
Chien Hsiung Wang

Retired Faculty
  • Field

    Marine resources, Population dynamics, Biomathematics, Fisheries biology, Policy of fishery management

  • Experiences

    • 1987- Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1982-1985 Ph.D., Department of Aquatic Bioscience, The University of Tokyo, Japan
    • 1980-1987 Associate Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1977-1980 Lecturer, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1974-1976 M.S., Department of Aquatic Bioscience, The University of Tokyo, Japan
    • 1964-1968 B.S., Department of Mathematics, Fu Jen Catholic University

  • Honors

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Research Achievements/Publications:

  • Wang, C-H. and S-B. Wang (2006) Assessment of south Pacific albacore stock (Thunnus alalunga) by Improved Schaefer model. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5(2):147-154.
  • Wang, C-H. and S-B. Wang (2005) Theoretical development of Schaefer model and its application. The Scientific Committee of the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. August 22 2005MEIP-3, pp17.
  • 王健雄 (2005) 南太平洋長鰭鮪資源評估。行政院農業委員會漁業署科技計劃研究報告,31頁。
  • 王健雄 (2005) 東部近海鬼頭刀資源與開發潛力評估。行政院農業委員會漁業署科技計劃研究報告,28頁。
  • Wang, C-H., Y-H. Lien, and C-H. Chin (2005) Fishery resources and environmental conditions: The case of South Pacific albacore stocks (Thunnus alalunga). 行政院農業委員會漁業署科技計劃研究報告,25頁。氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展覽(下冊),第456-461頁,國科會永續發展研究推動委員會(編印)。
  • Wang, C-H (2004) Improvement of the Schaefer model and its application. SCTB-17, Majuro, Marshall Island, 9-18 August 2004. MWG-4, pp19.
  • Wang, C-H (2004) Assessing south Pacific albacore stocks by improved Schaefer model. SCTB-17, Majuro, Marshall Island, 9-18 August 2004. MWG-4, pp19.
  • Wang, C-H (2004) Simple method for double check of fishery management and stock assessment. 簡易法漁業管理與資源評估結果之檢測。台灣水產學會年會論文發表,7頁。
  • Wang, C-H. (2003) Comparing the results of south Pacific albacore stocks assessed by four methods. Working paper of ALB-6, SCTB-16, July, 9-16 2003, Mooloolaba, Quesland, Australia, pp12.
  • 王健雄、劉正文、陳美玲 (2003) 臺灣近海黑鮪的漁業與資源。中國水產,607:17-37。
  • Wang, C-H. (2003) Theoretical consideration of estimating the varied carrying capcities. Working paper of MWG-6, SCTB-16, July, 9-16 2003, Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia, pp9.
  • Wang, C-H. (2002) Fundamental limitation of TAC as the goal of fishery management. MWG-3, SCTB 15, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27, July 2002.
  • Wang, C-H. (2002) Estimating the population parameter, r, q and K of the North Pacific albacore stocks based on the surplus production model. December 4-12 2002., Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla California , USA.
  • Wang, C-H. (2002) Catch status of the Taiwanese inshore tuna longline fishery. December 4-12 2002. Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla California , USA.
  • Wang, C-H. (2002) Estimating the population parameter, r, q and K based on surplus production model. Alb-7, SCTB 15, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-27, July 2002.
  • Wang, C-H. (1999) Reconsideration of Assessing South Pacific Albacore Stocks (Thynnus alalunga). ACTA Oceanographica Taiwanica, 37(3): 251-266.
  • Wang, C-H. (1999) Fluctuation of the South Pacific Albacore Stocks(Thynnus Alalunga)Relative on the Sea Surface Temperature. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 10(2): 321-364.
  • 王健雄、林銘振、張美淑 (1989) 屏東縣海洋魚業與產業關聯分析。臺灣水產學會刊,16卷2期,119-144頁。
  • 王健雄、楊榮宗 (1972) 正鰹的外部形態與冷凍效果。臺灣水產學會刊, 1卷2期,14-19頁。
  • 王健雄、楊榮宗 (1972) 印度洋產與臺灣近海產正鰹的外部形態特性值的比較。臺灣水產學會刊, 1卷1期,52-61頁。