一個擁有多物種的生態系統必定是由大量的稀有物種(個體數量少的種類)與少量的優勢種(個體數量多的種類)所組成,此現象通常以物種豐度分布(species abundance distribution)來表達。Asahi news:http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASGCH00KQGCGPLZU00H.html
Aspecies-rich ecological community is composed of few abundant species and a large number of rare species. This universal phenomenon,known as species abundance distribution (SAD), hasintrigued a century of research to understand the underlying mechanism for a general law of community, yet remains controversial.In past, most of studies have treated SAD as a static pattern. It is believed that changes of biodiversity and community structure through time are regulated by compensatory dynamics in a species-rich ecosystem. That is, community is compensated by constituent species: some species become rare, while the others turn to dominance through time. This turnover of species abundances and maintenance of rare part of SAD keep the ecosystem resilient to environmental changes.As such, the shape of SAD remains static even though species are constantly changing. However, in reality, SAD may not be static over time.Specifically, when an ecosystem ispushed by environmental changes over a critical threshold, the balance of rare and dominant species may fail and rare species may not recover from disturbances.
To understand dynamic nature of SAD, a research team led by professors Chih-hao Hsieh and Takeshi Miki and their students, Cheng-Han Tsai and Chun-Wei Chang, of the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, with collaborative effortsof scientists from Japan studied long-term variation of phytoplankton in Lake Biwa (Figure 1), the third oldest lake in the world and the largest in Japan (water reservoir for Kyoto and Osaka). This study discoveredthe recovery failure of rare species and changes of SAD and biodiversity of phytoplankton community in response to a directionally changing environment in Lake Biwa. This study is published in Ecology andwas recently highlighted by NHK and Asahi News, Japan. Using a unique >30 year-long phytoplankton time series data of Lake Biwa, the study found those rare species that adapt to littoral (coastal macrophyte, sandy and rocky shore) habitats have disappeared in late 1980’s in response to lake warming,decreased water level variation,and re-oligotrophication (i.e., reduced nutrient supply) (Figure 2).According to the study, the disappearance of specific rare species is also correlated with the shifting climatic conditions in late 1980’s, and these species have yet been recovered.Stabilizing water level variation by lake management could further obstruct the recovery of rare species. The study showed that the changes of specific functional response group (littoral species) explain the dynamic cause of SAD. That is, rare and common species in a community can result from their specific responses to environmental changes.The rise and fall of rare species from functional groups provides a species trait-based and dynamical explanation for why some species are rare and others are common in nature.
Tsai,C. H., T. Miki, C. W. Chang, K. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, and C. H. Hsieh (2014) Phytoplankton functional group dynamics explain species abundance distribution in a directionally changing environment. Ecology. DOI: 10.1890/13-1946.1
Hsieh, C. H., K. Ishikawa, Y. Sakai, T. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, Y. Yamamoto, T. C. Kuo, H. D. Park, N. Yamamura, and M. Kumagai (2010) Phytoplankton community reorganization driven by eutrophication and warming in Lake Biwa. Aquatic Sciences. 72: 467-483.
Figure 1. Images of phytoplankton taken from Lake Biwa. (Photo by Keiichiro Watanabe)
Figure 2. Decadal change in species abundance distribution of phytoplankton in Lake Biwa. The rare species that adapt to littoral habitats (green) have disappeared in late 1980’s in response to lake warming, decreased water level variation, and re-oligotrophication, and have not yet recovered.生態學家對於物種豐度分布的研究已經有近一百年的歷史;直到今天,探討其背後的機制仍然是當代生態界的熱門話題並充滿爭論。綜觀過去關於生物群聚物種豐度分布的研究,只關注長期的平均態,或是只採樣一次後假設物種豐度分布不會隨時間改變,這些研究基本上相信物種豐度分布永遠處於穩定態(static):當有些物種的豐度變少,群聚裡其他物種的豐度就會變多以此維持總生物量,也就是雖然生物種類會隨時間改變而興衰更迭,但物種豐度分布卻可以維持平衡和穩定。大多數生態學家相信,物種族群數量的交替變化與群聚結構裡稀有物種的長期存在,可以幫助生態系從環境擾動中回復。因此,即使物種族群數量不斷地隨時間變動,物種豐度分布依舊保持穩定態,而稀有物種會一直存在以維持群聚結構。然而,這些傳統的認知,是否真的能解釋大自然的運行?其實自然界中物種豐度分布不一定維持穩定態,尤其當生態系被環境擾動推向臨界時,原本穩定態下之稀有物種與優勢種的平衡可能被打破,造成群聚裡的稀有物種無法從環境擾動中回復。
Tsai,C. H., T. Miki, C. W. Chang, K. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, and C. H. Hsieh (2014) Phytoplankton functional group dynamics explain species abundance distribution in a directionally changing environment. Ecology. DOI: 10.1890/13-1946.1
Hsieh, C. H., K. Ishikawa, Y. Sakai, T. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, Y. Yamamoto, T. C. Kuo, H. D. Park, N. Yamamura, and M. Kumagai (2010) Phytoplankton community reorganization driven by eutrophication and warming in Lake Biwa. Aquatic Sciences. 72: 467-483.
圖一琵琶湖中的浮游植物. (圖片來源:Keiichiro Watanabe)