




  • 專長領域

    地球物理探勘、震測資料處理、 海洋地質與地球物理、板塊構造

  • 學經歷

    • 2014- 國立臺灣大學海洋中心 執行長
    • 2003-2006 國家海洋科學研究中心 主任
    • 2002-2003 國家海洋科學研究中心 副主任
    • 2001 美國地質調查所 訪問學者
    • 1999 美國地質調查所 訪問學者
    • 1996-1999 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所海洋地質及地球物理組 主任
    • 1988-1994 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 副教授
    • 1985-1988 美國標準石油公司 地球物理研究員
    • 1983-1985 美國康乃爾大學 博士後
    • 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校斯克里普斯海洋研究所 博士
    • 國立中央大學物理系地球物理組 學士


    • 2006-present 中華民國地球物理學會 理事及監事
    • 2004-2009 國際海洋研究會中華民國委員會 主席
    • 2003-present 中華民國地球科學學會 理事及監事
    • 2004-2005 總統府科技諮詢委員會 委員
    • 2001-2006, 2009-2011 中華民國地質學會 理事
    • 1999-2006, 2010-2014 臺法海洋地球科學合作 協調人

  • 榮譽


A. Journals Papers

  • Li, Y., Z.W. Ye, M. -C. Lai, C. -S. Liu, C. K. Paull, S. Lin, S. -J. Lai, Y. -T. You, S. -Y. Wu, C. -C. Hung, J. -Y. Ding, C. -J. Shih, Y. -C. Wu, J.J. Zhao, W.C. Xiao, C. -H. Wu, G.W. Dong, H.Y. Zhang, W.L. Qiu, S. Wang, S. -C. Chen (2024) Microbial Communities in and Around the Siboglinid Tubeworms from the South Yungan East Ridge Cold Seep Offshore Southwestern Taiwan at the Northern South China Sea. Microorganisms, 12(12), 2452.
  • Shan, X., R. W. Dalrymple, X.F. Shi, S.Q. Qiao, C.G. Liu, Z.Q. Yao, L.N. Jin, Q.F. Hua, H. Feng, S. Liu, S.H. Liu, C. -S. Liu, P. Liu (2024) Taiwan Strait: An ocean-current-dominated shallow-water setting with a river-fed detached muddy contourite deposit. Sedimentology, DOI10.1111/sed.13238.
  • Chen, T. -T., H. -H. Hsu, C. -C. Su, C. -S. Liu, YS. Wang, S. -C. Chen, E. T. Y. Chang, F. -H. Hsu, L. -F. Lin, J. -H. Chang, J. -N. Wu, T. -W. Hsu, S. -F. Wu (2023) Hydrothermal characteristics of the Mienhua submarine volcano in the southernmost Okinawa trough. Marine Geophysical Research, 44(2), 10.
  • Chen, T. -T., C.-F. Huang, C. C. Su, C. -S., Liu, S. -T., Hsu, J. -Y. Liu (2022) Application of acoustic classification in different sedimentary environments: A case study of the Gaoping slope in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105347.
  • Deffontaines, B., K. J. Chang, P. C. Huang, H. H. Hsu, S. K . Hsu, C. S. Liu, C. T. Lee, S. Magalhaes, G. Fortunato (2022) Neotectonics of the volcanic Kuei-Shan Tao island, and geodynamic implications (NE Taiwan-SW Okinawa Trough). Tectonophysics, 832, 229362.
  • Kunath, P., W. C. Chi, C. Berndt, C. S. Liu (2021) A Rapid Numerical Method to Constrain 2D Focused Fluid Flow Rates Along Convergent Margins Using Dense BSR-Based Temperature Field Data. Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth, 126(7), e2021JB021668.
  • Das, P., A. T. S. Lin, M. P. P. Chen, E. Miramontes, C. S. Liu, N. W Huang, J. Kung, S. K. Hsu, R. K. Pillutla, K. Nayak (2021) Deep-sea submarine erosion by the Kuroshio Current in the Manila accretionary prism, offshore Southern Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 807, 22813.
  • Hsu, H.-H., C. S. Liu, T. T. Chen, H. T. Hung (2021) Stratigraphic framework and sediment wave fields associated with canyon-levee systems in the Huatung Basin offshore Taiwan Orogen. Marine Geology, 433, 106408.
