Research Achievements/Publications:
A. Journals Papers
- Smrzka, D., Tseng, Y., Zwicker, J., Schröder-Ritzrau, A., Frank, N., Schmitt, A.D., Pape, T., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Lin, S., Bohrmann, G. (2025) Marine carbon burial enhanced by microbial carbonate formation at hydrocarbon seeps. Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1), 7.
- Li, Y., Ye, Z.W., Lai, M.C., Liu, C.S., Paull, C.K., Lin, S., Lai, S.J., You, Y.T., Wu, S.Y., Hung, C.C., Ding, J.Y., Shih, C.J., Wu, Y.C., Zhao, J.J., Xiao, W.C., Wu, C.H., Dong, G.W., Zhang, H.Y., Qiu, W.L., Wang, S., Chen, S.C. (2024) Microbial Communities in and Around the Siboglinid Tubeworms from the South Yungan East Ridge Cold Seep Offshore Southwestern Taiwan at the Northern South China Sea. Microorganisms, 12(12), 2452.
- Zhang, W.L., Lai, M.C., Lin, S., Chen, W.C., Deng, Y.C., Lai, S.J., Wu, S.Y., Hung, C.C., Ding, J.Y., Chen, S.C. (2024) Methanooceanicella nereidis gen. nov., sp. nov., the first oceanic Methanocellaceae methanogen, isolated from potential methane hydrate bearing area offshore southwestern Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(4), 006322.
- Lai, S.J., Lai, M.C., Lin, S., You, Y.T., Wei, W.H., Chen, Y.W., Lan, Z.H., Fan, C.H., Wu, S.Y., Hung, C.C., Ding, J.Y., Zhang, W.L., Deng, Y.C., Lee, Y.C., Shih, C.J., Wu, Y.C., Zhao, J.J., Li, Y., Chen, S.C. (2024) Six novel species of the genus Methanoculleus isolated from various environments in Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(7), 006477. DOI10.1099/ijsem.0.006477.
- Chien, H.H., Lai, M.C., Weng, C.Y., Chen, M.F., Wu, S.Y., Lin, S., Chen, S.C. (2023) Methanovulcanius yangii gen. nov., sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic methanogen, isolated from a submarine mud volcano in the offshore area of southwestern Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 73(11), 006164.
- Reeck, K., Jegen, M., Freudenthal, T., Elger, J., Hölz, S., Deusner, C., Wallmann, K., Lin, S., Chi, W.C., Bohrmann, G., Berndt, C. (2023) Quantification of mixed hydrate and free gas concentrations by the joint integration of velocity and conductivity information. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 158, 106569.
- Lin, Y.T., Rumble, D., Young, E.D., Labidi, J., Tu, T.H., Chen, J.N., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Lin, S., Lin, L.H., Wang, P.L. (2023) Diverse Origins of Gases From Mud Volcanoes and Seeps in Tectonically Fragmented Terrane. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 24(10), e2022GC010791
- Chen, N.C., Yang, T.F., Liou, Y.H, Lin, H.T.T., Hong, W.L., Lin, S., Su, C.C., Lin, L.H., Wang, P.L. (2023) Controlling factors on patterns of dissolved organic carbon and volatile fatty acids in a submarine mud volcano offshore southwestern Taiwan. Frontiers In Earth Science, 11, 1210088.
- Tseng, Y., Smrzka, D., Lin, S., Schroder-Ritzrau, A., Frank, N., Bohrmann, G. (2023) Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation at Yam Seep Controlled by Continuous Fracturing and Uplifting of Four-Way Closure Ridge Offshore SW Taiwan. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 24(7) e2022GC010652.
- Bohrmann, G., Berndt, C., Lin, S., Tu, T.H., Lin, A.T., Hsu, H.H., Lai, M.C., Chi, W.C., Deusner, C., Elger, J., Wallmann, K., Freudenthal, T., Mau, S., Pape, T., Tseng, Y.T., Yu, P.S., Fan, L.F., Chen, J.N., Chen, S.C., Chen, T.T., Wei, K.Y. (2023) Geological controls on the distribution of gas hydrates in the shallow parts of the gas hydrate stability zone-constraints from seafloor drilling off Taiwan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 153, 106253.
