物理組演講公告  4月9日(四)  14:20  Tracking the Kuroshio Current from its Origin.  馬炳彬 博士 (Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington)

講者:馬炳彬 博士(Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington)

題目:Tracking the Kuroshio Current from its Origins.

時間:4月9日(四) 14:20-15:20



A large scale field program, the Origins of Kuroshio and Mindanao Current(OKMC), was conducted in 2011–2013. This is a collaboration with Taiwan’sObservations of the Kursohio Transports and their Variability (OKTV) program. The OKMC/OKTV is an observational program to study the North Equatorial Current (NEC) – Kuroshio Current (KC) – Mindanao Current (MC) in the North Pacific Western Boundary Current system. The study of Kuroshio in this field campaign is the latest effort since two earlier attempts, the Cooperative Study of Kuroshio (CSK) in 1965–1969 and World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) in 1994–1996. With the advancement of the observation techniques and repeated survey, the new observation data provides a unique opportunity to study the KC without the ambiguity of choosing the reference level in the geostrophic flow derivation. A clearer picture of KC at its origin and southeast of Taiwan is emerging. In this talk, I will present the observation data from various platforms, including shipboard survey, ADCP moorings, Seagliders, EM-APEX floats and H-PIES. The properties of KC, the seasonal variation and its relationship with the bifurcation latitude of NEC, Kuroshio undercurrent and eddy influence will be presented.

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