Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera off Indonesia during the southeast monsoon: implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208,
  • Tapia, R.*, Ho, S. L.*, Nunez-Ricardo, S., Marchant, M., Lamy, F., Hebbeln, D. (2021) Increased Marine Productivity in the Southern Humboldt Current System During MIS 2-4 and 10-11. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36(4),
  • Tapia, R.*, Nürnberg, D., Ho, S.L., Lamy, F., Ullermann, J., Gersonde, R., Tiedemann, R. (2019) Glacial differences of Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters in the Central South Pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews, 208, 105-117.
  • Molina-Kescher, M., Frank, M., Tapia R., Ronge, T., Nürnberg, D., Tiedemann R. (2016). Reduced admixture of North Atlantic Deep Water to the deep central South Pacific during the last two glacial periods. Paleoceanography
  • Tapia, R.*, Nürnberg, D., Ronge, T., Tiedemann, R. (2015). Disparities in glacial advection of Southern Intermediate Water to the South Pacific Gyre. Earth Planetary Science Letters,
  • Tapia, R.*, Lange, C., Marchant, M. (2008). Living (stained) calcareous foraminifera off Concepción, central-south Chile (~36ºS). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 81 (3): 403 – 416

B. Others

  • Tiedemann R., Lamy F., Molina-Kescher M., Tapia Arroyo R., Poggemann D., Nürnberg D. (2014). FS Sonne Fahrtbericht/Cruise Report SO213 – SOPATRA: South Pacific Paleoceanographic Transects Geodynamic and Climatic Variability in Space and Time, Leg.1: Valparaiso-Valparaiso (Chile), 27.12.2010-12.01.2011 and Leg.2: Valparaiso (Chile) -Wellington (New Zealand), 12.01.2011-07.03.2011
  • Harada N., Ahagon N., Lange C.B., Asahara Y., Pantoja S., Marchant M.E., Mishima T., Kanke H., Tapia R.I., Sepulveda J., Avila Santis A., Katsuki K., Matsuura Y, Sato Y., Maeda R., Ueno T., Tokunaga W, Kimura R., Nagahama N. (2005). Basic physical properties of sediment cores collected in the Chilean marginal area and Magellan Strait during leg.3 of cruise MR03-K04; JAMSTEC Rep. Res. Dev. 2, 13-27.