Publications [Recent Five Years] (IF: Impact Factor, *: Corresponding author, #: First author)
(A) Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter
- Marian Y. Hu and Tseng. Y. C.# “Acid–Base Regulation and Ammonia Excretion in Cephalopods: An Ontogenetic Overview.” Acid-Base Balance and Nitrogen Excretion in Invertebrates. Springer International Publishing, 2017. (pp. 275-298). (Corresponding author)
(B) Peer-Reviewed Publications (International Journal)
- Wang, M. C., Hsu, M. T., Lin, C. C., Hsu, S. C., Chen, R. D., Lee, L. R., Chou, Y, L., Tseng H. P., Furukawa, F., Hwang, S. P. L., Hwang P. P., Tseng. Y. C.# (2022) Adaptive metabolic provision in a thermostabilized system: those transgenerational trade-off implications from tropical tilapia. Sci Total Environ, 806, 150672. (Environmental Sciences; Ranking: 25/274=9 %; IF:7.963)
- Quijada-Rodriguez, A. R., Kuan, P. L., Sung, P. H., Hsu, M. T., Allen, G. J. P., Hwang, P. P., Tseng, Y. C.#, Weihrauch, D. (2021) Anthropogenic CO2-mediated freshwater acidification limits survival, calcification, metabolism, and behaviour in stress-tolerant freshwater crustaceans. Biogeosciences, 18, 6287–6300. (Equal Corresponding) (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Ranking: 41/200=21%; IF:4.295)
- Guh, Y. J., Tseng, Y. C.#, Shao, Y. T. (2021) To cope with a changing aquatic soundscape: neuroendocrine and antioxidant responses to chronic noise stress in fish. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 314, 113918. (invited review article) (Endocrinology & Metabolism; Ranking: 109/146=75%; IF:2.822)
- Allen, G. J. P., Wang, M. C., Tseng, Y. C., Weihrauch, D. (2021) Effects of emersion on acid-base regulation, osmoregulation, and nitrogen physiology in the semi-terrestrial mangrove crab, Helice formosensis. J Com Physiol B, 191(3), 455-468. (Zoology; Ranking: 48/175=27 %; IF: 2.2)
- Joe, J. T. X., Tseng, Y. C., Wu, J. L., Lu, M. W. (2021) The Alteration of Intestinal Microbiota Profile and Immune Response in Epinephelus coioides during Pathogen Infection. Life-Basel, 11(2), 99. (Biology; Ranking: 27/93=29 %; IF: 3.817)
- Hsu, P. J., Wang, H. D., Tseng, Y. C., Pan, S. W., Sampurna, B. P., Jong, Y. J., Yuh, C. H. (2021) l-Carnitine ameliorates congenital myopathy in a tropomyosin 3 de novo mutation transgenic zebrafish. J Biomed Sci, 28(1), 8. (Medicine, Research & Experimental; Ranking: 15/140=11%; IF: 8.41)
- Hayasaka, O., Anraku, K., Akamatsu, Y., Tseng, Y. C., Archdale, M. V., Kotani, T. (2021) Threshold and spectral sensitivity of vision in medaka Oryzias latipes determined by a novel template wave matching method. Comp Biochem Physiol A-Mol Integr Physiol, 251, 11808. (Zoology; Ranking: 37/175=21%; IF: 2.32)
- Huang, P. C., Liu, T. Y., Hu, M. Y., Casties, I., Tseng, Y. C.* (2020) Energy and nitrogenous waste from glutamate/glutamine catabolism facilitates acute osmotic adjustment in non-neuroectodermal branchial cells. Sci Rep, 10, 9460. (Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 17/71=24 %; IF: 3.998)
- Wang, M. C., Wang, Y. C., Peng. H. W., Hseu, J. R., Wu, G. C., Chang, C. F., Tseng. Y. C. * (2020) Resveratrol induces expression of metabolic and antioxidant machinery and protects tilapia under cold stress. Int J Mol Sci, 21, e3338. (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Ranking: 74/296=25 %; IF: 4.556)
- Allen, G. J. P., Kuan, P. L., Tseng, Y. C., Hwang, P. P., Quijada-Rodriguez, A. R., Weihrauch, D. (2020) Specialized adaptations allow vent-endemic crabs (Xenograpsus testudinatus) to thrive under extreme environmental hypercapnia. Sci Rep, 10, 11720. (Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 17/71=24 %; IF: 3.998)
- Huang, P. C., Liu, T. Y., Hu, M. Y., Casties, I., Tseng, Y. C.# (2020) Energy and nitrogenous waste from glutamate/glutamine catabolism facilitates acute osmotic adjustment in non-neuroectodermal branchial cells. Sci Rep, 10, 9460.
