海洋所演講公告  12月15日(五)  15:30  A short introduction to predator-prey theory.  Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Château (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

講者:Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Château (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

題目:A short introduction to predator-prey theory.

時間:12月15日(五) 15:30-17:00



        Predator-prey theory is central to ecosystem modeling. In this talk, we will review the evolution of predator-prey theory, from its origins in the Malthus-Verhulst logistic equation (1838), through the Lotka-Volterra equations (1925) and their logistic modifications (Leslie, 1948), the development of predator functional responses (Holling, 1959) and the inclusion of ratio-dependent functional responses (Arditi and Ginzburg,1989)

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