  • Chang, J. H., E. Y. C. Yang, H. H. Hsu, T. T. Chen, C. S. Liu, S. D. Chiu (2021) Igneous Activity and Structural Development of the Mianhua Terrace, Offshore North Taiwan. Minerals, 11(3), 303.
  • Chen, L., H. T. Chiang, J. N. Wu, L.-Y. Chiao, C. T. Shyu, C. S. Liu, Y. S. E. Wang, S. C. Chen, (2020) The focus thermal study around the spreading center of southwestern Okinawa trough. Tectonophysics, 796, 228649.
  • Kunath, P., W. C. Chi, C. Berndt, L. W. Chen, C. S. Liu, D. Klaschen, S. Muff (2020) A Shallow Seabed Dynamic Gas Hydrate System off SW Taiwan: Results From 3-D Seismic, Thermal, and Fluid Migration Analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125(11), e2019JB019245-T.
  • Chen, T. T., C. K. Paull, C. S. Liu, I. Klaucke, H. H. Hsu, C. C. Su, R. Gwiazda, D. W. Caress (2020) Discovery of numerous pingos and comet-shaped depressions offshore southwestern Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters, 40(4), 407-421. SI. Hsu, H. H., L. F. Lin, C. S. Liu, J. H. Chang, W. Z. Liao, T. T. Chen, K. H. Chao, S. L. Lin, H. S. Hsieh, S. C. Chen (2019) Pseudo-3D seismic imaging of Geolin Mounds hydrothermal field in the Southern Okinawa Trough offshore NE Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 705-716. Lin, L. F., H. H. Hsu, C. S. Liu, K. H. Chao, C. C. Ko, S. D. Chiu, H. S. Hsieh, Y. F. Ma, and S. C. Chen (2019) Marine 3D seismic volumes from 2D seismic survey with large streamer feathering. Marine Geophysical Research, 40(4), 619-633. SI.
  • Wu, J.N., H.T. Chiang, L.-Y. Chiao, C.T. Shyu, C.S. Liu, Y.S. Wang, and S.C. Chen (2019) Revisiting the data reduction of seafloor heat-flow measurement: The example of mapping hydrothermal venting site around Yonaguni Knoll IV in the South Okinawa Trough. Tectonophysics, 767, UNSP 228159.
  • Berndt, C., W.C. Chi, M. Jegen, E. Lebas, G. Crutchley, S. Muff, S. Holz, M. Sommer, S. Lin, C.S. Liu, A.T. Lin, D. Klaeschen, I. Klaucke, L. Chen, H.H. Hsu, P. Kunath, J. Elger, K.D. McIntosh, and T. Feseker, (2019) Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution Off SW Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 1164-1184.
  • Hsu, H.H., C.S. Liu, S. Morita, S.L. Tu, S. Lin, H. Machiyama, W. Azuma, C.Y. Ku, and S.C. Chen (2018) Seismic imaging of the Formosa Ridge cold seep site offshore of southwestern Taiwan. Marine Geophysical Research, 39 (4), 523-535.
  • Huang, C.Y., W.H. Chen, M.H. Wang, C.T. Lin, S.X. Yang, X.J. Li, M.M. Yu, X.X. Zhao, K.M. Yang, C.S. Liu, Y.H. Hsieh, and R. Harris (2018) Juxtaposed sequence stratigraphy, temporal-spatial variations of sedimentation and development of modern-forming forearc Lichi Melange in North Luzon Trough forearc basin onshore and offshore eastern Taiwan: An overview. Earth-Science Reviews, 182, 102-140.
  • Sahoo, S.K., W.C. Chi, W.C. Han, L.W. Chen, C.S. Liu and Y.S. Wang (2018) Estimating the composition of gas hydrate using 3D seismic data from Penghu Canyon, offshore Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29 (2), 105-115.
  • Chen, S.C., C.H. Tsai, S.K. Hsu, Y.C. Yeh, C.S. Liu, S.H. Chung and C.Y. Wei, (2018) Fangliao Slide – a large slope failure in the upper Kaoping Slope off southwest Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29 (1), 17-30.
