
Woei-Lih Jeng

Retired Faculty
  • Field

    Organic geochemistry, Environmental chemistry, Stable isotope geochemistry

  • Experiences

    • 1982/08-2008/08 Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1984/08-1987/07 Chairman, Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1977/08-1982/07 Associate Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1976/08-1977/07 Instructor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1976/05 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin, USA
    • 1971/06 M.S., Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1967/06 B.S., Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University

  • Honors

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Research Achievements/Publications:

  • Jeng, W. L. and Huh, C. A. (2008) A comparison of sedimentary aliphatic hydrocarbon distribution between East China Sea and southern Okinawa Trough. Continental Shelf Research 28(4-5): 582-592.
  • Hsu, S. C., Liu, S. C., Kao, S. J., Jeng, W. L., et al. (2007) Water-soluble species in the marine aerosol from the northern South China Sea: High chloride depletion related to air pollution. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 112(D19): D19304-D19304.
  • Jeng, W. L. (2007) Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in short sediment cores from the southern Okinawa Trough: Implications for lipid deposition in a complex environment. Continental Shelf Research 27(15): 2066-2078.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Huh, C. A. (2006) A comparison of sedimentary aliphatic hydrocarbon distribution between the southern Okinawa Trough and a nearby river with high sediment discharge. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 66: 217-224.
  • Jeng, W. L. (2006) Higher plant n-alkane average chain length as an indicator of petrogenic hydrocarbon contamination in marine sediments. Marine Chemistry 102: 242-251.
  • Hsu, S. C., Kao, S. J. and Jeng, W. L. (2006) Quantitative links between fluvial sediment discharge, trapped terrigenous flux and sediment accumulation, and implications for temporal and spatial distributions of sediment fluxes. Deep-Sea Research I 53: 241-252.
  • Hsu, S. C., Liu, S. C., Jeng, W. L., Chou, C. C. K., Hsu, R. T., Huang, Y. T. and Chen, Y. W. (2006) Lead isotope ratios in ambient aerosols from Taipei, Taiwan: Identifying long-range transport of airborne Pb from the Yangtze Delta. Atmospheric Environment 40: 5393-5404.
  • Hsu, S. C., Liu, S. C., Jeng, W. L., Huang, Y. T., Liu, T. H., and Lin C. Y. (2005) Cd/Pb and Zn/Pb ratios in northern Taiwan aerosols reflecting long range transport or local pollution emissions. The Science of the Total Environment 347: 111-121.
  • Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L. (2005) Seawater solubility of natural and anthropogenic metals within ambient aerosols collected from Taiwan coastal sites. Atmospheric Environment 39: 3989-4001.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Huh, C. A. (2004) Lipids in suspended matter and sediments from the East China Sea Shelf. Organic Geochemistry 35: 647-660.
  • Hsu, S.C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L., Chung, Y. C., Shaw, L. M. and Hung, K. W. (2004) Observed sediment fluxes in the southwesternmost Okinawa Trough enhanced by episodic events: flood runoff from Taiwan rivers and large earthquakes. Deep-Sea Research I 51: 979-997.
  • Jeng, W. L., Lin, S. and Kao, S. J. (2003) Distribution of terrigenous lipids in marine sediments off northeastern Taiwan. Deep-Sea Research II 50: 1179-1201.
  • Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L. and Tang, T. Y. (2003) Spatial distribution of cadmium over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 39: 153-166.
  • Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L., Chung, Y. C. and Shaw, L. M. (2003) Hydrothermal signatures in the southern Okinawa Trough detected by sequential extraction of settling particles. Marine Chemistry 84: 49-66.
  • Liao, W. R., Lin, J. Y., Shieh, W. Y., Jeng, W. L. and Huang, R. (2003) Antibiotic activity of lectins from marine algae against marine vibrios. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 30: 433-439.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Kao, S. J. (2002) Lipids in suspended matter from the human-disturbed Lanyang River, northeastern Taiwan. Environmental Geology 43: 138-144.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Huh, C. A. (2001) Comparative study of sterols in shelf and slope sediments off northeastern Taiwan. Applied Geochemistry 16: 95-108.
  • Hsu, C. H., Jeng, W. L., Chang, R. M., Chien, L. C. and Han, B. C. (2001) Estimation of potential lifetime cancer risks for trihalomethanes from consuming chlorinated drinking water in Taiwan. Environmental Research Section A 85: 77-82.