- Tseng, Y. T., Romer, M., Lin, S., Pape, T., Berndt, C., Chen, Z. T., Paull, C. K., Caress, D. W., Bohrmann, G. (2023) Yam Seep at Four-Way Closure Ridge: a prominent active gas seep system at the accretionary wedge SW offshore Taiwan. International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI10.1007/s00531-022-02280-4.
- Chung, M.T., Chen, C.-Y., Shiao, J.C., Lin, S., Wang, C.H. (2020) Temperature-dependent fractionation of stable oxygen isotopes differs between cuttlefish statoliths and cuttlebones. Ecological Indicators, 115, 106457.
- Chen, N.C., Yang, T.F., Hong, W.L., Yu, T. L., Lin, I.T., Wang, P.L., Lin, S., Su, C.C., Shen, C.C., Wang, Y.S., Lin, L.H. (2020) Discharge of deeply rooted fluids from submarine mud volcanism in the Taiwan accretionary prism. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 381.
- Mau, S., Tu, T.H., Becker, M., Ferreira, C.D., Chen, J.N., Lin, L.H., Wang, P.L., Lin, S., Bohrmann, G. (2020) Methane Seeps and Independent Methane Plumes in the South China Sea Offshore Taiwan. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 543.
- Kuo, M.Y., Kang, D.R., Chang, C.H., Chao, C.H., Wang, C.C., Chen, H.H., Su, C.C., Chen, H.W., Lai, M.C., Lin, S., Liu, L.L. (2019) New records of three deep-sea bathymodiolus mussels (Bivalve: Mytilida: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vent and cold seeps in Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 27(4), 352-358.
- Huang, S.P., Chen, T.Y., Chen, J.S., Wang, L.T., Huang, L.N., Lin, S.T., Wei, C.L., Lin, S., Wang, P.-L., Chen, Y.M., Shieh, W.Y. (2019) Dongshaea marina gen. nov., sp. nov., a facultatively anaerobic marine bacterium that ferments glucose with gas production. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 69(11), 3318-3325.
- Hsieh, Y., Shiao, J.C., Lin, S.W., Iizuka, Y. (2019) Quantitative reconstruction of salinity history by otolith oxygen stable isotopes: An example of a euryhaline fish Lateolabrax japonicas. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33(16), 1344-1354.
- Soyol-Erdene, T.O., Lin, S.*, Tuuguu, E., Daichaa, D., Huang, K.M., Bilguun, U., Tseveendorj, E.A. (2019) Spatial and temporal variations of sediment metals in the Tuul River, Mongoli. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06428-9.
- Lin, C.R., Chiang, C.W., Huang, K.Y., Hsiao, Y.H., Chen, P.C., Chang, H.K.,; Jang, J.P., Chang, K.H., Lin, F.S., Lin, S., Kuo, B.Y. (2019) Evaluations of an ocean bottom electro-magnetometer and preliminary results offshore NE Taiwan. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 8(2), 265-272.
- Lin, C.R., Chiang, C.W., Huang, K.Y., Hsiao, Y.H., Chen, P.C., Chang, H.K., Jang, J.P., Chang, K.H., Lin, F.S., Lin, S., Kuo, B.Y. (2019) Evaluations of an ocean bottom electro-magnetometer and preliminary results offshore NE Taiwan. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 8(2), 265-272.
- Liu, J.T., Huang, B.Q., Chang, Y. X., Du, Q., Liu, X., Yang, R.J., Hsu, R.T., Lin, S., Hung, J.J., Lee, J., Su, C.C., Chang Y.P. (2019) Three-dimensional coupling between size-fractionated chlorophyll-a, POC and physical processes in the Taiwan Strait in summer. Progress in Oceanography, 176, 102129.
- Berndt, C., Chi, W.C., Jegen, M., Lebas, E., Crutchley, G., Muff, S., Holz, S., Sommer, M.; Lin, S., Liu, C.S., Lin, A.T., Klaeschen, D., Klaucke, I., Chen, L., Hsu, H.H., Kunath, P., Elger, J., McIntosh, K.D., Feseker, T. (2019) Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution Off SW Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 1164-1184.