- Tseng, Y. C.., Yan, J. J., Furukawa, F., Hwang, P.P. (2020) Did acidic stress resistance in vertebrates evolve as Na+/H+ exchanger-mediated ammonia excretion in fish? Bioessays, 42, e1900161. Allen, G. J. P., Kuan, P. L., Tseng, Y. C., Hwang, P. P., Quijada-Rodriguez, A. R., Weihrauch, D. (2020) Specialized adaptations allow vent-endemic crabs (Xenograpsus testudinatus) to thrive under extreme environmental hypercapnia. Sci Rep, 10, 11720. Tseng, Y. C.#, Yan, J. J., Furukawa, F., Hwang, P. P. (2020) Did acidic stress resistance in vertebrates evolve as Na+/H+ exchanger-mediated ammonia excretion in fish? Bioessays, 42, e1900161. (Biology; Ranking: 12/92=13 %; IF: 4.627) Yan, J. J., Lee, Y. C., Chou, Y. L., Tseng, Y. C., Hwang, P. P. (2020) Insulin-like growth factor 1 regulates salt secretion machinery in fish under acute salinity stress. J Endocrinol., JOE-20-0053. (Endocrinology & Metabolism; Ranking: 37/143=26 %; IF: 4.041) Li, C. Y., Tseng, Y. C.#, Chen, Y. J., Yang, Y., Hsu, Y. (2020) Personality and physiological traits predict contest interactions in Kryptolebias marmoratus. Behav Processes, 173, 104079. (* Equal Contribution) (Zoology; Ranking: 42/168=25 %; IF: 1.846)
- Lee, H. G., Stumpp, M., Yan, J. J., Tseng, Y. C., Heinzel, S., Hu, M. Y. (2019) Tipping points of gastric pH regulation and energetics in the sea urchin larva exposed to CO2 induced seawater acidification. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, 234, 87-97. (Zoology; Ranking: 36/168=21 %; IF: 1.966)
- Shao, Y. T., Chang, S. Y., Chang, H. Y., Tseng, Y. C., Shao, K. T. (2018) Largescale mullet (Planiliza macrolepis) can recover from thermal pollution-induced malformations. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0208005. (Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 27/71=38 %; IF: 2.740)
- Narita, Y., Tsutiya, A., Nakano, Y., Ashitomi, M., Sato, K., Hosono, K., Kaneko, T., Chen, R. D., Lee, J. R., Tseng, T. C., Hwang, P. P., Otani-Kaneko, R. (2018) Androgen induced cellular proliferation, neurogenesis, and generation of GnRH3 neurons in the brain of mature female Mozambique tilapia. Sci Rep, 8, 16855. (Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 17/71=24 %; IF: 3.998)
- Shiao, J. C., Shirai, K., Tanaka, K., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Hsiao, S. Y., Lee, D. C., Tseng, Y. C. (2018) Assimilation of nitrogen and carbon isotopes from fish diets to otoliths as measured by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 32, 1250-1256. (Spectroscopy; Ranking: 15/42=36 %; IF: 2.200)
- Hu, M. Y., Tseng, Y. C., Su, Y. H., Lein, E., Lee, J. H., Dupont, S., Stumpp, M. (2017) Variability in larval gut pH regulation defines sensitivity to ocean acidification in six species of the Ambulacraria superphylum. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 287, 20171066. (Biology; Ranking: 11/92=12 %; IF: 4.637)
- Wei, C. A., Lin, T. H., Che, R. D., Tseng, Y. C., Shao, Y. T. (2017) The effects of continuously acoustical stress on cortisol in milkfish (Chanos chanos). Gen Comp Endocrinol, 257, 227-234. (Endocrinology & Metabolism; Ranking: 102/143=71 %; IF: 2.426)
