
Shean Ya Yeh

Retired Faculty
  • Field

    Marine resources, Population dynamics, Biomathematics, Fisheries biology, Policy of fishery management

  • Experiences

    • 1985/08- Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1981/08-1985/07 Assistant Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1976/09-1981/03 Ph.D., University of Washington, USA
    • 1975/08-1981/07 Lecturer, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 1969/09-1970/07 M.S., Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University

  • Honors

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Research Achievements/Publications:

  • Smith, B. L., C. P. Lu, B. Garcia-Cortes, J. Vinas, J. R. A. Bremer, and S.-Y. Yeh (2015) Multilocus Bayesian Estimates of Intra-Oceanic Genetic Differentiation, Connectivity, and Admixture in Atlantic Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.). PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0127979.
  • Chang, F. C., H. N. Hsieh, and S.-Y. Yeh (2013) Generalized Confidence Interval Estimation for the Difference in Paired Areas Under the ROC Curves in the Absence of a Gold Standard, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 42(9): 2056-2072.
  • Lee, L.-K., F. C. Chang, C. Y. Chen, W. J. Wang and S.-Y. Yeh (2012) Standardized CPUE of Indian albacore (Thunnus alalunga) based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statistics dating from 1980 to 2011. IOTC–2012–WPTmT04–18.
  • Chang, F.-C., C. Y. Chen, L. K. Lee, and S.-Y. Yeh (2012) Assessment on Indian albacore stock based mainly on Taiwanese longline data. IOTC–2012–WPTmT04–19.
  • Chang, F.-C., W. Y. Kao and S.-Y. Yeh (2011) Conversion on Sampled-CAS into CAA of South Atlantic Taiwanese Albacore Catch, Dating from 1981 to 2010, using Knife Cutting Algorithm. ICCAT/SCRS/2011/118.
  • Chang, F.-C. and S.-Y. Yeh (2011) Standardized CPUE of South Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statistics dating from 1967 to 2010. ICCAT/SCRS/2011/119.
  • Hsieh, C.-H., F. C. Chang and S.-Y. Yeh (2009) Standardized Northern Atlantica Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE, from 1967 to 2008, Based on Taiwanese Longline Catch and Effort Statistics. ICCAT/SCRS/2009/105.
  • Chang, F.-C., Y. Chang and S.-Y. Yeh (2009) Conversion on Sampled-CAS into CAA of North Atlantic Taiwanese Albacore Catch, Dating from 1981 to 2008, using Knife Cutting Algorithm (Draft). ICCAT/ SCRS/2009/106.
  • Chang, F.-C. and S.-Y. Yeh (2009) Standardized CPUE of South Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statistics dating from 1967 to 2008 . ICCAT/SCRS/2009/107.
  • Hsieh, W.-J., H. Y. Huang and S.-Y. Yeh (2008) Mean Price of Major Tunas Fished by Taiwanese Longlinersin the Indian Ocean from 2003 to 2007. .IOTC-2008- WPTe-04.
  • Chang, F. C., C. Y. Chen and S.-Y. Yeh (2008) Standardized CPUE of Indian albacore (Thunnus alalunga) based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statisticsdating from 1980 to 2006(Draft: Nov 01,2008). IOTC-2008-WPTe-05.
  • Tzeng, T. D., D. Wang, H. L. Haung, and S.-Y. Yeh (2008) Population Structure in the Sword Prawn (Parapenaeopsis hardwickii) from the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait Inferred from Intron Sequences. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 28(2): 234-239.
  • Tzeng, T. D., H. L. Haung, D. Wang, and S.-Y. Yeh (2007) Genetic Diversity and Population Expansion of the Common Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) off Taiwan. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 34(3): 281-289.
  • Hsieh, C. H., F. C. Chang and S.-Y. Yeh (2007) Standardized northern Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE, from 1967 to 2005, based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statistics. ICCAT/SCRS/2007/093, 62(3): 847-857.
