
Koushik Garain

  • Supervisor:


  • 研究室

    R401 (漁科所)

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  • 研究專長:

    Empirical dynamic modelling, Early Warning Signals


  1. K. Garain: “Only mimic-species can survive when external noises are added in a ratio-dependent community dynamics model”, European Physical Journal Special Topics, 230, 3381-3387, 2021.
  2. K. Garain, P.S. Mandal: “Bifurcation analysis of a prey-predator model with Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response and Allee effect in prey”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30(16), 2050238, 2020.
  3. K. Garain, P.S. Mandal: “Bubbling and hydra effect in a population system with Allee effect”, Ecological Complexity, 47, 100939, 2021.
  4. K. Garain, P.S. Mandal: “Stochastic sensitivity analysis and early warning signals of critical transitions in a tri-stable prey-predator system with noise”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32(3), 033115, 2022.
  5. P.S. Mandal, K. Garain: “Critical transitions in a fish population model with Allee effect in predators”, European Physical Journal B, 95, 63, 2022.
  6. P. S. Mandal, U. Kumar, K. Garain, R. Sharma: “Allee effect can simplify the dynamics of a prey-predator model”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 63, 39-770, 2020.
  7. K. Garain, U. Kumar, P. S. Mandal: “Global Dynamics in a Beddington-DeAngelis Prey-Predator Model with Density Dependent Death Rate of Predator”, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 29, 265-283, 2019.
  8. K. Garain: “The impact of additive Allee effect in a population system”, Nonlinear Studies, 28(4), 1117-1131, 2021.
  9. K. Garain, K.P. Das, P.S. Mandal, S. Biswas: “Density dependent mortality and weak Allee effect control chaos-conclusion drawn from a tri-tropic food chain with prey refugia”, Nonlinear Studies, 27(2), 529-549, 2020.