- Chuang, P.C., Yang, T.F., Wallmann, K., Matsumoto, R., Hu, C.-Y., Chen, H.-W., Lin, S., Sung, C.-H., Li, H.-C., Wang, Y., Dale, A.W. (2019) Carbon isotope exchange during anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in sediments of the northeastern South China Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246, 138-155.
- Fan, L.F., Lin, S.*, Hsu, C.W., Tseng, Y.T., Yang, T.F., Huang, K.M.F. (2018) Formation and preservation of authigenic pyrite in the methane dominated environment. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 138, 60-71.
- Hsu, H.H., Liu, C.S., Morita, S., Tu, S.L., Lin, S., Machiyama, H., Azuma, W., Ku, C.Y., Chen, S.C. (2018) Seismic imaging of the Formosa Ridge cold seep site offshore of southwestern Taiwan. Marine Geophysical Research, 39 (4), 523-535.
- Hiruta, A., Yang, T.F., Lin, S., Su, C.C., Chen, N.C., Chen, Y.J., Chen, H.W., Yang, T.H., Huang, Y.C., Wei, K.Y., Huang, J.J., Chen, S.C., Song, S.R. (2017) Activation of gas bubble emissions indicated by the upward decreasing Lead-210 activity at a submarine mud volcano (TY1) offshore southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 160-171
- Hu, C.Y., Yang, T.F., Burr, G.S., Chuang, P.C., Chen, H.W., Walia, M., Chen, N.C., Huang, Y.C., Lin, S., Wang, Y.S., Chung, S.H., Huang, C.D., Chen, C.H (2017) Biogeochemical cycles at the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) and geochemical characteristics of the pore fluids offshore southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 172-183.
- Song, S. R., Chen, C.-H., Ryu, B.-J., Lin, S. (2017) Preface of special issue on “tectonics, volcanism and geo-energy in East Asia”. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 1-5.
- Chen, N.C., T.F. Yang, W.L. Hong, H.W. Chen, H.C. Chen, C.Y. Hu, Y.C. Huang, S. Lin, L.H. Lin, C.C. Su, W.Z. Liao, C.H. Sun, P.L. Wang, T. Yang, S.Y. Jiang, C.S. Liu, Y.S. Wang, and S.H. Chung (2017) Production, consumption, and migration of methane in accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (8), 2970-2989.
- Lee, J, J.T. Liu, C.C. Hung, S. Lin, and X.Q. Du (2016) River plume induced variability of suspended particle characteristics. Marine Geology, 380, 219-230.
- Klaucke, I., C. Berndt, G. Crutchley, W.-C. Chi, S. Lin and S. Muff (2016) Fluid venting and seepage at accretionary ridges: the Four Way Closure Ridge offshore SW Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters, 36 (3), 165-174.
- Pai, S.-C., C.-L. Wei, S. Lin, L.-S. Wen and C.-M. Tseng (2016) Observation of internal tide-induced nutrient upwelling in Hungtsai Trough, a submarine canyon in the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 120, 59-67.
- Chen, S.C., M.F. Chen, M.C. Lai, C.Y. Weng, S.Y. Wu, S. Lin, T.Y.F. Yang, and P.C. Chen (2015) Methanoculleus sediminis sp nov., a methanogen from sediments near a submarine mud volcano. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65(7), 2141-2147.
- Weng,C.Y., S.C. Chen, M.C. Lai, S.Y. Wu, S. Lin, T.Y.F. Yang, and P.C. Chen (2015) Methanoculleus taiwanensis sp. nov., amethanogen isolated from deep marine sediment atthe deformation front area near Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65(7), 1044–1049.
- Hsu, F.-H., C.-C.Su, C.H. Wang, S. Lin,* J. Liu, and C.A. Huh (2014) Accumulation of terrestrial organic carbon on an active continental margin offshore southwestern Taiwan: Source-to-sink pathways of river-borne organic particles. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 91(SI), 163-173.
- Lin, C.-W., S. Tsuchida, S. Lin, C. Berndt, and T.Y. Chan (2013) Munidopsis lauensis Baba & de Saint Laurent, 1992 (Decapoda, Anomura, Munidopsidae), a newly recorded squat lobster from a cold seep in Taiwan. Zootaxa, 3737(1), 92-96.
