



  • 專長領域


  • 學經歷

    • 1985/08- 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所物理組 教授
    • 1982/08-1985/07 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所物理組 副教授
    • 1979/08-1982/08 美國國家海洋與大氣署 客座科學家
    • 1972/09-1979/08 美國華盛頓大學海洋學系 副研究員
    • 1972/09-1979/08 美國華盛頓大學海洋學 博士
    • 1971/09-1972/08 美國匹茲堡大學物理所 碩士
    • 1966/09-1970/06 國立清華大學物理系 學士

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  • 研究室

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A. 期刊論文

  • Chen, H. W., C.-T. Liu*, T. Matsuno, K. Ichikawa, K. Fukudome, Y. Yang, D. J. Doong, and W. L. Tsai (2016) Temporal variations of volume transport through the Taiwan Strait, as identified by three-year measurements. Continental Shelf Research, 114, 41-53.
  • Ichikawa, K.*, W. C. Yang, A. Morimoto, Y. Yoshikawa, S. Sugitani, W. S. Chiang, J. W. Lai, E. Y. Liang, C.-T. Liu, C. W. Lee, K. Yufu, M. Kyushima, S. Fujii, T. Senju, and Y. Ide (2013) Preliminary Results of the Japan-Taiwan Joint Survey on Combining Ocean Radar Data in the Kuroshio Upstream Region, Ocean Science Journal, 48(1), 141-148.
  • Naokazu, T., C. F. Huang*, K. Arata, C.-T. Liu, M. H. Bruce, Y. H. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Lin, X. H. Zhu, and G. Noriaki (2013) Measuring the Kuroshio Current with ocean acoustic tomography. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(4), 3272–3281.
  • Chen, G. Y.*, Liu, C. T., Wang, Y. H., Hsu, M. K., (2011) Interaction and generation of long-crested internal solitary waves in the South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research –OCEANS, 116(C6), C06013.
  • Chen, G. Y., Su, F. C.*, Wang, C. M., Liu, C. T., Tseng, R. S., (2011) Derivation of internal solitary wave amplitude in the South China Sea deep basin from satellite images. Journal of Oceanography, 67(6), 689-697.
  • You, Y., T. Sanford, Liu, C. T., (2010) Climate Monitoring of the Indonesian Throughflow. EOS, (91)2, January 12, 2010.
  • You, Y., T. Sanford, C.-T. Liu, P. Sigray, M. Koga, W. Pandoe, J. H. Lee, N. Palshin, Z. Szuts, and K. Taira (2009) The First PACSWIN Submarine Cable Workshop. CLIVAR Exchange, 14(4), 11-13.
  • Chang, Y. C., R. S. Tseng*,and C.-T. Liu (2008) Evaluation of tidal removal method using phase average technique from ADCP surveys along the Peng-hu Channel in the Taiwan Strait. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 19 (4), 433-443.
  • Chao, Y. H., M. K. Hsu, H. W. Chen, Y. H. Wang, G. Y. Chen, and C.-T. Liu* (2008) Sieving nonlinear internal waves through path prediction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(21), 6391-6402.
  • Penaflor, E.L.*, C.L. Villanoy, and C.-T. Liu, et al. (2007) Detection of monsoonal phytoplankton blooms in Luzon Strait with MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 109(4), 443-450.
  • Shyu, C. Z., Liu, C. T., Chen, M. P. (2007)中菲海洋科技交流之現況與未來發展的評估, 科學發展月刊, 21(4), 344-356.
  • Klymak, J. M.*, R. Pinkel, C.-T. Liu, A. K. Liu, and L. David (2006) Prototypical solitons in the South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L11607, doi:10.1029/2006GL025932
  • 劉倬騰、粘慶熙、陳建銘 (2006) 地球同步衛星海面溫度的日變化。航測及遙測學刊,1(3),237-247。
  • Liu, C. T., R. Pinkel, M. K. Hsu, J. M. Klymak, H. W. Chen, and C. Villanoy (2006) Non-linear Internal Waves from Luzon Strait, EOS, 87(42), 449-451.
  • Liu, C.-T.*, D.-W. Walnd, Y. C. Yuan, K. Momoki, H.-W. Chen and Y. Yang (2006) Time-Space Average Method to derive Residual Current Velocity Field from Ship-board ADCP Measurements. Journal of Oceanography (submitted, 2006/4/17)
  • You, Y. Z.*, C.-S. Chern, Y. Yang, C.-T. Liu, K.-K. Liu and S.-C. Pai (2005) The South China Sea, a cul-de-sac of North Pacific Intermediate Water. Journal of Oceanography, Western Boundary Currents Special Section, 61(3) 509-527.
  • 粘慶熙、劉倬騰* (2004) 利用衛星遙測海面高度及海面溫度估算熱帶太平洋上層海洋熱含量異常及混合層厚度。航測及遙測學刊,第九卷,第一期,01-12。
  • Liu, Y. G.*, Y. C. Yuan, C.-T. Liu and H. Chen (2004) Measurement of the current and spectra analysis on the continental shelf in the East China Sea in June 1999. Acta Oceanologica Sinica -English Edition, 23(2), 201-212.
  • Yang, Y., and *C.-T. Liu (2003) Uncertainty reduction of estimated geostrophic volume transports with altimeter observations east of Taiwan. Journal of Oceanography, 59, 251-257.
  • C.-T. Arthur Chen*, C.-T. Liu, W. S. Chuang, Y. C. Yang, F.-K. Shiah, T. Y. Tang, and S. W. Chung (2003) Enhanced Buoyancy and hence Upwelling of Subsurface Kuroshio Waters after a Typhoon in the Southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 42, 65-79.
  • 劉勇剛*、袁耀初、劉倬騰、陳 洪 (2002) 1996年6月東海陸架海流觀測與譜分析。海洋學報,24(Supp.1),53-62。
  • Johns, W. E.*, T. N. Lee, D. X. Zhang, R. Zantopp, C.-T. Liu, Y. Yang (2001) The Kuroshio East of Taiwan: Moored Transport Observations from the WOCE PCM-1 Array. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(4), 1031-1053.
  • Zhang, D. X.*, T. N. Lee, and W. E. Johns, C.-T. Liu, and R. Zantopp (2001) The Kuroshio East of Taiwan: Modes of Variability and Relationship to Interior Ocean Meso-scale Eddies. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31(4), 1054-1074.
  • Yang, Y. *C.-T. Liu, T. N. Lee, W. Johns, H.-W. Li and M. Koga (2001) Sea Surface Slope as the Estimator of the Kuroshio Volume Transport East of Taiwan. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(12), 2461-2464.
  • Lee, T. N.*, W. E. Johns, C.-T. Liu, D. X. Zhang, R. Zantopp and Y. Yang (2001) Mean transport and seasonal cycle of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan with comparison to the Florida Current. Journal of Geophysical Research, 16(C10), 22143-22158.