  • Chang, F. C. and S.-Y. Yeh (2007) Standardized CPUE of South Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) based on Taiwanese longline catch and effort statistics dating from 1967 to 2005. ICCAT/SCRS/2007/094, 62(3): 858-869.
  • Lee, L. K. and S.-Y. Yeh (2007) Assessment of the South Atlantic albacore resource based on 1959-2005 catch and effort statistics from ICCAT. ICCAT/SCRS/2007/095, 62(3): 870-883.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (2007) Morphological Variation in the Common Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) off Taiwan. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 34(2): 199-207.
  • Lu, C. P., V. O. de Zàrate and S.-Y. Yeh (2006) Morphology of rings on otolith and spine characters from North Atlantic albacore of 40-44 cm fork length. ICCAT/SCRS/2006/109, 60(2): 437-442.
  • Lee, L. K. and S.-Y. Yeh (2006) Age and growth of South Atlantic albacore – a revision after the revelation of otolith’s daily ring counts. ICCAT/SCRS/2006/110, 60(2):443-456.
  • Lu, C. P., J. Mejuto and S.-Y. Yeh ( 2006) Identification on Atlantic Swordfish Stock Structure inferred by Mitochondrial Control Region DNA Sequence Characters. ICCAT/SCRS/2006/026.
  • Lu, C. P., C. A.Chen, C. F.Hui, T. D.Tzeng and S.-Y. Yeh (2006) Population genetic structure of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius(Linnaeus, 1758 ), in the Indian Ocean and West Pacific inferred from the complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial control region. Zoological Studies Academia Sinica, 45(2): 269-279.
  • Wu, C. L., S.-Y. Yeh and W. C. Su. (2006) The Description of Catch and Effort of the Taiwanese Albacore Longline Fishery in Atlantic Ocean.(臺灣的大西洋長鰭鮪延繩釣漁業之漁獲量與努力量概況)Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 33(1): 11-23.
  • Wu, C. L., S.-Y. Yeh and W. C. Su. (2006) Cluster Analysis for Defining the Resource Distributed Area of North Atlantic Albacore Stock.(應用聚落分析法解析北大西洋長鰭鮪資源的地理分布)Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 33(1): 25-34.
  • Lee, L. K., C. L. Wu and S.-Y. Yeh (2006) Northern Atlantic Albacore Standardized Catch per Unit Effort Trends Derived from the Catch Statisics of the Taiwanese Longline Fishery from 1968 to 2003. (1968至2003年間北大西洋長鰭鮪標準化資源豐度指標之變動趨勢) Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 14(1): 29-36.
  • Liu, J. M., C. L. Wu and Y. Chang (2005) In situ Target Strength versus Fork Length Relationships of Scomber japonicus and Scomber australasicus in Waters off Northeastern Taiwan.(臺灣東北部白腹鯖與花腹鯖現場標地反射強度與尾叉長關係式之研究) Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 13(2): 1-9.
  • Tzeng, T. D., C. S. Chiu and S.-Y. Yeh. (2005) Growth and Mortality of the Red-Spot Prawn ( Metapenaeopsis Barbata) in the Northeastern Coast off Taiwan. J.Fish. Soc. Taiwan , 32(3):229-238.
  • Tzeng,T.D. and S.-Y. Yeh (2004) Variation of Multivariate Allonetry for Sword Prawn (Parapenaeopsis hardwickii) in the East China Sea and Taiwan Strait. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 31(3): 159-168.
  • Tzeng, T. D., S.-Y. Yeh and C. F. Hui (2004) Population structure of Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) from the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait inferred by mitochondria DNA sequence. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61(6): 913-920.
  • Chang, Yin and S.-Y. Yeh (2003) In situ Target Strength versus Fork Length Relations of Trachurus Japonicus Extracted from a Set of Acoustic and Corresponding Length Surveys Data. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 30(2):159-170.
