



  • 專長領域


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    • 2012- 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 助理教授
    • 2012- 美國卡內基研究院地磁系 訪問研究員
    • 2009-2011 美國卡內基研究院地磁系 博士後研究
    • 2003-2009 美國麻省理工學院地球、大氣與行星科學系  博士
    • 1998-2000 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 碩士
    • 1994-1998 國立中央大學地球科學系 學士

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  • Chen, C.-W., C.-F. Huang, S. Hautmann, I. S. Sacks, A. T. Linde, and T. Taira (2018) Resonance oscillations of the Soufriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat, WI) magmatic system induced by forced magma flow from the reservoir into the upper plumbing dike. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 350, 7-17.
  • Chen, C.-W., C.-F. Huang, C.-W. Lin, and B.-Y. Kuo (2017) Hydroacoustic ray theory-based modeling of T wave propagation in the deep ocean basin offshore eastern Taiwan, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(10), 4799–4805.
  • Tong, P., D. Komatitsch, T. L. Tseng, S. H. Hung, C. -W. Chen, P. Basini, and Q. Y. Liu (2014) 3-D spectral-element and frequency-wave number hybrid method for high-resolution seismic array imaging. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(20), 7025-7034.
  • Tong, P., C. -W. Chen, D. Komatitsch, P. Basini, and Q. Y. Liu (2014) High-resolution seismic array imaging based on an SEM-FK hybrid method. Geophysical Journal International, 197(1), 369-395.
  • Chen, C.-W.*, D. E. James, M. J. Fouch, and L. S. Wagner (2013) Lithospheric structure beneath the High Lava Plains, Oregon, imaged by scattered teleseismic waves. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14(11), 4835-4848.
  • Chen, C.-W., D. E. Miller, H. A. Djikpesse, J. B. U. Haldorsen, and S. Rondenay (2010) Array-conditioned deconvolution of multiple component teleseismic recordings. Geophysical Journal International, 182, 967-976.
  • Ruigrok, E., J. van der Neut, H. Djikpesse, C.-W. Chen, and K. Wapenaar (2010) 6.A feasibility study for the application of seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution for lithospheric-scale imaging. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12, 9370.
  • Chen, C.-W., S. Rondenay, Rob. L. Evans, and D. B. Snyder (2009) Geophysical detection of relict metasomatism from an Archean (~ 3.5 Ga) subduction zone. Science, 326, 1089-1091.
  • Chen, C.-W., S. Rondenay, D. S. Weeraratne, and D. B. Snyder (2007) New constraints on the upper mantle structure of the Slave craton from Rayleigh wave inversion, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L10301, doi:10.1029/2007GL029535.
  • Rondenay, S., D.B. Snyder, C.-W. Chen, K.M. Straub, C.-G. Bank, and M.G. Bostock (2006) Insight into the assembly and evolution of the Slave craton from teleseismic data analyses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(18), A539.
  • Kuo, B.-Y., and C.-W. Chen (2005) A seismological determination of the temperature gradient in D” beneath the western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(B5), B05304, doi:10.1029/2004JB003291.