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    • 2010-  IMBER/LOICZ大陸邊緣組 聯合主席
    • 2007-2010 中央大學水文與海洋科學究所 所長
    • 2006-2008 IGBP科學委員會 委員
    • 2003-2006 地球科學集刊 總編輯
    • 2000-2003 國家海洋科學研究中心(臺灣海洋科技研究中心) 主任
    • 2000-2006 JGOFS/LOICZ大陸邊緣組 委員
    • 1999-2000 JGOFS/LOICZ大陸邊緣組 聯合主席
    • 1999-2000 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 化學組主任
    • 1999-2000 全球海洋通量聯合研究科學指導委員會 副主席
    • 1997-1998 美國馬利蘭大學Horn Point Laboratory 訪問學者
    • 1995-2000 全球海洋通量聯合研究(JGOFS)科學指導委員會 委員
    • 1994-1997 國科會自然處黑潮與東海陸棚交換過程(KEEP-II)計畫 總主持人
    • 1993-2003 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 教授
    • 1993-1995 國立臺灣大學全球變遷研究中心 組長
    • 1989-1990 科學月刊 總編輯
    • 1987-1988 美國哥倫比亞大學Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 訪問學者
    • 1986-1993 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 合聘教授
    • 1984-1993 中央研究院地球科學研究所 研究員
    • 1983-1986 國立臺灣大學化學系 合聘副教授
    • 1981-1983 國立清華大學化學系 合聘副教授
    • 1981-1984 中央研究院地球科學研究所 副研究員
    • 1979-1981 美國加州理工學院 博士後研究員
    • 1979 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校地球及太空科學系 博士
    • 1971 國立清華大學化學系 學士

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A. Journal Papers

  • Wu, P.-C., Gong, G.-C., Cheng, J.-S., Liu, K.-K., and Kao, S.-J. (2016) Origins of Particulate Organic Matter Determined from Nitrogen Isotopic Composition and C/N Ratio in the Highly Eutrophic Danshuei Estuary, Northern Taiwan. Aquatic Geochemistry 22(4) SI: 291-311.
  • Lin, Y. C., L. Y. Oey, J. Wang and K. K. Liu* (2016) Rossby Waves and Eddies Observed at a Temperature Mooring in Northern South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography 46(2): 517-535.
  • Glavovic, B. C., K. Limburg, K. K. Liu, K. C. Emeis, H. Thomas, H. Kremer, B. Avril, J. Zhang, M. R. Mulholland, M. Glaser and D. P. Swaney (2015) Living on the Margin in the Anthropocene: engagement arenas for sustainability research and action at the ocean-land interface. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14: 232-238.
  • Liu, K.-K.*, Yan, W.J., Lee, H.-J., Chao, S.-Y., Gong, G.-C., Yeh, T.-Y. (2015) Impacts of increasing dissolved inorganic nitrogen discharged from Changjiang on primary production and seafloor oxygen demand in the East China Sea from 1970 to 2002. Journal of Marine Systems 141(SI) 200-217.
  • Liu, K. K., K. C. Emeis, L. A. Levin, W. Naqvi and M. Roman (2015) Preface – “Biogeochemistry-ecosystem interaction on changing continental margins in the Anthropocene”. Journal of Marine Systems 141: 1-2.
  • Levin, L. A., Liu, K.-K., Emeis, K.C., Breitburg, D.L., Cloern, J.,Deutsch, C., Giani, M., Goffart, A., Hofmann, E.E., Lachkar, Z., Limburg, K., Liu, S.-M., Montes, E.,Naqvi, W., Ragueneau, O., Rabouille, C., Sarkar, S.K., Swaney, D.P., Wassman, P., and Wishner, K.F. (2015) Comparative biogeochemistry-ecosystem-human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems 141(SI): 3-17.
  • Liu, K. -K.*, Wu, P.-C. (2014) A Three End-member Mixing Model Based on Isotopic Composition and Elemental Ratio (vol 18, pg 1067, 2007) Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 25(6):903-903 .