  • Han, W.C., C.S. Liu, W.C. Chi, L.W. Chen, C.C. Lin, and S.C. Chen (2017) Westward advance of the deformation front and evolution of submarine canyons offshore of southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 6-19.
  • Hsu, H.H., C.S. Liu, Y.T. Chang, J.H. Chang, C.C. Ko, S.D. Chiu and S.C. Chen (2017) Diapiric activities and intraslope basin development offshore of SW Taiwan: A case study of the Lower Fangliao Basin gas hydrate prospect. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 145-159.
  • Chen, N.C., T.F. Yang, W.L. Hong, H.W. Chen, H.C. Chen, C.Y. Hu, Y.C. Huang, S. Lin, L.H. Lin, C.C. Su, W.Z. Liao, C.H. Sun, P.L. Wang, T. Yang, S.Y. Jiang, C.S. Liu, Y.S. Wang, and S.H. Chung (2017) Production, consumption, and migration of methane in accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (8), 2970-2989.
  • Chang, J.H., H.H. Hsieh, A. Mirza, S.P. Chang, H.H. Hsu, C.S. Liu, C.C. Su, S.D. Chiu, Y.F. Ma, Y.H. Chiu, H.T. Hung, Y.C. Lin, and C.H. Chiu (2017) Crustal structure north of the Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), southern margin of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 142, 119-133.
  • Chang, J.H., H.H. Hsu, C.S. Liu, T.Y. Lee, S.D. Chiu, C.C. Su, Y.F. Ma, Y.H. Chiu, H.T. Hung, Y.C. Lin, and C.H. Chiu (2017) Seismic sequence stratigraphic analysis of the carbonate platform, north offshore Taiping Island, Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea. Tectonophysics, 702, 70-81.
  • Hsu, H.H., C.S. Liu, J.H. Chang, Y.T. Tsai, and S.D. Chiu (2016) The suppression of coherent noise from another airgun source in marine multi-channel seismic data. Marine Geophysical Research, 37(4), 257-268.
  • Deffontaines, B., C.S. Liu, and H.H. Hsu (2016) Structure and deformation of the Southern Taiwan accr etionary prism: The active submarine Fangliao Fault Zone offshore west Hengchun Peninsula. Tectonophysics, 692, 227-240.
  • Zhong, G.F., H.L. Zeng, S.G. Wu, C.-S. Liu, W.L. Zhu, S.X. Yang, X.N. Xie, and H.B. Song (2016) Introduction to special section: The South China Sea deep-water: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and resources. Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 4 (3), 10.1190/INT-2016-0613-SPSEINTRO.
  • Liao, W.Z. A.T. Lin, C.-S. Liu, J.N. Oung, and Y.S. Wang (2016) A study on tectonic and sedimentary development in the rifted northern continental margin of the South China Sea near Taiwan. Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 4 (3), SP47-SP65; 10.1190/INT-2015-0209
  • Van Avendonk, H.J.A., K.D. McIntosh, H. Kuo-Chen, L.L. Lavier, D.A. Okaya, F.T. Wu, C.Y. Wang, C.S. Lee, and C.-S. Liu (2016) A lithospheric profile across northern Taiwan: from arc-continent collision to extension, Geophysical Journal International, 204 (1), 331-346.
  • Wang, T.K., T.R. Chen, J.M. Deng, C.-S. Liu, and S.C. Chen (2015) Velocity structures imaged from long-offset reflection data and four-component OBS data at Jiulong Methane Reef in the northern South China Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 68(A), 206-218.
  • Chang, J.H., H.H. Hsu, C.-C. Su, C.-S. Liu, H.T. Hung, and S.D. Chiu (2015) Tectono-sedimentary control on modern sand deposition on the forebulge of the Western Taiwan Foreland Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66(4), 970-977.
  • Chang, J.H., T.Y. Lee, H.H. Hsu, and C.-S. Liu (2015) Comment on Barckhausen et al., 2014-Evolution of the South China Sea: Revised ages for breakup and seafloor spreading, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 59, 676-678.
  • Chiu, L.Y.S., A. Chang, Y.T. Lin, and C.-S. Liu (2015) Estimating Geoacoustic Properties of Surficial Sediments in the North Mien-Hua Canyon Region With a Chirp Sonar Profiler, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 40(1), 222-236.