- Hu, M. Y., Sung, P. H., Guh, Y. J., Lee, J. R., Hwang, P. P., Weihrauch, D., Tseng, Y. C.* (2017) Perfused gills reveal fundamental principles of pH regulation and ammonia homeostasis in the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris. Front Physiol, 8, 162. (Physiology; Ranking: 20/81=25 %; IF: 3.367: RCR: 0.66) (Corresponding author)
- Weaver, R., Hill, G. E., Kuan, P. L., Tseng, Y. C.* (2016) Copper exposure reduces production of red carotenoids in a marine copepod. Ecol Indic, 70, 393-400. (Environmental science; Ranking: 61/264=23 %; IF: 4.229)
- Hu, M. Y., Michael, K., Kreiss, C. M., Stumpp, M., Dupont, S, Tseng, Y. C., Lucassen, M. (2016) Temperature modulates the effects of ocean acidification on intestinal ion transport in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Front Physiol, 7, 198. (Physiology; Ranking: 20/81=25 %; IF: 3.367) (Corresponding author) Hu, M. Y., Guh, Y. J., Shao, Y. T., Kuan, P. L., Chen, G. L., Lee, J. R., Jeng, M. S., Tseng, Y. C.. (2016) Strong ion regulatory abilities enable the crab Xenograpsus testudinatus to inhabit highly acidified marine vent systems. Front Physiol, 7, 14. (Physiology; Ranking: 20/81=25 %; IF: 3.367; RCR: 0.66) (Corresponding author)
- Wang, Y. F., Yan, J. J., Tseng, Y. C., Chen, R. D., Hwang, P. P. (2015) Molecular physiology of an extra-renal Cl- uptake mechanism for body fluid Cl- homeostasis. Int J Biol Sci, 11(10), 1190-1203. (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Ranking: 74/296=25 %; IF: 4.556)
- Hu, M. Y., Hwang, P. P., Tseng, Y. C.* (2015) Recent advances in understanding trans-epithelial acid-base regulation and excretion mechanisms in cephalopods. Tissue Barriers, 3(4), e1064196. (Invited review article) (Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Ranking: 98/2142=5%; IF: 5.500)
- Stumpp, M., Hu, M. Y., Tseng, Y. C., Guh, Y. J., Chen, Y. C., Su, Y. H., Yu, J. K., Hwang, P. P. (2015) Evolution of extreme pH in bilaterian digestive systems inferred from gastric alkalization mechanisms in basal deuterostomes. Sci Rep, 5, 10421. (Multidisciplinary Sciences; Ranking: 17/71=24 %; IF: 3.998)
- Furukawa, F., Tseng, Y. C., Liu, S. T., Chou, Y. L., Lin, C. C., Sung, P. H., Uchida, K., Lin, L. Y., Hwang, P. P. (2015) Induction of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) during acute acidosis and its role in acid secretion by V-ATPase-expressing ionocytes. Int J Biol Sci, 16(2), 712-725. (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Ranking: 74/296=25 %; IF: 4.556)
- Shao, Y. T., Tseng, Y. C.#, Chang, C. H., Yan, H. Y, Hwang, P. P., Borg, B. (2015) GnRH mRNA levels in male three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, under different reproductive conditions. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, 180, 6-17. (Zoology; Ranking: 36/168=21 %; IF: 1.966) (Corresponding author)
(C) Peer-Reviewed Publications (Domestic Journal)
- Wang, H. Y., Wang, Y. C., Kuan, P. L., Tseng, Y. C.# (2018) Glutamate-glutamine metabolism in euryhaline tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) muscle under salinity challenges. J. Taiwan Fish Res, .26(1): 33-45.
- Chou, P. H., Tseng, Y. C.#, Shao, Y. T. (2018) Cellular and physiological explorations of acid-tolerant mechanisms of hydrothermal vent crabs (Xenograpsus testudinatus). J Oce Underwa Technol, 28(3): 10-12.