演講人:Dr. Uwe Hommel (Corporate Officer, Executive Vice President and Head of SAP Active Global Support, SAP SE )
Why do analytical skills matter in large business solution networks?
How does a mathematical education support the required skills?
What other skills should a mathematician train and develop?
In this lecture I will provide a basic understanding about a complex business network solution. E.g the Apple Store, a bank and an insurance company. What are key considerations for architecture and design? What is system analytics? From there we have a quick overview of technology stacks as well as applications.Now assume there is a major challenge in operations. How to quickly analyze the root cause and solve the issue? How to architect such a solution in the first place? Key skills are the ability to process an enormous amount of data, of architectures and design. Similar to mathematics you have to work with models and patterns. To structure a to be solution and to analyze existing solutions requires a lot of “abstract thinking” capability. Next your experience has to be “stored” in patterns so you can speed up analytics of critical solution situations. Mathematics is a perfect training ground for this “abstract thinking capabilities”.
Dr. Uwe Hommel is corporate officer, executive vice president and head of SAP Active Global Support. He leads an organization of close to 6,000 employees worldwide to develop, define and deliver an end-to-end solution support program and portfolio for all SAP installed-base customers. Dr. Hommel was a mathematician for 12 years before joining SAP (for 27 years).
SAP是全球商業軟體的領導者,全世界超過82,000家企業使用SAP系統。財星500大 企業中,超過400家採用SAP系統 (包含IBM、HP、Intel、Microsoft、BMW、Panasonic、P&G、SONY、可口可樂、麥當勞…)。國內包含鴻海、台積電、聯電、 中油、中華電信、聯發科、台泥、味全、遠東集團、東元集團、日月光、新光三越、中華汽車、中國信託…亦均採用SAP系統。
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