  • K. McIntosh, L. Lavier, H. van Avendonk, R. Lester, D. Eakin, and C.-S. Liu (2014) Crustal structure and inferred rifting processes in the northeast South China Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 58(B), 612-626.
  • Van Avendonk, H.J.A., H. Kuo-Chen, K.D. McIntosh, L.L. Lavier, D.A. Okaya, F.T. Wu, C.Y. Wang, C.S. Lee, and C.-S. Liu (2014) Deep crustal structure of an arc-continent collision: Constraints from seismic traveltimes in central Taiwan and the Philippine Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 119(11), 8397-8416.
  • Deng, J.M., T.K. Wang, T.R. Chen, C.S. Lee, and C.-S. Liu (2014) Crustal Velocity Structures Imaged from Four-Component OBS Data Across the Southern Gagua Ridge in the Western Philippine Sea, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 25(6), 755-773. .
  • Chi, W.-C., L. Chen, C.-S. Liu, and M. Brookfield (2014) Development of arc-continent collision melanges: Linking onshore geological and offshore geophysical observations of the Pliocene Lichi Melange, southern Taiwan and northern Luzon arc, western Pacific, Tectonophysics, 636, 70-82.
  • Chen, S.C., S.K. Hsu, Y. Wang, S.H. Chung, P.C. Chen, C.H. Tsai, C.-S. Liu, H.S. Lin, and Y.W. Lee, (2014) Distribution and characters of the mud diapirs and mud volcanoes off southwest Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92(SI), 201-214.
  • Cheng, W.B., T.Y. Shih, W.Y. Lin, T.K. Wang, C.-S. Liu, and Y. Wang (2014) Imaging seismic velocities for hydrate-bearing sediments using converted waves near Yuan-An Ridge, off southwest Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92(SI), 215-223.
  • Liao, W.Z., A.T. Lin, C.-S. Liu, J.N. Oung, and Y.S. Wang (2014) Heat flow in the rifted continental margin of the South China Sea near Taiwan and its tectonic implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92(SI), 233-244.
  • Chen, L.W., W.C. Chi, S.K. Wu, C.-S. Liu, C.T. Shyu, Y.S. Wang, and C.Y. Lu, (2014) Two dimensional fluid flow models at two gas hydrate sites offshore southwestern Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92(SI), 245-253.
  • R. Lester., H.J.A. Van Avendonk, K. McIntosh, L. Lavier, C.-S. Liu , T.K. Wang, and F. Wu (2014) Rifting and magmatism in the northeastern South China Sea from wide-angle tomography and seismic reflection imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 119(3), 2305-2323.
  • Eakin, D.H., K.D. McIntosh, H.J.A. Van Avendonk, , L. Lavier, R. Lester, C.-S. Liu, and C.S. Lee (2014) Crustal-scale seismic profiles across the Manila subduction zone: The transition from intraoceanic subduction to incipient collision, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 119(1), 1-17.
  • Lin, C.C., A.T.S. Lin, C.-S. C.-S. Liu Horng, G.Y. Chen, and Y.S. Wang (2014) Canyon-infilling and gas hydrate occurrences in the frontal fold of the offshore accretionary wedge off southern Taiwan, Marine Geophysical Research, 35(1), 21-35.
  • Lester, R., K. McIntosh , H.J.A. Van Avendonk, L. Lavier, C.-S. Liu, and T.K. Wang (2013) Crustal accretion in the Manila trench accretionary wedge at the transition from subduction to mountain-building in Taiwan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 375, 430-440.
  • McIntosh, K., H.J.A. van Avendonk, L. Lavier, W.R. Lester, D. Eakin, F. Wu, C.-S. Liu, and C.S. Lee (2013) Inversion of a hyper-extended rifted margin in the southern Central Range of Taiwan, Geology, 41(8), 871-874.
  • Hsu, H.H., C.-S. Liu, H.-S. Yu, J.H. Chang, and S.C. Chen (2013) Sediment dispersal and accumulation in tectonic accommodation across the Gaoping Slope, offshore Southwestern Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 69, SI, 26-38.
  • Chang, J.H., H.-S. Yu, T.Y. Lee, H.H. Hsu, C.-S. Liu, and Y.T. Tsai (2012) Characteristics of the outer rise seaward of the Manila Trench and implications in Taiwan-Luzon convergent belt, South China Sea, Marine Geophysical Researches, 33(4), SI, 351-367.