  • Liu, K. K., C. K. Kang, T. Kobari, H. Liu, C. Rabouille and K. Fennel (2014). Biogeochemistry and ecosystems of continental margins in the western North Pacific Ocean and their interactions and responses to external forcing – an overview and synthesis. Biogeosciences 11(23): 7061-7075.
  • Liu, K. -K.*, L. W. Wang, M. Dai, C. M. Tseng, Y. Yang, C. H. Sui, L. Oey, K. Y. Tseng and S. M. Huang (2014). Inter-annual variation of chlorophyll in the northern South China Sea observed at the SEATS Station and its asymmetric responses to climate oscillation (vol 10, pg 7449, 2013). Biogeosciences 11(22): 6263-6264.
  • Lee, T. Y., Y. T. Shih, J. C. Huang, S. J. Kao, F. K. Shiah and K. K. Liu (2014). Speciation and dynamics of dissolved inorganic nitrogen export in the Danshui River, Taiwan. Biogeosciences 11(19): 5307-5321.
  • Liu, K. -K.*, M. H. Dai, K. R. Kim and G. C. Gong (2014) Biogeochemistry and ecosystems in the western north Pacific continental margins under climate change and anthropogenic forcing” Preface. Biogeosciences 11(18): 4967-4969.
  • Tseng, C. M., P. Y. Shen and K. K. Liu (2014). Synthesis of observed air-sea CO2 exchange fluxes in the river-dominated East China Sea and improved estimates of annual and seasonal net mean fluxes. Biogeosciences 11(14): 3855-3870.
  • Liu, K. K., C. H. Li, Y. P. Cai, M. Xu and X. H. Xia (2014). Comprehensive evaluation of water resources security in the Yellow River basin based on a fuzzy multi-attribute decision analysis approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(5): 1605-1623.
  • Liu, K. K., L. W. Wang, M. Dai, C. M. Tseng, Y. Yang, C. H. Sui, L. Oey, K. Y. Tseng and S. M. Huang (2013). Inter-annual variation of chlorophyll in the northern South China Sea observed at the SEATS Station and its asymmetric responses to climate oscillation. Biogeosciences 10(11): 7449-7462.
  • Liu, K.-K., Kao, S.-J., Chiang, K.-P., Gong, G.-C., Chang, J., Cheng, J.-S., Lan, C.-Y. (2013) Concentration dependent nitrogen isotope fractionation during ammonium uptake by phytoplankton under an algal bloom condition in the Danshuei estuary, northern Taiwan. Marine Chemistry 157:242-252.
  • Lee, H.-J., Huang, S.-J., Chao, S.-Y., Liu, K.-K. (2013) Comparison of different wind effects on SST and SSS in the East China Sea region. Journal of Maine Science and Technology –Taiwan 21(4):469-482.
  • Lee, H.-J., Liu, K.-K. (2013) Tidal effects on Changjiang plume dispersal in the East China Sea. Journal of Maine Science and Technology –Taiwan 21(3): 242-252.
  • Kao, S.-J., Yang, J.-Y., Liu, K.-K., Dai, M.H., Chou, W.-C., Lin, H.-L., Ren, H.J. (2012) Isotope constraints on particulate nitrogen source and dynamics in the upper water column of the oligotrophic South China Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB2033.
  • :Selvaraj, K., Wei, K.-Y., Liu, K.-K., Kao, S.-J. (2012) Late Holocene monsoon climate of northeastern Taiwan inferred from elemental (C, N) and isotopic (delta C-13, delta N-15) data in lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 37: 48-60.
  • Chien, H., Chiang, W.-S., Kao, S.-J., Liu, J. T., Liu, K.-K., Liu, P. L.-F. (2011) Sediment Dynamics Observed in the Jhoushuei River and Adjacent Coastal Zone in Taiwan Strait. Oceanography 24(4):122-131, SI.
  • Tseng, C. M., K. K. Liu, G. C. Gong, P. Y. Shen and W. J. Cai (2011). CO2 uptake in the East China Sea relying on Changjiang runoff is prone to change. Geophysical Research Letters 38: L24609.
