
黃文謙  蕭仁傑

海洋魚類的分布範圍及族群結構受到很多因子影響,為了探討此議題,本所碩士班學生 黃文謙,蕭仁傑教授與中山大學廖德裕副教授組成的團隊,選擇廣泛分布在印度-西太平洋的小鰭鰭尾鯙 (Uropterygius micropterus),作為研究材料,探討魚苗浮游期長度是否影響該魚種的族群結構。


Map of sampling sites for U. micropterus. Within the pie charts, colors indicate the percentages of pelagic larval duration (PLD) for each sampling site. The inserted image of otolith microstructure illustartes the hatch check (HC), first feeding check (FFC), and growth check (GC) of the moray.

Minimum spanning network built from 185 concatenated mtDNA sequence (1,336 bp) of U. micropterus with 132 haplotypes. Colors represent correspondent sampling sites; the size of each pie chart is proportional to the number of individuals; hollow circles are haplotypes that were not collected in this study.