  • Chang, J.H., H.-S. Yu, H.H. Hsu, and C.-S. Liu (2012) Forebulge migration in late Cenozoic Western Taiwan Foreland Basin, Tectonophysics, 578, SI, 117-125.
  • Chen, L.W., W.C. Chi, C.-S. Liu, C.T. Shyu, , Y. Wang, and C.Y. Lu (2012) Deriving regional vertical fluid migration rates offshore southwestern Taiwan using bottom-simulating reflectors, Marine Geophysical Researches, 33(4), SI, 379-388.
  • Deng, J.M., T.K. Wang, B.J. Yang, C.S. Lee, C.-S. Liu, and S.C. Chen, (2012) Crustal velocity structure off SW Taiwan in the northernmost South China Sea imaged from TAIGER OBS and MCS data, Marine Geophysical Researches, 33(4), SI, 327-349.
  • McIntosh, K.D., C.-S. Liu, and C.S. Lee (2012) Introduction to the TAIGER special issue of Marine Geophysical Research, Marine Geophysical Researches, 33(4), SI, 285-287.
  • Tseng, Y.T., J.J. Ding, and C.-S. Liu (2012) Analysis of Attenuation Measurements in Ocean Sediments Using Normal Incidence Chirp Sonar, IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING, 37(3), 533-543.
  • Xu, K., A.C. Li, J.P. Liu, J.D. Milliman, Z.S. Yang, C.-S. Liu, S.J. Kao, S.M. Wan, and F.J. Xu (2012) Provenance, structure, and formation of the mud wedge along inner continental shelf of the East China Sea: A synthesis of the Yangtze dispersal system, Marine Geology, 291, 176-191.
  • Yeh, Y.C., S.K. Hsu, W.B. Doo, J.C. Sibuet, C.-S. Liu, and C.S. Lee (2012) Crustal features of the northeastern South China Sea: insights from seismic and magnetic interpretations, Marine Geophysical Researches, 33(4), SI, 307-326.
  • Lim, Y.C., S. Lin, T.F. Yang, Y.G. Chen, and C.-S. Liu (2011) Variations of methane induced pyrite formation in the accretionary wedge sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1829-1837.
  • Schnuerle, P., and C.-S. Liu (2011) Numerical modeling of gas hydrate emplacements in oceanic sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1856-1869.
  • Schnuerle, P., C.-S. Liu, A.T. Lin, and S. Lin (2011) Structural controls on the formation of BSR over a diapiric anticline from a dense MCS survey offshore southwestern Taiwan, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1932-1942.
  • Huh, C.A., W.F. Chen, F.H. Hsu, C.-C. Su, J.K. Chiu, S. Lin, C.-S. Liu, and B.J. Huang (2011) Modern (< 100 years) sedimentation in the Taiwan Strait: Rates and source-to-sink pathways elucidated from radionuclides and particle size disttibution, Continental Shelf Research, 31(1), 47-63.
  • Cheng, W.B., S. Lin, T.K. Wang, C.S. Lee, and C.-S. Liu (2010) Velocity structure and gas hydrate saturation estimation on active margin off SW Taiwan inferred from seismic tomography, Marine Geophysical Researches, 31(1-2), Sp. Iss. SI .77-87.
  • T.K. Wang, B.J. Yang, J.M. Deng, C.S. Lee, and C.-S. Liu (2010) Seismic imaging of gas hydrates in the northernmost South China sea, Marine Geophysical Researches, 31(1-2), 59-76.
  • Yeh, Y.C., J.C. Sibuet, S.K. Hsu, and C.-S. Liu (2010) Tectonic evolution of the Northeastern South China Sea from seismic interpretation, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 115(6), B06103.
  • Lin, C.C., A.T.S. Lin, C.-S. Liu, G.Y. Chen, W.Z. Liao, and P. Schnurle (2009) Geological controls on BSR occurrences in the incipient arc-continent collision zone off southwest Taiwan, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26(7), 1118-1131.
  • Kuo, B.Y., W.C. Chi, C.R. Lin, E.T.Y. Chang, J. Collins, and C.-S. Liu (2009) Two-station measurement of Rayleigh-wave phase velocities for the Huatung basin, the westernmost Philippine Sea, with OBS: implications for regional tectonics, Geophysical Journal International, 179(3),1859-1869.