  • Gong, G.-C., Liu, K.-K., et al. (2011) Yangtze River floods enhance coastal ocean algal biomass and potential fish production. Geophysical Research Letters 38: L13603.
  • Peng, T.-R., Liu, K.-K., Wang, C.-H., and Chuang, K.-S. (2011) A water isotope approach to assessing moisture recycling in the island-based precipitation of Taiwan: A case study in the western Pacific. Water Resources Research 47: W08507.
  • Liu, K.-K.*, Chao, S.-Y., Lee, H.-J., Gong, G.-C., and Teng, Y.-C. (2010) Seasonal variation of primary productivity in the East China Sea: a numerical study based on coupled physical-biogeochemical model. Deep-Sea Research II 57(19-20): 1762–1782.
  • Tseng, C.-M., Gong, G.-C., Wang, L.-W., Liu, K.-K. and Yang, Y. (2009) Anomalous biogeochemical conditions in the northern South China Sea during the El-Niño events between 1997 and 2003. Geophysical Research Letters 36(14): L14611.
  • Tseng, C.-M., Liu, K.-K., Wang, L.W., and Gong, G.-C. (2009) Anomalous hydrographic and biological conditions in the northern South China Sea during the 1997-98 El Niño and comparisons with the Equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 56(12): 2129-2143.
  • Chai, F., Liu, G., Xue, H., Shi, L., Chao, Y., Tseng, C.-M., Chou, W.-C., and Liu, K.-K. (2009) Seasonal and interannual variability of carbon cycle in South China Sea: a three dimensional physical-biogeochemical modeling study. Journal of Oceanography 65: 703-720.
  • Kueh, M.-T., Sui, C.-H., Liu, K.-K., and Chai, F. (2009) On the upper ocean thermal structure in a western North Pacific Ocean model: Model evaluation and sensitivity study. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 21: 137-162.
  • Wen, L.-S., Jiann, K.-T., and Liu, K.-K. (2008) Seasonal variation and flux of dissolved nutrients in the Danshuei Estuary, Taiwan: A hypoxic subtropical mountainous river. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 78 (4): 694-704.
  • Kao, S., Liu, K.-K., Hsu, S., Chang, Y., and Dai, M. (2008) North Pacific-wide spreading of isotopically heavy nitrogen during the last deglaciation: Evidence from the western Pacific. Biogeosciences, 5: 1641–1650.
  • Liu, K.-K., Kao, S.-J., Wen, L.-S., and Chen, K.-L. (2007) Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of particulate organic matter and biogeochemical processes in the eutrophic Danshuei Estuary in northern Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment 382(1): 103-120
  • Liu, H., Chang, J., Tseng, C.-M., Wen, L.-S. and Liu, K.-K. (2007) Seasonal variability of picoplankton in the northern South China Sea at the SEATS station. Deep-Sea Research II, 54: 1602-1616.
  • Liu, K.-K., Kao, S.-J., Hu, H.-C., Chou, W.-C., Hung, G.-W., and Tseng C.-M. (2007) Carbon isotopic compositions of suspended and sinking particulate organic matter in the northern South China Sea — from production to deposition. Deep-Sea Research II, 54: 1504-1527.
  • Liu, K.-K., Chen, Y.-J., Tseng, C.-M., Lin, I-I, Liu, H., and Snidvongs, A. (2007) The significance of phytoplankton photo-adaptation and benthic-pelagic coupling to primary production in the South China Sea: Observations and numerical investigations. Deep-Sea Research II 54: 1546-1574.
  • Tseng, C.-M., Lee, B.-S., Chou, W.-C., Sheu, D.D., Wong, G.T.F., and Liu, K.-K. (2007) Temporal variability of the upper-layer oceanic CO2 species at the SEATS station. Deep-Sea Research II 54: 1448-1468.
