甲殼類動物在海洋生態系統和漁業中扮演重要的角色。在進行海洋生物族群統計及漁業資源評估時,準確及量化描述生物的成長是很重要的。Crustaceans play an important role in marine ecosystem and worldwide fisheries. Accurate and quantitative description of growth is crucial in modelling the demographics and fisheries stock assessment. The stepwise growth as a result of the moulting process and the lack of permanent calcified structures make the traditional approaches developed for finfish inappropriate for crustaceans. This study reviews the quantitative methods for modelling the growth of crustacean. A comparative example of different growth models was illustrated with four selected crustaceans: American lobster (Homarus americanus), Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and pronghorn spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus). Various drivers in determination of the growth pattern of crustaceans were evaluated, including life history strategy and environmental stress.
Chang, Y. J., Sun, C. L., Chen, Y., and Yeh, S. Z., 2012. Modelling the growth of crustacean species, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22(1), 157-187.由於甲殼類的蛻脫活動及蛻脫後缺乏可定齡的鈣質組織,因此應用在魚類上的連續型成長模式並不適用在甲殼類。本研究回顧各種量化甲殼類成長之模式(例如:成長率,范式成長模式,階梯型成長模式及成長矩陣),探討各種方法所需資料及結果的未確定性。以四種不同甲殼類(Homarus americanus、Metacarcinus magister、Callinectes sapidus、Panulirus penicillatus)資料為例,應用不同成長模式進行成長量化研究,比較不同成長模式結果,並討論各種影響甲殼類成長的因子(例如:生活史策略及環境壓力)。
Chang, Y. J., Sun, C. L., Chen, Y., and Yeh, S. Z., 2012. Modelling the growth of crustacean species, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22(1), 157-187.