Research Achievements/Publications:
A. Journal Papers
- T. Miki*, P. -J. Ke (2024) Macroscale vertical power-law distribution of bacteria in dark oceans can emerge from microscale bacteria-particle interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 595, 111956.
- T. Frenken, T. Miki, M. Kagami, D.B. Van de Waal, E. Van Donk, and A.S. Gsell, * (2020) The potential of zooplankton in constraining chytrid epidemics in phytoplankton hosts. Ecology, 101(1), DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2900.
- Y. Kato*, M. Kondoh, N. F. Ishikawa, H. Togashi, Y. Kohmatsu, M. Yoshimura, C. Yoshimizu, T. F. Haraguchi, Y. Osada, N. Ohte, N. Tokuchi, N. Okuda, T. Miki, and I. Tayasu (2018) Using food network unfolding to evaluate food-web complexity in terms of biodiversity: theory and applications. Ecology Letters, 21 (7), 1065-1074.
- T. Miki, T. Yokokawa, P. J. Ke, I. F. Hsieh, C. H. Hsieh, T. Kume, K. Yoneya, and K. Matsui* (2018) Statistical recipe for quantifying microbial functional diversity from EcoPlate metabolic profiling. Ecological Research, 33 (1), 249-260.
- I. C. Chen, C. H. Hsieh, M. Kondoh, H. J. Lin, T. Miki*, M. Nakamura, T. Ohgushi, J. Urabe, and T. Yoshida (2017) Filling the gaps in ecological studies of socioecological systems. Ecological Research, 32 (6), 873-885.
- M. Itoh, H. Kojima, P. C. Ho, C. W. Chang, T. Y. Chen, S. S. Y. Hsiao, Y. Kobayashi, M. Fujibayashi, S. J. Kao, C. H. Hsieh, M. Fukui, N. Okuda, T. Miki*, and F. K. Shiah*, (2017) Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan. Ecological Research, 32 (6), 861-871.
- M. Nakamura*, C. H. Hsieh, T. Miki, and M. Kondoh (2017) Establishment of an ecological research network involving Taiwan and Japan: developing a better understanding of ecological phenomena unique to East Asia. Ecological Research, 32 (6), 779-781.
- T. Frenken, E. Alacid, S. A. Berger, E. C. Bourne, M. Gerphagnon, H. P. Grossart, A. S. Gsell, B. W. Ibelings, M. Kagami, F. C. Kupper, P. M. Letcher, A. Loyau, T. Miki, J. C. Nejstgaard, S. Rasconi, A. Rene, T. Rohrlack, K. Rojas-Jimenez, D. S. Schmeller, B. Scholz, K. Seto, T. Sime-Ngando, A. Sukenik, D. B. Van de Waal, S. Van den Wyngaert, E. Van Donk, J. Wolinska, C. Wurzbacher, and R. Agha* (2017) Integrating chytrid fungal parasites into plankton ecology: research gaps and needs. Environmental Microbiology, 19 (10), 3802-3822.
- A. Telschow, F. Grziwotz, P. Crain, T. Miki, J. W. Mains, G. Sugihara, S. L. Dobson, and C. H. Hsieh* (2017) Infections of Wolbachia may destabilize mosquito population dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 428, 98-105.
- I. F. Hsieh, T. Kume*, M. Y. Lin, C. H. Cheng, and T. Miki (2016) Characteristics of soil CO2 efflux under an invasive species, Moso bamboo, in forests of central Taiwan. Trees – Structure and Function, 30 (5), 1749-1759.
- P. C. Ho*, T. Miki, M. Itoh, F. K. Shiah, C. W. Chang, S. S. Y. Hsiao, S. J. Kao, M. Fujibayashi, and C. H. Hsieh (2016) Summer profundal hypoxia determines the coupling of methanotrophic production and the pelagic food web in a subtropical reservoir. Freshwater Biology, 61(10), 1694-1706.
- K. Ikeda*, and T. Miki (2016) Regime shift in a phytoplankton–phosphorus model with vertical structure and seasonality, Iktamkang Journal of Mathematics, 47(1), 109-125.
- T. Miki, and H. Doi (2016) Leaf phenological shifts and plant-microbe-soil interactions can determine forest productivity and nutrient cycling under climate change in an ecosystem model. Ecological Research, 31(2), 263-274.
- K. Hamasaki*, A. Taniguchi, Y. Tada, R. Kaneko, and T. Miki (2016) Active populations of rare microbes in oceanic environments as revealed by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and 454 tag sequencing. GENE, 576 (2), 650-656, SI.