- Chuang, P.-C., A.W. Dale, K. Wallmann, M. Haeckel, T.Y.F. Yang, N.-C. Chen, H.-C. Chen, H.-W. Chen, S. Lin, C.-H. Sun, C.-F. You, C.-S. Horng, Y.-S. Wang, and S.-H. Chung (2013) Relating sulfate and methane dynamics to geology: Accretionary prism offshore SW Taiwan. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14(7), 2523-2545.
- Fan, L.-F., S. Lin, W.-G. He, K.-M. Huang, C.-P. Chen, and H.-L. Hsieh (2012) Effect of Sulfate Availability on the Isotopic Signature of Reduced Sulfurous Compounds in the Sediments of a Subtropical Estuary. Wetlands, 32(5), 907-917.
- Lin, G.W., H.E. Chen, T.Y. Shih, and S. Lin (2012) Various links between landslide debris and sediment flux during earthquake and rainstorm events. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 54-55, 41-48.
- Sundaray, S.K., B.B. Nayak, S. Lin, and D. Bhatta (2011) Geochemical speciation and risk assessment of heavy metals in the river estuarine sediments-A case study: Mahanadi basin, India. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 1837-1846.
- Huh, C. A., Chen, W. F., Hsu, F. H., Su, C. C., Chiu, J. K., Lin, S., C.-S. Liu, and B. J. Huang (2011) Modern (< 100 years) sedimentation in the Taiwan Strait: Rates and source-to-sink pathways elucidated from radionuclides and particle size disttibution. Continental Shelf Research, 31(1), 47-63.
- Chen, Z., C.-Y. Huang, M. Zhao, W. Yan, C.-W. Chien, M. Chen, H.-P. Yang, H. Machiyama, and S. Lin (2011) Characteristics and possible origin of native aluminum in cold seep sediments from the northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40(1), 363-370.
- Lin, I. T., C.H. Wang, S. Lin, and Y.G. Chen (2011) Groundwater-seawater interactions off the coast of southern Taiwan: Evidence from environmental isotopes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41(3), 250-262.
- Matsumoto, R., B.J. Ryu, S.R. Lee, S. Lin, S. Wu, K. Sain, I. Pecher, and M. Riedel (2011) Occurrence and exploration of gas hydrate in the marginal seas and continental margin of the Asia and Oceania region. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1751-1767.
- Lim, Y. C., S. Lin,* T.F. Yang, Y.G. Chen, and C.-S. Liu (2011) Variations of methane induced pyrite formation in the accretionary wedge sediments offshore southwestern Taiwan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1829-1837.
- Schnuerle, P., C.-S. Liu, A.T. Lin, and S. Lin (2011) Structural controls on the formation of BSR over a diapiric anticline from a dense MCS survey offshore southwestern Taiwan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 28(10), 1932-1942.
- Chuang, P.C., T.F. Yang, W.L. Hong, S. Lin, C.H. Sun, A.T.S. Lin, J.C. Chen, Y. Wang, and S.H. Chung (2010) Estimation of methane flux offshore SW Taiwan and the influence of tectonics on gas hydrate accumulation. Geofluids, 10(4), 497-510.
- Lin, I.T., C.H. Wang, C.F. You, S. Lin, K.F. Huang, and Y.G. Chen (2010) Deep submarine groundwater discharge indicated by tracers of oxygen, strontium isotopes and barium content in the Pingtung coastal zone, southern Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 122(1-4), 51-58.
- Huh, C.-A., H.L. Lin, S. Lin, and Y.W. Huang (2009) Modern accumulation rates and a budget of sediment off the Gaoping (Kaoping) River, SW Taiwan: A tidal and flood dominated depositional environment around a submarine canyon. Journal of Marine Systems, 76(4), SI, 405-416.
- Liu, J.P.., C.-S. Liu, K.-H. Xu, J.D. Milliman, J.-K. Chiu, S.-J. Kao, and S.-W. Lin (2008) Flux and fate of small mountainous rivers derived sediments into the Taiwan Strait. Marine Geology, 256(1-4), 65-76.