  • Hirtzel, J., W.C. Chi, D. Reed, L. Chen, C.-S. Liu, and N. Lundberg, (2009) Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc-continent collision. Tectonophysics, 479, 43-51.
  • Lin, A.T., B. Yao, S.K. Hsu, C.-S. Liu, C.Y. Huang (2009) Tectonic features of the incipient arc-continent collision zone of Taiwan: implications for seismicity. Tectonophysics, 479, 28-42.
  • Liu, J.P., C.-S. Liu, K.H. Xu, J.D. Milliman, J.K. Chiu, S.J. Kao, and S. Lin (2008) Flux and fate of small mountainous rivers derived sediments into the Taiwan Strait, Marine Geology, 256(1-4), 65-76.
  • Chiu, J.K., and C.-S. Liu* (2008) Comparison of sedimentary processes on adjacent passive and active continental margins offshore of SW Taiwan based on echo character studies, Basin Research, 20(4), 503-518.
  • Lin A.T., C.-S. Liu, C.C. Lin, P. Schnurle, G.Y. Chen, W.Z. Liao, L.S. Teng, H.J. Chuang, and M.S. Wu (2008) Tectonic features associated with the overriding of an accretionary wedge on top of a rifted continental margin: An example from Taiwan, Marine Geology, 255(3-4), 186-203.
  • Lin, S., Y. Lim, C.-S. Liu, T.F. Yang, Y.G. Chen, H. Machiyama, W. Soh, and K. Fujikura (2007) Formosa Ridge, A cold seep with densely populated chemosynthetic community in the passive margin, southwest of Taiwan, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15), A582-A582 Suppl..(Abstract)
  • Milliman, J.D., S. Lin, S.J. Kao, J.P. Liu, C.-S. Liu, J.K. Chiu, and Y.C. Lin (2007) Short-term changes in seafloor character due to flood-derived hyperpycnal discharge: Typhoon Mindulle, Taiwan, July 2004, Geology, 35(9), 779-782.
  • Shyu, C.T., Y.J. Chen, S.T. Chiang, and C.-S. Liu (2006) Heat flow measurements over bottom simulating reflectors, offshore southwestern Taiwan, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 845-869.
  • Schnurle, P., C.-S. Liu, and C.S. Lee, (2006) Acoustic and shear-wave velocities in hydrate-bearing sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan: Tomography, converted waves analysis and reverse-time migration of OBS records, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 757-779.
  • Riedel, M., P. Long, C.-S. Liu, P. Schnurle, T. Collett, and ODP Leg 204 Shipload Scientific Panty (2006) Physical Properties of near-surface scientists at southern Hydrate Ridge: south from ODP Leg 204. In Trehu, A.M., G. Bohrmann, M.E. Torres, and F.S. Colwell (eds.) Proc. ODP. Sci. Results, 204, 1-29.
  • Ramsey, L.A., N. Hovius, D. Lague, and C.-S. Liu (2006) Topographic characteristics of the submarine Taiwan orogen, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, F02009.
  • Liu, C.-S., P. Schnurle, Y. Wang, S.H. Chung, S.C. Chen, and T.H. Hsiuan (2006) Distribution and characters of gas hydrate offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 615-644.
  • Lin, S., W.C. Hsieh, Y.C. Lim, T.F. Yang, C.-S. Liu, and Y. Wang (2006) Methane Migration and its Influence on Sulfate Reduction in the Good Weather Ridge Region, South China Sea Continental Margin Sediments. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 883-902.
  • Chuang, P.C., T.F. Yang, S. Lin, H.F. Lee, T.F. Lan, W.L. Hong, C.-S. Liu, J.C. Chen, and Y. Wang (2006) Extremely high methane concentration in bottom water and cored sediments from offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 903-920.
  • Chiu, J.K., W.H. Tseng, and C.-S. Liu (2006) Distribution of gassy sediments and mud volcanoes offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 703-722.
  • Cheng, W.B., C.S. Lee, C.-S. Liu, P. Schnurle, P., S. Lin, and H.Z. Tsai (2006) Velocity structure in marine sediments with gas hydrate reflectors in offshore SW Taiwan, from OBS data tomography. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17(4), 739-756.