  • Tzeng, T. D., S. J. Wang, and S.-Y. Yeh (2003) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Morphology for the Red Scad (Decapterus kurroides) in the Adiacent Waters off Taiwan. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 30(3): 217-226.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh. (2002) Stock Structure of Spotted Mackerel (Scomber australasicus)in Taiwan Inferred from Morphometric Variation. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 29(2): 117-128.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (2002) Multivariate allometric comparisons for kuruma shirmp (Penaeus japonicus) off Taiwan. Fisheries Research, 59: 279 –288.
  • Wu, C. L. and S.-Y. Yeh (2002) Geographic Distribution and Area Demarcation on the Fisheries Resource of South Atlantic Albacore. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanic. 40(1): 81-92.
  • Tzeng,T.D., D. R. Lin and S.-Y. Yeh (2002) Comparison on Growth Characteristics of Southern East China Sea’s Lizard Fish (Saurida tumbil) Between 1970s and 1990s. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanic, 40(1):93-105
  • Tzeng, T. D., C. S. Chiu and S.-Y. Yeh (2001) Morphometric variation in red-spot prawn (Metapenaeopsis barbata) in different geographic waters off Taiwan. Fishery Research, 53(3): 211-217.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (2001) Growth, Mortality and Recruitment of Trach ypenaeus curvirostris in the Wastern Coast of Taiwan. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 28(2): 77-90.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (2000) Estimates of Biological Parameters of Sword Prawn (Parapenaeopsis hardwickii) in the Adjacent Waters off Taichung Harbor. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 27(4): 241-251.
  • Wu, C. L. and S.-Y. Yeh (2000) Demarcation of operating areas and fishing strategies for Taiwanese longline fisheries in South Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT/ SCRS/00/16, 52(5): 1933-1947.
  • Tzeng, T.D., S.-J. Wang, Y. Chang and S.-Y. Yeh (2000) Standardized CPUE Trend of Taiwanese longline fishery for Northern Atlantic albacore from 1968 to 1998. ICCAT/ SCRS/00/170, 52(4): 1481-1489(2001).
  • Wu, C. L. and S.-Y. Yeh (1999) CPUE standardization for South Atlantic albacore caught by Taiwanese longline fisheries, 1968-1996. ICCAT /SCRS/98/156.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (1999) Permutation Tests for Difference between Two Multivariate Allometric Patterns. Zoological Studies, 38(1): 10-18.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (1999) Analysis of the morphometric characters of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 26(4): 203-212.
  • Chang, S. K., S. B. Wang and S.-Y. Yeh (1999) Examination on Recent Increase in Juvenle Catch of South Atlantic Albacore Thunnus alalunga: Observations and Implications. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 26(4):191-201.
  • Tzeng, T. D., C. S. Chiu and S.-Y. Yeh (1998) Comparison of multivariate allometric coefficients in red-spot prawn (Metapenaeaopsis barbata) from adjacent waters off Taiwan. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 25(2): 85-92.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (1998) Growth, mortality and yield-per-recruit of Kuruma shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) from adjacent waters off Taichung harbor. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 37(2): 187-200.
  • Andrew J. Penney., S.-Y. Yeh, C. L. Kuo and R. W. Leslie (1998) Relationships between Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) stocks in the Southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans.col.vol.sci.pap. ICCAT, 50(1): 261-271
  • Lee L. K., S.-Y. Yeh (1997) Yearly size and age distribution of Atlantic albacore caught by Taiwanese longline fleet. SCRS/1997/108, 48 (1): 186-188 (1998).
  • Lin Y. J., Y. Chang, S.-Y. Yeh (1997) GLM adjusted northern Atlantic albacore CPUE trend based on Taiwanese longline catch data of 1968-1995. SCRS/1997/109, 48 (1): 189-195 (1998).