- Milliman, J.D., S. Lin, S.-J. Kao, J. P. Liu, C.-S. Liu, C.K. Chiu, and Y.C. Lim (2007) Short-term Changes in Seafloor Character due to Flood-Derived Hyperpycnal Discharge: Typhoon Mindulle, Taiwan, July 2004. Geology, 38(9), 779-782.
- T.F. Yang, P. C. Chuang, S. Lin, J. C. Chen, Y. Wang. and S. H. Chung (2006) Methane venting in gas hydrate potential area offshore SW Taiwan: evidence of gas analysis of water samples. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17, 933-950.
- Chung, P. C., T. F. Yang, S. Lin, H. F. Lee, T. F. Lan, W. L. Hong, C. S. Liu, J. C. Chen and Y. Wang (2006) Extremely high metane concentration in bottom water and cored samples from offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17, 903-920.
- Lin, S., W.-C. Hsieh, Y. C. Lim, T. F. Yang, C.-S. Liu, and Y. Wang (2006) Methane Migration and its Influence on Sulfate Reduction in the Good Weather Ridge Region, South China Sea Continental Margin Sediments. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 17, 893-902.
- Chen, H-Y., T.-H. Fang, M. R. Preston, and S. Lin. (2006) Characterization of phosphorus in the aerosol of a coastal atmosphere: Using a sequential extraction method. Atmospheric Environment, 40(2), 279-289.
- Huang, K.-M. and S. Lin (2003) Consequences and implication of heavy metal spatial variations in sediments of the Keelung River drainage basin, Taiwan. Chemosphere, 53(9), 1113-1121.
- Jeng, W.-L., S. Lin and S.-J. Kao (2003) Distribution of terrigenous lipids in marine sediments off northeastern Taiwan. Deep Sea Research Part II, 50(6-7), 1179-1201.
- Lin, I.-T., S. Lin, and C.-H. Wang (2002) Influence of CO2 extraction efficiency on the organic carbon C13 measurement. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 40, 119-209. (in Chinese)
- Lin, S., K.-M. Huang and S.-K. Chen (2002) Sulfate reduction and iron sulfide mineral formation in the southern East China Sea continental slope sediment. Deep Sea Research Part I, 49(10), 1837-1852.
- Lin, S., I.-J. Hsieh, K.-M. Huang, and C.-H. Wang (2002) Influence of the Yangtze River and grain size on the spatial variations of heavy metals and organic carbon in the East China Sea continental shelf sediments. Chemical Geology, 182(2-4), 377-394.
- Kao, S. J., S. Lin, C.-H. Wang, I.-T. Lin and K. K. Liu (2001) Sedimentary organic carbon and nitrogen contents and their isotopic compositions along two transects on the East China Sea Shelf. Geochemical Journal, 35, 237-244.
- Lin, S., K.-M. Huang and S.-K. Chen (2000) Organic carbon deposition and its control on iron sulfide formation of the Southern East China Sea continental shelf sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 20, 619-635.
- Lin, S., and I.-J. Hsieh (1999) Occurrences of Green Oyster and heavy metals contaminant levels of the Sien-San Area, Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38(11), 960-965.
- Lin, S. (1997) An Evaluation of the Sediment Sampling Equipment in Taiwan.Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 36, 57-68.(in Chinese)
- Lin, S. and C.-M. Chen (1996) Spatial variations of heavy metals in the East China Sea continental shelf surface sediments. Chemistry and Ecology, 13, 77-91.
- Lin, S. and C.-M. Chen (1996) Source and effect of heavy metal pollution in the coastal Taiwan sediments. Chemistry and Ecology, 12, 31-39.
- Huang, K.-M. and S. Lin (1995) The carbon-sulfide-iron relationship and sulfate reduction rate in the East China Sea continental shelf sediments. Geochemical Journal, 29(5), 301-315.
- Sheu, D. D., W.-C. Jou, M.-J. Chen, W.-Y. Lee and S. Lin (1995) Variations of calcium carbonate, organic carbon and their isotopic compositions in surface sediments of the East China Sea. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 6, 115-128.