  • Liu, K.-K., and Kao, S.-J. (2007) A three end-member mixing model based on isotopic composition and elemental ratio. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 18, 1067-1075.
  • Liu, W.-C., Chang, S.-W., Jiann, K.-T., Wen, L.-S., and Liu, K.-K. (2007) Modelling diagnosis of heavy metal (copper) transport in an estuary. Science of the Total Environment 388: 234–249.
  • Iriarte, J.L., González, H.E., Liu, K.-K., Rivas, C., León, J., Valenzuela, C., and Menschel E. (2007) Spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll and primary productivity in surface waters of southern Chile (41.5 – 43°S). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74: 471-480.
  • Liu, W.-C., Chang, S.-W., Jiann, K.-T., Wen, L.-S., and Liu, K.-K. (2007) Modelling diagnosis of heavy metal (copper) transport in an estuary. Science of the Total Environment 388: 234–249.
  • Chen, C.-C., Shiah, F.-K., Chung, S.-W., and Liu, K.-K. (2006) Winter phytoplankton blooms in the shallow mixed layer of the South China Sea enhanced by upwelling. Journal of Marine Systems 59: 97-110.
  • Chen, C.-C., Chiang, K.-P., Gong, G.-C., Shiah, F.-K., Tseng C.-M., and Liu, K.-K. (2006) Importance of planktonic community respiration on the carbon balance of the East China Sea in summer. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20: GB4001.
  • Kao, S.-J., Shiah, F.-K., Wang, C.-H., and Liu, K.-K.* (2006) Efficient trapping of organic carbon in sediments on the continental margin with high fluvial sediment input off southwestern Taiwan. Continental Shelf Research 26 (20): 2520-2537.
  • Kao, S.-J., Chan, S.-C., Kuo, C.-H., and Liu, K.-K. (2005) Transport-Dominated Sediment Loading in Taiwanese Rivers: A Case Study from the Ma-an Stream Journal of Geology 113: 217–225.
  • You, Y., Chern, C.-S., Yang, Y., Liu, C.-T., Liu, K.-K., and Pai, S.-C. (2005) The South China Sea, a cul-de-sac of North Pacific Intermediate Water. Journal of Oceanography 61: 509-527.
  • Tseng, C.-M., Wong, G. T. F., Lin, I.-I., Wu, C.-R., and Liu, K.-K. (2005) A unique seasonal pattern in phytoplankton biomass in low-latitude waters in the South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 32: L08608.
  • Shen, C.-C., Lee, T., Liu, K.-K., Hsu, H.-H., Edwards, R.L., Wang, C.-H., Lee, M.-Y., Chen, Y.-G., Lee, H.-J., and Sun, H.-T. (2005) An evaluation of quantitative reconstruction of past precipitation records using coral skeletal Sr/Ca and d18O data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237: 370-386.
  • Shen, C.-C., Liu, K.-K., Lee M.-Y., Lee T., Wang, C.-H., and Lee H.-J. (2005) A novel method for tracing coastal water masses using Sr/Ca ratios and salinity: A case study in Nanwan Bay, Southern Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65: 135-142.
  • Chen, Y.-J., Lin, I-I, Hu, C., Gong, G.-C., and Liu, K.-K.* (2004) Primary Production in the South China Sea: A comparison between ocean-color derived estimates and coupled-model output [in Chinese]. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica 42: 1-14.
  • Kao, S.-J., Horng, C.S., Roberts, A.P., and Liu, K.-K. (2004) Carbon-sulfur-iron relationships in sedimentary rocks from southwestern Taiwan: Influence of geochemical environment on greigite and pyrrhotite formation. Chemical Geology 203(1-2): 153-168.
  • Lee, H.-J., Chao, S.-Y., and Liu, K.-K. (2004) Effects of reduced Yangtze River discharge on the circulation of surrounding seas. Terrestrial Atmospheric Oceanic Sciences 15: 111-132.
  • Kao S.-J., Lin, F.-J., Liu, K.-K. (2003) Organic carbon and nitrogen contents and their isotopic compositions in surficial sediments from the East China Sea shelf and the southern Okinawa Trough. Deep-Sea Research II 50 (6-7): 1203-1217.
