演講公告  3月31日(二)  15:00  Understanding critical fine sediment transport mechanisms in sediment source to sink – A turbulence-resolving numerical study.  Prof. Tom Hsu (University of Delaware (Center for Applied Coastal Research))

講者:Prof. Tom Hsu (University of Delaware (Center for Applied Coastal Research))

題目:Understanding critical fine sediment transport mechanisms in sediment source to sink – A turbulence-resolving numerical study

時間:3月31日(二) 15:00~18:00

地點:Room 308, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.), National Taiwan UniversitySpeaker:Prof. Tom Hsu (University of Delaware (Center for Applied Coastal Research))

Title:Understanding critical fine sediment transport mechanisms in sediment source to sink – A turbulence-resolving numerical study

Time:3/31 (Tue) 15:00~18:00

Location:Room 308, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.), National Taiwan University