  • Wu C. L., T. D. Tzeng, and S.-Y. Yeh (1997) Updating of CPUE trend of southern Atlantic albacore by using GLM adjustments on Taiwanese longline data from 1968 to 1995.SCRS/1997/110 , 48 (1): 196-203 (1998).
  • Wu, C. L., Y. Uozumi, S.-Y. Yeh and C. L. Kuo (1997) Age and growth of south Atlantic albacore based on multifan analysis from Japanese longline size data, 1965-1969. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap., 46(3): 107-115.
  • Yeh, S. Y., T. D. Tzeng, C. F. Hui, and A. Penney (1996) Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis on Albacore, Thunnus alalunga, meat samples collected from waters off western South Africa and the eastern Indian Ocean. ICCAT Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. XLVI (3): 152-159.
  • Yeh, S. Y., C. F. Hui, T. D. Tzeng and C. L. Kuo (1996) Indian Ocean albacore stock structure studies by morphometric and DNA sequence methods. FAO IPTP Col. 9: 258-263.
  • Tzeng, T. D. and S.-Y. Yeh (1995) Growth parameters of red-spot shrimp, Metapenaeaopsis barbata, from the adjacent waters off Taichung Harbor. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 22(1): 53-68.
  • Chou, L. S., A. M. Bright and S.-Y. Yeh (1995) Stomach contents of dolphins from North Pacific Ocean. Academia Sinica, 34(3): 206-210.
  • 曾宗德、許祖法、葉顯椏 (1995) 粒線體去氧核醣核酸的特性及其在漁業資源系群判別上之應用。中國水產,512: 31-46。
  • 曾宗德、葉顯椏 (1995) 系群判別 (Stock Discrimination) 法簡介。中國水產,510: 5-14。
  • 曾宗德、葉顯椏 (1995) 體長頻度成長參數估計法簡介。中國水產,508: 19-33。
  • 張水鍇、葉顯椏 (1995) 1995年ICCAT『研究與統計常設委員會會議記事及會議討論』。中國水產,512:27-42。
  • Chang, L. E. P., S.-Y. Yeh and T.D. Tzeng (1994) Study on the age and growth of cherootfish (Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker 1855) in the Nanwan bay region, southern Taiwan. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 32: 65-78.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., C. L. Wu and H. C. Liu (1994) Assessment of south Atlantic albacore resource by adopting production models on Taiwanese 1968-91 longline data. ICCAT/SCRS/93/70, 42(1):339-343.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., H. C. Liu and Y. Uozumi (1993) By area comparison of Albacore catch rates obtained from the longline Fisheries in the South Atlantic. ICCAT/SCRS/93/133, 42(1): 415-420.
  • Chu, T. J., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1993) Hydroacoustic biomass distribution in the waters off Northern Taiwan in 1990 winter season. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 30: 22-42.
  • Chou, L.-S., A. M. Bright, S.-Y. Yeh and C. Lin (1993) Two dolphin species, Delphinus delphis and Lissodelphis borealis, from the North Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 32(4): 273-277.
  • Wen, T.S., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1991) A Nonlinear estimation of selection curve of 20 species of fish from Northwestern Australian waters by Marquardt’s Algorithm. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica , 27: 73-85.
  • Ju, D. R. and S.-Y. Yeh (1991) Assessment on the red snapper (Lutjanus altifrontalis) resource in the waters off northwest Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 27: 86-97.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., H. C. Liu and D. R. Ju (1990) Survival estimation based on length-frequency analysis of red snapper (Lutjanus altifrontalis) in the Waters off northwestern Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 24: 108-115.
  • Yeh, Shean-Ya (1990) Yield analysis by using“Generalized leslie matrix-differential equation”two species coupled model. The Second Asian Fisheries Society Forum, 843-846.
  • Ju, D. R., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1989) Age and growth studies on Lutjanus altifrontalis from the Arafura Sea region. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 22: 68-82.