  • Shyu, J.B.H., K. Sieh, Y.G. Chen, and C.-S. Liu (2005) Neotectonic architecture of Taiwan and its implications for future large earthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 110(B8), B08402.
  • McIntosh, K., Y. Nakamura, T.K. Wang, and C.-S. Liu (2005) Crustal-scale seismic profiled across Taiwan and the western Philippine Sea, Tectonophysics, 401(1-2), 23-54.
  • Chi, W.C., D.L. Reed, G. Moore, , T. Nguyen, C.-S. Liu, and N. Lundberg (2003) Tectonic wedging along the rear of the offshore Taiwan accretionary prism. Tectonophysics, 374(3-4), 199-217.
  • Font, Y., H. Kao, C.-S. Liu, and L.-Y. Chiao (2003) A comprehensive 3D seismic velocity model for the eastern Taiwan-southernmost Ryukyu regions. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 14(2), 159-182.
  • Byrne, T., and C.-S. Liu (2002) Introduction to the geology and geophysics of Taiwan. In: Byrne, T. and C.-S. Liu, eds, Geology and Geophysics of an Arc-Continent Collision, Taiwan. Geol. Soc. Am. Special Paper 358, 1-4.
  • Sibuet, J.-C., S.-K. Hsu, X. Le Pichon, J.-P. Le Formal, D.L. Reed, G. Moore, and C.-S. Liu (2002) East Asia plate tectonics since 15 Ma: constraints from the Taiwan region. Tectonophysics, 344(1-2), 103-134.
  • Chang, C.P., J. Angelier, C.Y. Huang, and C.-S. Liu (2001) Structural evolution and significance of a mélange in a collision belt: the Lichi Mélange and the Taiwan arc-continent collision. Geological Magazin, 138, 633-651.
  • Chiao, L.-Y., H. Kao, S. Lallemand, and C.-S. Liu (2001) An alternative interpretation for slip vector residual of subduction interface earthquakes: a case study in the westernmost Ryukyu slab. Tectonophysics, 333(1-2), 123-134.
  • Chow, J., J.S. Lee, C.-S. Liu, B.D. Lee, and J.S.Watkins (2001) A submarine canyon as the cause of a mud volcano — Liuchieuyu Island in Taiwan. Maine Geology, 176(1-4), 55-63.
  • Deffontaines, B., C.-S. Liu, J. Angelier, C.-T. Lee, J.-C. Sibuet, Y.-B. Tsai, S. Lallemand, C.-Y. Lu, C.-S. Lee, S.-K. Hsu, H.-T. Chu, J.-C. Lee, E. Pathier, R.-F. Chen, C.-T. Cheng, C.-W. Liao, C.-C. Lin, and H.-S. Hsu (2001) Preliminary neotectonic map of onshore-offshore Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 12, Supplementary Issue, 339-349.
  • Font, Y., C.-S. Liu, P. Schnurle, and S. Lallemand (2001) Constraints on backstop geometry of the southwest Ryukyu subduction based on reflection seismic data. Tectonophysics, 333(1-2), 135-158.
  • Lallemand, S., C.-S. Liu, J. Angelier and Y.-B. Tsai (2001) Active subduction and collision in Southeast Asia. Tectonophysics, 333, 1-7.
  • Shyu, C.-T. and C.-S. Liu (2001) Heat flow of the southwestern end of the Okinawa Trough. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 12, Supplementary Issue, 305-317.
  • Wang, T.K., K. McIntosh, Y. Nakamura, C.-S. Liu, and H.W. Chen (2001) Velocity-interface structure of the southwestern Ryukyu subduction zone from EW9509-1 OBS/MCS data. Marine Geophysical Research, 22(4), 265-287.
  • Chow, J., J.S. Lee, R. Sun, C.-S. Liu and N. Lundberg (2000) Characteristics of the bottom simulating reflectors near mud diapirs: offshore southwestern Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letter, 20, 3-9.
  • Kao, H., G.C. Huang, and C.-S. Liu (2000) Transition from oblique subduction to collision in the northern Luzon arc-Taiwan region: Constrains from bathymetry and seismic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 3059-3079.
