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 Name:Shein-Fu Wu
Supervisor:Chih-Chieh Su
Research Room:R111
Major Interests:Marine Chemistry, Uranium-series disequilibrium, Isotope geochemistry, Submarine and subaerial geothermal system


Publication list

Journal papers

  1. Wu, S. F., You, C. F., Valsami-Jones, E., Baltatzis, E., Shen, M. L. (2012) Br/Cl and I/Cl systematics in the shallow-water hydrothermal system at Milos Island, Hellenic Arc. Marine Chemistry 140-141, 33-43. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2012.07.004.
  2. Wu, S. F., You, C. F., Wang, B. S., Valsami-Jones, E., Baltatzis, E. (2011) Two-cells phase separation in shallow submarine hydrothermal system at Milos Island, Greece: Boron isotopic evidence. Geophysical Research Letters 38, doi:10.1029/2011GL047409.
  3. Wang, B. S., You, C. F., Huang, K. F., Wu, S. F., Aggarwal, S. K., Chung, C. H., Lin, P. Y. (2010). Direct separation of boron from Na- and Ca-rich matrices by sublimation for stable isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS. Talanta 82, 1378-1384.

Conference papers

  1. Wu, S.F., You, C.F., Lin, Y.P., Valsami-Jones, E. and Baltatzis, E. (2014) Magmatic water contribution in Milos submarine hydrothermal fluids: New boron isotopic evidence. International conference on 12th Gas in Marine Sediment (GIMS12), Taipei, Taiwan, GIMS12A070. Poster presentation.
  2. Lou, U.L., You, C.F., Wu, S.F., Chung, C.H. (2014) Lithium isotope as a proxy for water/rock interaction between hydrothermal fluids and oceanic crust at Milos, Greece. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014.
  3. Wu, S.F., You, C.F., Valsami-Jones, E. and Baltatzis, E. (2011) Insights from Halogen Distribution in Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System: Effects of Phase Separation and Sedimentary Contributions. AOGS Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, OS18-A026. Poster presentation.
  4. Hirao, S., Oono, T., Ishibashi, J., You, C.F., Wu, S.F., Wang, B.S., Yamanaka, T. (2010) Boron isotope geochemistry to reveal evolutional process of the Wakamiko submarine hydrothermal systems, south Kyushu, Japan. AGU Fall Meeting.
  5. Wu, S.F., You, C.F., Cai, W.J. and Huang, W.J. (2008) Identification of saline fluids in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Sr and B isotopic evidences. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, OS21C-1195. Poster presentation.
  6. Wu, S.F., You, C.F., Cai, W.J. and Huang, W.J. (2008) Chemical effect of fresh water and brine fluid inputs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Annual Geological Science Meeting, Tainan, A141-485. Poster presentation.
  7. Wu, S.F. and You, C.F. (2007) Dynamic Cycling of Barium in Marine Sediments: A Case Study from a Gas Hydrate Potential Region Offshore Southwestern Taiwan. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, OS23A-1039. Poster presentation.
  8. Wu, S.F., You, C.F., Valsami-Jones, E. and Baltatzis, E. (2007) Distributions of halogen (Br, Cl, I) and boron isotope in submarine hydrothermal fluids from Milos island (Greece). Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA), Taoyuan, PP-639. Poster presentation.