  • Liu, K.-K., Peng, T.-H., Shaw, P.-T., Shiah, F.K. (2003) Circulation and biogeochemical processes in the East China Sea and the vicinity of Taiwan: An overview and a brief synthesis. Deep-Sea Research II 50 (6-7): 1055-1064
  • Tsai, W.-t., Liu, K.-K. (2003) An assessment of the effect of sea surface surfactant on global atmosphere-ocean CO2 flux. Jorunal of Geophysical Research 108(C4): 3127.
  • Lin, I-I, Liu, W.T., Wu, C.-C., Wong, G.T.-F., Hu, C., Chen, Z., Liang, W.-D., Liu, K.-K. (2003) New evidence for enhanced ocean primary production triggered by tropical cyclone, Geophysical Research Letters 30(13): 1718.
  • Kao, S.-J., Liu, K.-K. (2002) The exacerbation of erosion induced by human perturbation in a subtropical mountainous watershed in Taiwan: evidence from historical records of sediment load. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (1): 16.
  • Liu, K.-K., Chao, S.-Y., Shaw, P.-T., Gong, G.C., Chen, C.C., Tang, TY (2002) Monsoon forced chlorophyll distribution and primary productivity in the South China Sea: observations and a numerical study. Deep-Sea Research I 49: 1387-1412
  • Lin, I-I, Wen, L.-S., Liu, K.-K., Tsai, W.-T., Liu, A.K. (2002) Evidence and quantification of the correlation between radar backscatter and ocean colour supported by simultaneously acquired in situ sea truth. Geophysical Research Letters 29 (10): 102.
  • Lin, I-I, Wen, L.S., Liu, G.R., Liu, K.-K. (2002) Retrieval of suspended particulate matter and chlorophyll-a concentration in a highly turbid tropical river by in situ bio-optical data – a case study. Journal of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing 7 (3): 75-85.
  • Chung, S.W., Jan, S. and Liu, K.-K (2001) Nutrient fluxes through the Taiwan Strait in spring and summer 1999. Journal of Oceanography 57: 47-53.
  • Kao S.-J., Liu, K.-K. (2001) Estimating the suspended sediment load by using the historical hydrometric record from the Lanyang-Hsi watershed. Terrestrial Atmospheric Oceanic Sciences 12: 401-414.
  • Hung, J.-J., Lin, P.-L. and Liu, K.-K. (2000) Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the southern East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 20: 545-569.
  • Liu, K.-K., Tang, T.Y., Gong, G.-C., Chen, L.-Y., and Shiah, F.-K. (2000) Cross-shelf and along-shelf nutrient fluxes derived from flow fields and chemical hydrography observed in the southern East China Sea off northern Taiwan. Continental Shelf Research 20: 493-523.
  • Shiah, F.-K., Liu, K.-K. and Gong, G.-C. (2000) The coupling of bacterial production and hydrography in the southern East China Sea north of Taiwan: Spatial patterns in spring and fall. Continental Shelf Research 20: 459-477.
  • Kao, S.-J., Liu, K.-K. (2000) Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope systematics in a human-disturbed watershed (Lanyang-Hsi) in Taiwan and the estimation of biogenic particulate organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes. Global Biogeochemical Cycle 14: 189-198.
  • Liu, K.-K., Atkinson, L., Chen, C.T.A., Gao, S., Hall, J., Macdonald, R.W., Talaue McManus, L., Quiñones, R. (2000) Exploring continental margin carbon fluxes on a global scale. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 81 (52): 641-644.

B. Edited Books and Special Issues

  • Liu, K.-K., Atkinson, L., Quiñones, R., Talaue-McManus, L. (Eds.) (2010) Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis. IGBP Book Series. IGBP Book Series, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. 744 pp + XXVIII.