  • Lallemand, S., C.-S. Liu, S. Dominguez, P. Schnurle, J. Malavieille, and the ACT scientific crew (1999) Trench-parallel stretching and folding of forearc basins and lateral migration of the accretionary wedge in the southern Ryukyus: a case of strain partition caused by oblique convergence. Tectonics, 18(2), 231-247.
  • Schnurle, P., D.-H. Hsiuan, and C.-S. Liu (1999) Constrains on free gas and gas hydrate bearing sediments from multi-channel seismic data, offshore southwestern Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 33, 21-42.
  • Chi, W.C., D.L. Reed, C.-S. Liu and N. Lundberg (1998) Distribution of the bottom-simulating reflector in the offshore Taiwan collision zone. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9(4), 779-794.
  • Fuh, S.-C., and C.-S. Liu (1998) Evolution of the Southern Longitudinal Trough in the incipient Taiwan arc-continent collision zone and its tectonic implication. Journal of Geological Society of China, 41(4), 497-516.
  • Hsu, S.K., C.-S. Liu, C.T. Shyu, S.Y. Liu, J.C. Sibuet, S. Lallemand, C. Wang, and D. Reed (1998) New gravity and magnetic anomaly maps in the Taiwan-Luzon region and their preliminary interpretation. TAO, 9(3), 509-532.
  • Lallemand, S. and C.-S. Liu (1998) Geodynamic implications of present-day kinematics in the southern Ryukyus. J. Geol. Soc. China, 41(4), 551-564.
  • C.-S. Liu, S.Y. Liu, S.E. Lallemand, N. Lundberg , and D. Reed (1998) Digital elevation model offshore Taiwan and its tectonic implications. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9(4), 705-738.
  • SCI Schnurle, P., C.-S. Liu, S.E. Lallemand and D.L. Reed (1998) Structure insight in the south Ryukyu margin: effects of the subduction Gagua Ridge. Tectonophysics, 288, 237-250.
  • Schnurle, P., C.-S. Liu, S. Lallemand and D. Reed (1998) Structural controls of the Taitung Canyon in the Huatung Basin east of Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9(3), 453-472.
  • Shyu, C.T., S.-K. Hsu and C.-S. Liu (1998) Heat flows off southwest Taiwan: measurements over mud diapirs and estimated from bottom simulating reflectors. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9(4), 795-812.
  • Sibuet, J.-C., B. Deffontaines, S.K. Hsu, N. Thareau, J.-P. Le Formal, C.-S. Liu and the ACT party (1998) Okinawa Trough backarc basin: Early tectonic and magmatic evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 30245-30267.
  • Yeh, Y.H., R.C. Shih, C.H. Lin, C.C. Liu, H.Y. Yen, B.S. Huang, C.-S. Liu, P.Z. Chen, C.S. Huang, C.J. Wu and F.T. Wu (1998) Onshore/offshore wide-angle deep seismic profiling in Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 9(3), 301-316.

B. Specialized Book Chapters

  • Malavieille, J., S.E. Lallemand, S. Dominguez, A. Deschamps, C.-Y. Lu, C.-S. Liu, P. Schnurle, and the ACT scientific crew (2002) Arc-continent collision in Taiwan: New marine observations and geodynamic model. In: Byrne, T. and C.-S. Liu, eds, Geology and Geophysics of an Arc-Continent Collision, Taiwan. The Geological Socirty of America, Special Paper 358, 344, 189-213.
  • 劉家瑄 (2002) 台灣海域新生代的大地構造。 黃奇瑜編,二十世紀台灣地區地球科學研究之回顧與展望系列( 一 ):台灣的大地構造。 中國地質學會、中國地球物理學會聯合出版,1-47。
  • 劉家瑄 (1998) 岩石圈的地球物理。地球物理學概論,第九章。中國地球物理學會編印。

C. Other

  • 劉家瑄 (2003) 國際天然氣水合物研究的最新發展。礦冶,46(4),13-17。
  • 劉家瑄 (2002) 可燃燒的冰塊。科學月刊,386,156-165。
  • 劉家瑄 (2001) 海洋科學鑽探 — 成真的夢想。地球科學園地,17,2-9。
  • 劉家瑄 (2001) 內太空的探索 — 海洋科學鑽探。科學月刊,376,320-326。