- P. J. Ke*, and T. Miki (2015) Incorporating the soil environment and microbial community into plant competition theory. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, Article 1066.
- M. Itoh*, Y. Kobayashi, T. Y. Chen, T. Tokida, M. Fukui, H. Kojima, T. Miki, I. Tayasu, F. K. Shiah, and N. Okuda, (2015) Effect of interannual variation in winter vertical mixing on CH4 dynamics in a subtropical reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 120(7), 1246-1261.
- K. Yoneya, and T. Miki* (2015) Co-evolution of foraging behaviour in herbivores and their natural enemies predicts multifunctionality of herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Functional Ecology, 29 (4), 451-461.
- P.J. Ke, T. Miki,* and T.S. Ding (2015) The soil microbial community predicts the importance of plant traits in plant-soil feedback, New Phytologist, 206(1), 329-341.
- C. H. Tsai, T. Miki, C. W. Chang, K. Ishikawa, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, and C. H. Hsieh* (2014) Phytoplankton functional group dynamics explain species abundance distribution in a directionally changing environment. Ecology, 95(12), 3335-3343.
- T. Enoki, T. Nakashizuka, S. Nakano, T. Miki, Y.P. Lin, and M.Nakaoka, (2014) Progress in the 21st century: a Roadmap for the Ecological Society of Japan. Ecological Research, 29, 357-368.
- C. W. Chang*, F. K. Shiah, J. T. Wu, T. Miki, and C. H. Hsieh, (2014) The role of food availability and phytoplankton community dynamics in the seasonal succession of zooplankton community in a subtropical reservoir. Limnologica, 46, 131-138.
- M. Kagami*, T. Miki, and G. Takimoto (2014) Mycoloop: chytrids in aquatic food webs. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 166.
- C. W. Chang, T. Miki, F. K. Shiah, S. J. Kao, J. T. Wu, A. R. Sastri, and C. H. Hsieh* (2014) Linking secondary structure of individual size distribution with nonlinear size-trophic level relationship in food webs. Ecology, 95(4), 897-909.
- T. Miki, T. Yokokawa, K. Matsui* (2014) Biodiversity and multifunctionality in a microbial community: a novel theoretical approach to quantify functional redundancy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281(1776), 20132498.
- M. Ushio*, T. Miki, T. C. Balser (2013) A Coexisting Fungal-Bacterial Community Stabilizes Soil Decomposition Activity in a Microcosm Experiment. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e80320.
- C. Motegi*, T. Nagata, T. Miki, M G. Weinbauer, L. Legendre, F. Rassoulzadegan (2013) Interactive Effects of Viral and Bacterial Production on Marine Bacterial Diversity. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e76800 .
- P.C. Ho, C. W. Chang, C. H. Hsieh, F. K. Shiah, T. Miki* (2013) Effects of increasing nutrient supply and omnivorous feeding on the size spectrum slope: a size-based nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model. Population Ecology, DOI: 10.1007/S10144-013-0368-3 .
- W. T. Lin*, C. H. Hsieh, and T. Miki (2013) Difference in adaptive dispersal ability can promote species coexistence in fluctuating environments. PLoS ONE, 8(2), e55218.
- T. Miki* (2012) Microbe-mediated plant-soil feedback and its roles in a changing world. Ecological Research, 27(3), 509-520.
- S. Fukui*, T. Miki, and M. Shimada (2012) Consumers can enhance ecosystem productivity and stability in changing environments. Population Ecology, 54(1), 177-186.
- Y. Tada*, A. Taniguchi, I. Nagao, T. Miki, M. Uematsu, A. Tsuda, and K. Hamasaki (2011) Differing growth Responses of major phylogenetic groups of marine bacteria to natural phytoplankton blooms in the western North Pacific Ocean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 4055-4065.
- J. Y. Wakano*, K. Ikeda, T. Miki*, and M. Mimura (2011) Effective dispersal rate is a function of habitat size and corridor shape: mechanistic formulation of a two-patch compartment model for spatially continuous systems. Oikos, 120, 1712-1720.
- T. Miki*, G. Takimoto, and M. Kagami (2011) Roles of parasitic fungi in aquatic food webs: a theoretical approach. Freshwater Biology, 56,1173-1183.
- Y. Saito, and T. Miki* (2010) Species coexistence under resource competition and intra- and interspecific direct competition in the chemostat. Theoretical Population Biology, 78, 173-182.
- T. Miki*, M. Ushio, S. Fukui, and M. Kondoh. (2010) Functional diversity of microbial decomposers facilitates plant coexistence in a plant-microbe-soil feedback model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0914281107.