- Huang, K.-S. and S. Lin (1994) Characterization and distribution of heavy metals in the western Taiwan coastal sediments. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 32, 87-97.(in Chinese)
- Lin, S., C.-M. Chen and K.-M. Huang (1993) Sulfate reduction in the KEEP area continental margin sediments. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 30, 66-76.(in Chinese)
- Lin, S. and K. S. Huang (1992) Consequences of the Diagenetic Trace Metal Remobilization in the Danshui River Sediments. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 29, 84-94.(in Chinese)
- Lin, S., K.-K. Liu, P. Chen and F.-Y. Chang (1992) Distribution of organic carbon in the KEEP area continental margin sediments. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 3, 365-378.
- Morse, J.W., J.C. Cornwell, T. Arakaki, S. Lin, and M. Huerta-Diaz (1992) Iron sulfide and carbonate mineral diagenesis inBaffin Bay, Texas. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 62(4), 671-680.
- Liu, K. K., G.-C. Gong, S. Lin, C.-Y. Yang, C.-L. Wei, S.-C. Pai, and C. K. Wu (1992) The year-round upwelling at the shelf break near the northern tip of Taiwan as evidenced by chemical hydrography. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 3, 243-276.
- Lin, S and J. W. Morse (1991) Sulfate reduction and iron sulfide mineral formation in Gulf of Mexico anoxic sediments. American Journal of Science, 291, 55-89.
- Lin, S. and R. K. Popp (1984) Solubility and complexing of Ni in the system NiO-H2O-HCl. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 48, 2713-2722.
B. Conference Papers
- Lai, M. C., Ding, J. Y., Wu, S. Y., Hung, C. C., Lai, S. J., Lin, S., and T.F. Yang (2009) Archaeal and bacterial diversity and distribution in methane seep of Yung-An Ridge, SW Taiwan, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,73(13), A714-A714 ,Suppl. S.
- Lin, S., Lim, Y., T.F. Yang, Chung, S. H., and Y. S. Wang (2009) Proxy of past and present methane migration in the active accreted continental margin sediments offshore Southwestern Taiwan, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13) , A767-A767, Suppl. S.
- Lin, S., Lim, Y., Liu, C.S., et al. (2007) Formosa Ridge, A cold seep with densely populated chemosynthetic community in the passive margin, southwest of Taiwan, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15), A582-A582 Suppl.
- Lin, S., Y. C. Lim, W.-C. Hsieh, T. F. Yang, and Y. Wang (2006) Gas hydrate and spatial venting variations in the continental margin offshore Southwestern Taiwan. AGU, Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
- Lin, I.-T., S. Lin, Y. C. Lim, F.-H. Hsu, C.-A. Huh, C.-H. Wang, C.-S. Liu and J. P. Liu (2006) Implication of Terrigenous Organic Carbon Deposited in the Okinawa Trough — The role of small mountainous river – Margins S2S TEI, California.
- Lin, I.-T., S. Lin, C.-A. Huh, C.-H. Wang, and C. Su (2006) Implication and Deposition of Terrigenous Organic Carbon from a Small Asian River to the Southern Okinawa Trough. Goldschmidt Conf. Melbourne, Australia., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, A358.
- Lin, S., Y. C. Lim, W.-C. Hsieh, T. F. Yang, C.-S. Liu, Y. Wang, and S. Chung (2006) Gas Hydrate Venting Phenomena of the Southwestern Taiwan Continental Margin, a Perspective from Sea Floor Pictures and Sulfate Reduction. WPGM, Beijing, China, EOS Trans. 87 (36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31A-0106.
- Lin. S., J. Milliman, Y. C. Lim, K.-M. Huang, I.-T. Lin, and C.-H. Wang (2006) Implication and deposition of small Asian river derived terrigenous materials near the river mouth and coastal area. ASLO Summer Meeting, Victoria, Canada, Abstract, p. 73.
- Lin, S., C.-W. Lin, Y. C. Lim, I.-J. Hsieh, F.-H. Hsu, and J. Liu (2006) Transport and deposition of terrigenous materials from a small Asian river, the KaoPing River, to the South China Sea continental margin. Ocean Science Meeting Hawaii, EOS Trans. 87 (36).
