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  Name:Stéphane de Palmas
  Supervisor:Vianney Denis
  Research Room:R408
  Major Interests:Coral Reef Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Ecology and Molecular Ecology, Population Genetics


Publication list

  1. *Denis V, Soto D, De Palmas S, Lin YTV, Benayahu Y, Huang YM, Liu SL, Chen JW, Chen Q, Sturaro N, Ho MJ, Su Y, Dai CF, Chen CA (2019) Taiwan. In: Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge T (eds) Mesophotic coral ecosystems, Springer, Cham
  2. *De Palmas S, Soto D, Denis V, Ho MJ, Chen CA (2018) Molecular assessment of Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) distribution along a depth gradient in Ludao, Taiwan. PeerJ 6:e5797
  3. Soto D, De Palmas S, Ho MJ, Denis V, Chen CA (2018) Spatial variation in the morphological traits of Pocillopora verrucosa along a depth gradient in Taiwan. PLoS ONE (13)8: e0202586
  4. Woo S, Yang SH, Chen HJ, Tseng YF, Hwang SJ, De Palmas S, Denis V, Imahara Y, Iwase F, Yum S, Tang SL (2017) Geographical variations in bacterial communities associated with soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0183663
  5. Ribas-Deulofeu L, Denis V, De Palmas S, Kuo CY, Hsieh HJ, Chen CA (2016) Structure of benthic communities along the Taiwan latitudinal gradient. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160601
  6. De Palmas S, Denis V, Ribas-Deulofeu L, Loubeyres M, Woo CS, Hwang SJ, Chen CA (2015) Symbiodinium spp. associated with the high-latitude scleractinian corals from Jeju Island, South Korea. Coral Reefs 34(3): 919-925
  7. *Denis V, De Palmas S, Benzoni F, Chen CA (2015) Extension of the known distribution and depth range of the scleractinian coral Psammocora stellata: first record from a Taiwanese mesophotic reef. Marine Biodiversity 45(4): 619-620
  8. Hsu CM, De Palmas S, Kuo CY, Denis V, Chen CA (2014) Identification of scleractinian coral recruits using fluorescent censusing and DNA barcoding techniques. PLoS ONE 9(9): e107366
  9. Denis V, Ribas-Deulofeu L, Loubeyres M, De Palmas S, Hwang SJ, Woo CS, Song JI, Chen CA (2014) Recruitment of the subtropical coral Alveopora japonica in the temperate waters of Jeju Island, South Korea. Bulletin of Marine Science 91(1): 85-96
  10. Denis V, Ribas-Deulofeu L, De Palmas S, Chen CA (2014) First record of the scleractinian coral Psammocora albopicta from Korean waters. Marine Biodiversity 44(2): 157-158
  11. Denis V, Loubeyres M, Doo SS, De Palmas S, Keshavmurthy S, Hsieh HJ, Chen CA (2014) Can benthic algae mediate larval behavior and settlement of the coral Acropora muricata? Coral Reefs 33(2): 431-440
  12. Keshavmurthy S, Yang SY, Alamaru A, Chuang YY, Pichon M, Obura D, Fontana S, De Palmas S, Stefani F, Benzoni F, MacDonald A, Noreen AME, Chen C, Wallace CC, Pillay RM, Denis V, Amri AY, Reimer JD, Mezaki T, Sheppard C, Loya Y, Abelson A, Mohammed MS, Baker AC, Mostafavi PG, Suharsono BA, Chen CA (2013) DNA barcoding reveals the coral “laboratory-rat”, Stylophora pistillata encompasses multiple identities. Scientific report 3: 1520
  13. Denis V, Guillaume MMM, Goutx M, De Palmas S, Debreuil J, Baker AC, Boonstra R, Bruggemann JH (2013) Fast growth may impair regeneration capacity in the branching coral Acropora muricata. PLoS ONE 8(8): e72618
  14. Denis V, Mezaki T, Tanaka K, Kuo CY, De Palmas S, Keshavmurthy S, Chen CA (2013) Coverage, diversity, and functionality of a high-latitude coral community (Tatsukushi, Shikoku Island, Japan). PLoS ONE 8(1): e54330
  15. Denis V, Debreuil J, De Palmas S, Richard J, Guillaume MMM, Bruggemann JH (2011). Lesion regeneration capacities in populations of the massive coral Porites lutea at Reunion Island: Environmental correlates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 428: 105–11