- S. Utsumi*, Y. Ando, and T. Miki (2010) Linkages among trait-mediated indirect effects: a new framework for the indirect interaction web. Population Ecology, 52, 485-497.
- T. Miki*, S. Jacquet (2010) Indirect interactions in the microbial world: specificities and similarities to plant-insect systems. Population Ecology, 52, 475-483.
- S. Jacquet*, T. Miki, R. Noble, P. Pedduzi, and S. Wilhelm (2010) Viruses in aquatic ecosystems: important advancements of the last 20 years and prospects for the future in the field of microbial oceanography and limnology. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 1, 71-101.
- T. Nakazawa*, T. Miki, and T. Namba. Influence of predator-specific defense adaptation on intraguild predation. Oikos, 119, 418-427.
- C. Motegi, T.Nagata*, T. Miki, M.G. Weinbauer, L. Legendre, and F. Rassoulzadegan (2009) Viral control of bacterial growth efficiency in marine pelagic environments. Limnology and Oceanography, 54, 1901-1910.
- M. Ushio*, T. Miki, and K. Kitayama (2009) Phenolic control of plant nitrogen acquisition through the inhibition of soil microbial decomposition processes: a plant-microbe competition model. Microbes and Environments, 24, 180-187.
- T. Miki*, L. Giuggioli, Y. Kobayashi, T. Nagata, and S.A. Levin (2009) Vertically-structured prokaryotic community can control the efficiency of the biological pump in the oceans. Theoretical Ecology, 2, 199-216.
- T. Miki* (2009) A new graphical model for untangling complex relationships among environment, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. Ecological Research, 24, 937-941.
- A. Yamauchi*, and T. Miki (2009) Intraspecific niche flexibility facilitates species coexistence in a competitive community with a fluctuating environment. Oikos, 118, 55-66.
- T. Miki*, T. Yokokawa, T. Nagata, and N. Yamamura (2008) Immigration of prokaryotes to local environments enhances remineralization efficiency of sinking particles: a metacommunity model. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 366, 1-14.
- T. Miki, and S. Jacquet* (2008) Complex interactions in the microbial world: under-explored key links between viruses, bacteria and protozoan grazers in aquatic environments. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 51, 195-208.
- T. Miki*, T. Nakazawa, T. Yokokawa and T. Nagata (2008) Functional consequences of viral impacts on bacterial communities: a food-web model analysis. Freshwater Biology, 53, 1142-1153.
- T. Miki*, M. Ueki, Z. Kawabata, and N. Yamamura (2007) Long-term dynamics of catabolic plasmids introduced to a microbial community in a polluted environment: mathematical model. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 62, 211-221.
- G. Takimoto*, T. Miki, and M. Kagami (2007) Intraguild predation promotes complex alternative states along a productivity gradient. Theoretical Population Biology, 72, 264-273.
- M. Nakamura*, S. Utsumi, T. Miki and T. Ohgushi (2005) Flood initiates bottom-up cascades in a tri-trophic systems: host plant regrowth increases densities of a leaf beetle and its predators. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74, 683-691.
- T. Miki* and N. Yamamura (2005) Intraguild predation reduces bacterial richness and loosens the viral loop in aquatic systems: ‘kill the killer of the winner’ hypothesis. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 40, 1-12.
- T. Miki* and N. Yamamura (2005) Theoretical model for interactions between particle-associated and free-living bacteria to predict functional composition and succession in the bacterial communities. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 39, 35-46.
- T. Miki* and N. Yamamura (2005) Effects of asynchronous fluctuations in DOC supply and bacterial growth on biodegradation efficiency. Ecological Modelling, 183, 281-299.
- T. Miki* and M. Kondoh (2002) Feedbacks between nutrient cycling and vegetation predict plant species coexistence and invasion. Ecology Letters, 5. 624-633.
B. Books and Book Chapters
- Miki, T., 2012. Bacterial community should be considered in ecosystem model in the ocean? – Comparison between community-based model, black box model, and exponential decay model. In: M. Kawaguchi, K. Misaki, H. Sato, T. Yokokawa, T. Itai, T. M. Nguyen, J. Ono and S. Tanabe (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry Vol. 6: Advanced Environmental Studies by Young Scientists. Tokyo: Terrapub, 407-418.
- 三木 健,2011。 微生物の集団生物学。大園享司、鏡味麻衣子(主編):微生物の生態学,東京:共立出版,第14章。
- 三木 健,2008。 群集―環境間のフィードバック―生物多様性と生態系機能のつながりを再考する。大串隆之・近藤倫生・仲岡雅裕 (主編):生態系と群集をむすぶ,京都:京都大学学術出版会,第5章。