
位於菲律賓板塊以及歐亞大陸的板塊聚合邊緣,台灣本島以及周圍海域皆為地震活躍帶,為紀錄海域地震的活動以及提升國內海域觀測的儀器開發能力,台大海洋研究所於2006年開始研發海底地震儀(OBS) ,目前的成品(IOOBS V2) 備有聲波回訊系統(acoustic communication)以及短周期的地震感應器(geophone),可以於海域佈放達3個月以上。

[Chang, T.Y.]

Locating at the conjoint plate boundaries of the Philippine Sea and the Eurasian plates, Taiwan Island and its vicinity experience all the time a sever seismic activity. We benefit from the NSC marine instrumental center installed in the IO to develop Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS, now in series of IOOBS), which have been applied to monitor offshore earthquakes around Taiwan.