
資源評估納入空間結構或引入環境因子於族群動態中,可視為實施生態系漁業管理之基礎,考慮大洋性魚種對於棲息環境的喜好與季節性洄游的特性,我們發展出空間動態資源評估模式並應用於太平洋黑皮旗魚。Stock assessments that include a spatial component or relate population dynamics to environmental conditions can be considered one way of implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries. A spatially-structured population dynamics model
that takes account of habitat preference is developed and then applied to Pacific blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), as they prefer certain habitats and migrate seasonally. Results show that blue marlin are more abundant in tropical waters. Assessments that
allow for environmental factors, movement dynamics and sexual dimorphism indicate that this population is in an over-exploited state, with current spawning stock biomass below the level corresponding to maximum sustainable yield (SMSY) and current
fishing mortality exceeding that needed to achieve MSY (FMSY). A risk analysis suggests that the population will remain above SMSY after 20 years if exploitation rates are below the level corresponding to FMSY.

Reference: Su, N.J., Sun, C.L., Punt, A.E., Yeh, S.Z., DiNardo, G. (2012). Incorporating habitat preference into the stock assessment and management of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Freshw. Res., 63(7): 565–575.評估結果指出黑皮旗魚主要分布在熱帶海域,但其資源量已低於最大可持續漁獲量的水準(SMSY),目前漁獲死亡率亦高於MSY 水準(FMSY),顯示此資源已經過漁且正在過漁中,風險評估的結果建議開發率應降低至FMSY以下,可使資源在未來20 年維持高於SMSY。

參考文獻 :
Su, N.J., Sun, C.L., Punt, A.E., Yeh, S.Z., DiNardo, G. (2012). Incorporating habitat preference into the stock assessment and management of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Pacific Ocean. Mar. Freshw. Res., 63(7): 565–575.