B. 專書及專章論文

  • Antony K. Liu, Chung-Ru Ho and C.-T. Liu [editors], (2008) Satellite Remote Sensing of South China Sea, Taipei, Taiwan : Tingmao Publish Co., Total pages:312.
  • Liu, C.T. (2007) ROC WOCE Newsletter No.1.
  • Liu, C.T., Pai, S. C.,Liu, K. K. (2007) Data Report of CHIPS-1, National Taiwan University.
  • Liu, C.T., Pai, S. C.,Liu, K. K. (2007) Data Report of CHIPS-2, the Second Cruise (1989/9) for the Cooperative Hydrographic Investigation of the Philippine Sea, National Taiwan University.
  • Liu, C.-T.*, C.-H. Nan, C.-R. Ho, N.-J. Kuo M.-K. Hsu, and R.-S. Tseng (2004) Application of Satellite Remote Sensing on the Tuna Fishery of Eastern Tropical Pacific. C. Hwang, C. K. Shum and J. C. Li: Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 126, 175-182, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Yang, Y., *C.-T. Liu, T. N. Lee and W. E. Johns (2004) Geostrophic uncertainty and anomalous current structure in association with mesoscale eddies delineated by altimeter observations east of Taiwan. In: Satellite Altimetry for Geodesy, Geophysics and Oceanography, p. 205-211, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Vol. 126, C. Hwang, C. K. Shum and J. Li (Eds.), 280 p., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Khu, Nguyen Phi and C.-T. Liu, Editors(2002) Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop of OMISAR (WOM-9), held in NCST/IAM, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, November 1-3, 2002
  • Liu, C.-T., Editor (2000) Proceedings of the Third Workshop of OMISAR (WOM-95) on the Modeling of Marine Ecosystem, held in Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 2001
  • Liu, C.-T., Editor (2001) Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop of OMISAR (WOM-95) on the Small Satellite Station Technology, held in National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, November, 2001