  • Liu, K.-K., Peng, T.-H., Shaw, P.-T. (Eds) (2003) Special Issue on Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes in the East China Sea and the Vicinity of Taiwan. Deep-SeaResearch II vol. 50 Nos. 6-7.
  • Liu, K.-K., Atkinson, L., Quiñones, R., Talaue-McManus, L. (2010) Biogeochemistry of continental margins in a global context. In: K.-K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quiñones and L. Talaue-McManus (Editors), Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis. IGBP Book Series. Springer, Berlin, pp. 3-24.
  • Liu, K.-K., Gong, G.-C., Wu, C.-R., Lee, H.-J. (2010) The Kuroshio and the East China Sea. In: K.-K. Liu, L. Atkinson, R. Quiñones and L. Talaue-McManus (Editors), Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis. IGBP Book Series. Springer., Berlin, pp. 124-146.
  • Liu, K.-K., Tseng, C.-M., Wu, C.-R., Lin, I-I (2010) The South China Sea. In: Liu, K.-K., Atkinson, L., Quiñones, R., Talaue-McManus, L. (Eds.) Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis. IGBP Book Series, Springer, Berlin. pp. 464-482.
  • Liu, K.-K., Seitzinger, S., Mayorga, E., Harrison, J., Ittekkot, V. (2008) Fluxes of nutrients and selected organic pollutants carried by rivers. In: Urban, E.R., Sundby, B., Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Melillo, J.M. (eds) Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. SCOPE 70. Island Press, Washington D.C., pp. 141-167.
  • Kroeze, C., Middelburg, J., Leemans, R., Fennel, W., Glaser, M., Harashima, A., Liu, K.-K., Meybeck, M. (2008) Chapter 5. Integrating tools to assess changes in semi-enclosed marine systems. In: Urban, E.R., Sundby, B., Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Melillo, J.M. (eds) Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. SCOPE 70. Island Press, Washington D.C., pp. 77-96.
  • Thomas, H., Unger, D., Zhang, J., Liu, K.-K., Shadwick, E.H. (2008) Biogeochemical cycling and microbiology. In: Urban, E.R., Sundby, B., Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Melillo, J.M. (eds), Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. SCOPE 70. Island Press, Washington D.C., pp. 169-190.
  • Liu, K.-K., Chao, S.-Y., Marra, J., Snidvongs, A. (2006) Monsoonal Forcing and Biogeochemical Environments of Outer Southeast Asia Seas. In: Robinson, A., Brink, K.H. (Eds.), The Sea, vol. 14, The Global Coastal Ocean: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Synthesis, pp. 673-721. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • Kao, S.J., Hsu, S.C., Horng, C.S., Liu, K.-K.* (2004) Carbon-sulfur-iron relationships in the fast accumulating marine sediments off southwestern Taiwan. In: R. Hill et al. (eds.), Geochemical Investigations in Earth and Space Science: A Tribute to Isaac R. Kaplan, pp 441-457. The Geochemical Society, Publication No. 9.
  • Chen, C.-T.A., Liu, K.-K., MacDonald, R.W. (2003) Continental margin exchanges. In: M.J.R. Fasham (Ed.), Ocean Biogeochemistry: The Role of the Ocean Carbon Cycle in Global Change, pp. 53-97. IGBP Book Series, Springer.
  • Karl, D. M., Bates, N., Emerson, S., Harrison, P. J., Jeandal, C., Liu, K.-K., Marty, J.-C., Michaels, A. F., Miquel, J. C., Neuer, S., Nojiri, Y., Wong, C. S. (2003) Temporal studies of biogeochemical processes in the world’s oceans during the JGOFS era. In: M.J.R. Fasham (Ed.), Ocean Biogeochemistry: The Role of the Ocean Carbon Cycle in Global Change, pp. 239-267. IGBP Book Series, Springer.
  • Liu, K.K., Iseki, K. and Chao, S.Y. (2000) Continental margin carbon fluxes. In: The Changing Ocean Carbon Cycle: A midterm synthesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study, R.B. Hanson, H.W. Ducklow, & J.G. Field (Editors). pp. 187-239. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.