- Lin, S., Y. C. Lim and I.-J. Hsieh (2005) Fate suspended sediment trace metals from small Asia island rivers to the continental shelf near Taiwan. ASLO Summer Meeting, Spain, Meeting abstract, p.91.
- Lin, S., W.-C. Hsieh, Y. C. Lim, T. F. Yang, C.-S. Liu, and Y. Wang (2005) Sulfate Reduction and Methane Migration in the Good Weather Ridge Sediments, Southwestern Taiwan. EGU, Vienna, p.248l
- Lin, S., Y.-C. Lim, I.-J. Hsieh, Y.-T. Hu, and A.-P. Chen (2004) Sediment deposition on the Taiwan Strait. The 6th Symposium on the Physical and Chemical Oceanog. of the China Seas. Qingdao, China. 36-37.
- Lin, S., W.-C. Hsieh, A. Chen, C.S. Liu, P. Schnurle, and T. F. Yang (2004) Sulfate reduction and gas hydrate formation in the Northeastern South China Sea continental slope sediments. 2004 WPGM, Honolulu, EOS, Transactions, 85, WP 73.
- Lin. S., Y.-C. Lin, and W. Hsieh (2004) Export and sediment deposition on the East China Sea from a small Asian river with high suspended sediment. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 68, A422. (SCI, 2003 JCR IF: 3.465)
- Lin, S. and K. Wang (2004) Sediment focusing and sources of severe heavy metal pollution in the coastal area, Taiwan. 2004 ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Meeting abstact, p.93.
- Lin, S., I.-T. Lin, and C.-H. Wang (2003) Burial of terrigenous and marine organic carbon in the Yangtze River Delta and adjacent shelf sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 67, A253. (SCI, 2003 JCR IF: 3.465)
- Wang, C.-H. I.-T. Lin, and S. Lin (2003) The mixing of water masses off Southwest coast of Taiwan. XVI INQUA Congress, p. 76.
- Lin, S., I.-T. Lin, and C.-H. Wang (2003) Distribution and controls of organic carbon 13C in the Yangtze River Delta and East China Sea continental shelf sediments. 2003 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Meeting abstract, p. 85.
- Lin, S. and K.-M. Huang (2000) Sulfate reduction and organic carbon deposition in the Yangtze River Delta and adjacent East China Sea shelf sediments. EOS, Transactions, 80, OS-61.
- Lin, S. and K.-M. Huang (1999) Organic carbon deposition and sulfate reduction in the East China Sea sediments. In JGOFS North Pacific Workshop and SEATS Planning Meeting, March 16-19, 1999, Taipei. 42-43.
- Huang, K.-M. and S. Lin (1998) Iron sulfide minerals in the Yangtze River Delta and the East China Sea shelf sediments. EOS, Transactions, 79W, 41.
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- Chen, C.-M., K.-M. Huang and S. Lin (1994) Influence of the Yangtze river and Kuroshio current on the heavy metal distribution and organic carbon in the East China Sea continental shelf sediments. EOS, Transactions, 75, 174.
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- Lin, S., K.-S. Huang, P. Chen, and R.S. Lee (1993) A preliminary study of sediment geochemistry under the influence of Kuroshio Current. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Physical and Chemical Oceanography of the China Seas, (J. Su, W. S. Chuang, R. Y. Hsueh, eds.), China Ocean Press, 464-468
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- Lin, S. and J.W. Morse (1988) Sulfate reduction and iron sulfide formation in a low salinity environment, Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana. EOS, Transactions, 69, 1127.
- Lin, S. and J.W. Morse (1987) Distribution and production of sulfide minerals in Mississippi Delta Continental Shelf and Slope sediments. EOS, Transactions, 68, 1710.
C. Other Papers
- Lin, S., M.-P. Chen, K.-K. Liu and D. Sheu (1993) Organic carbon distribution of surface sediments of KEEP area, Northeast of Taiwan. Chinese Naval Hydrog.& Oceanog. Office. (Map)
- Lin, S. (1989) Environmental Controls on Sulfate Reduction and Iron Sulfide Mineral Formation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, 190 pp.
- Lin, S. (1984) An experimental study of the solubility and thermodynamic properties of nickel in the system NiO+HCl+H2O. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, 64 pp.