  • Jeng, W. L., Dai, C. F. and Fan, K. L. (2000) Taiwan Strait. In: Seas at the Millennium: an Environmental Evaluation (Edited by C. R. C. Sheppard), Pergamon, Amsterdam, vol. 2, chap. 85, pp. 499-512.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Hung, T. C., Ling, Y. C., Shieh, M. J. and Chien, L. C. (2000) Estimation of metal and organochlorine pesticide exposures and potential health threat by consumption of oysters in Taiwan. Environment Pollution 109: 147-156.
  • Jeng, M. S., Jeng, W. L., Hung, T. C., Yeh, C. Y., Tseng, R. J., Meng, P. J. and Han, B. C. (2000) Mussel Watch: a review of Cu and other metals in various marine organisms in Taiwan, 1991-98. Environmental Pollution 110: 207-215.
  • Lin, F. J., Hsu, S. C. and Jeng, W. L. (2000) Lead in the southern East China Sea. Marine Environmental Research 49: 329-342.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Han, B. C. (1999) Normalization of sedimentary lipid biomarker concentrations to total organic carbon in principal component analysis. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 73: 15-29.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Chen, R. Y., Fang, G. T., Hung, T. C. and Tseng, R. J. (1998) Estimation of target hazard quotients and potential health risks for metals by consumption of seafood in Taiwan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 35: 711-720.
  • Hung, T. C., Jeng, W. L., Ling, Y. C. and Han, B. C. (1998) Distribution of heavy metals along the Machu/Taiwan–Minjiang/China estuarine and coastal waters, sediments and bivalves. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 67: 83-103.
  • Hsu, S. C., Lin, F. J., Jeng, W. L. and Tang, T. Y. (1998) The effect of a cyclonic eddy on the distribution of lithogenic particles in the southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Research 56: 813-832.
  • Jeng, W. L., Huh, C. A. and Chen, C. L. (1997) Alkanol and sterol degradation in a sediment core from the continental slope off southwestern Taiwan. Chemosphere 35: 2515-2523.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Jeng, M. S., Kao, L. T., Meng, P. J. and Huang, Y. L. (1997) Rock-shells (Thais clavigera) as an indicator of As, Cu and Zn contamination on the Putai coast of the black-foot disease area in Taiwan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 32: 456-461.
  • Jeng, W. L., Wang, J. and Han, B. C. (1996) Coprostanol distribution in marine sediments off southwestern Taiwan. Environmental Pollution 94: 47-52.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Hung, T. C. and Wen, M. Y. (1996) Relationship between copper speciation in sediments and bioaccumulation by marine bivalves of Taiwan. Environmental Pollution 91: 35-39.
  • Yeh, C. Y., Chiou, H. Y., Chen, R. Y., Yeh, K. H., Jeng, W. L. and Han, B. C. (1996) Monitoring lead pollution near a storage battery recycling plant in Taiwan, Republic of China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 30: 227-234.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Han, B. C. (1996) Coprostanol in a sediment core from the anoxic Tan-Shui Estuary, Taiwan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 42: 727-735.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Chen, M. P. (1995) Grain size effect on bound lipids in sediments off northeastern Taiwan. Organic Geochemistry 23: 301-310.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Han, B. C. (1994) Sedimentary coprostanol in Kaohsiung Harbour and the Tan-Shui Estuary, Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin 28: 494-499.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Hung, T. C. and Jeng, M. S. (1994) Copper intake and health threat by consuming seafood from copper contaminated coastal environment in Taiwan. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13: 775-780.
  • Hung, T. C., Kuo, C. Y. and Jeng, W. L. (1994) Characterization of dissolved organic carbon and humic substances in the well water of the blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 46: 127-134.
  • Jeng, W. L. and Han, B. C. (1994) Sedimentary coprostanol in Kaohsiung Harbour and the Tan-Shui Estuary, Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin 28: 494-499.
  • Han, B. C., Jeng, W. L., Hung, T. C. and Jeng, M. S. (1994) Copper intake and health threat by consuming seafood from copper contaminated coastal environment in Taiwan. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13: 775-780.
  • Hung, T. C., Kuo, C. Y. and Jeng, W. L. (1994) Characterization of dissolved organic carbon and humic substances in the well water of the blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 46: 127-134.