  • Lee, Y. C. and S.-Y. Yeh. (1989) Age determination by using scale ring-reading for the lizard fish, Saurida undosquamis, from the southern Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 23: 63-73.
  • Ju, D .R., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1988) Age and growth of Lutjanus altifrontalis in the waters off northwest Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 20: 1-12.
  • Yeh, S.-Y. (1988) Stock assessment on thr red snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus) resource in the waters off northwest Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 19: 166-176.
  • Yeh, S. Y. and H. C. Liu. (1988) Stock assessment of south Atlantic albacore by using production model analysis. 1967-1986. ICCAT/SCRS/87/81, 28: 147-155.
  • Wen, T. S., H. C. Liu and S.-Y. Yeh (1987) Age and growth of lizard fish, Saurida undosquamis (Richardson), in the northwest shelf off Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 18: 1-15.
  • Liu, H. C. and S.-Y. Yeh (1986) Survival estimation based on length-frequency analysis of golden thread (Nemipterus peronii) in the northwest shelf of Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 17: 95-104.
  • Lee, Y. C., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1986) Age and Growth of lizard fish, Saurida undosquamis, in the southern part of the Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 17: 105-118.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., C. Y. Chen and H. C. Liu (1986) Survival estimation based on length-frequency analysis of red snapper (L. malabaricus) in the northwest shelf of Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 17: 119-126.
  • Wu, C. L., H. C. Liu and S.-Y. Yeh (1986) Age and growth of Nemipterus peronii (Cuvier) in the northwestern shelf off Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 16: 74-89.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., C. Y. Chen and H. C. Liu (1986) Age and growth of Lutjanus sebae in the waters off northwestern Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 16: 90-102.
  • Yeh, S.-Y. and L. L. Low (1985) A Leslie matrix-differential equation model in yield analysis of groundfish resources. International North Pacific Commission Bulletin, 47: 101-109.
  • Liu, H. C. and S.-Y. Yeh (1984) Yield analysis of the groundfish resources in the Australian waters off north and northwestern Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 15:141-153.
  • Chen, C. Y., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1984) Age and growth of Lutjanus malabaricus in the northwestern shelf off Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 15: 154-164.
  • Yeh, Shean-Ya (1984) Standardization of fishing effort of the Taiwanese pair trawl fishery off Northwestern Australia. INPFC Bull, 42: 23-27.
  • Yeh, S.-Y. (1984) General review and prospects of the Taiwanese trawl fisheries. China Fisheries Monthly, 375: 25-34.
  • Yeh, S.-Y. and H. C. Liu (1983) Geographic distribution of Groundfish resources in the Sunda shelf area of the South China Sea. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 14: 119-135.
  • Lai. H. L. and S.-Y. Yeh (1983) Age determination of walleye Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from four age structures. International North Pacific Commission Bulletin, 45: 66-89.
  • Yeh, S. Y. and T. S. Chiu (1982) Standardization of fishing effort of the Taiwanese pair trawl fishery off northern Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 13: 215-225.
  • Yeh, S. Y. Lewis J. Bledsoe and L. L. Low (1982) A study on the species affinity groups of the Groundfish Communities in the Sunda Shelf area. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 13: 226-245.
  • Liu, H. C. and S.-Y. Yeh (1982) Geographic distribution of Groundfish resources in the waters off Northern and Northwestern Australia. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 13: 246-263.
  • Yeh, Shean-Ya (1981) Dynamics of the demersal fish resources in the Sunda Shelf area of the South China Sea. Ph. D. Thesis. U. of Washington, Seattle, 224p.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., L. L. Low and H. C. Liu (1981) Assessment on Groundfish Resources in the Sunda Shelf Area of the South China Sea. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 12: 175-189.
  • Yeh, Shean-Ya (1981) Standardization of fishing effort of the Taiwanese pair trawl fishery off northwestern Australia. International North Pacific Fisheries Commisson Bulletin, 42: 23-27.
  • Liu, H. C., H.L. Lai and S.-Y. Yeh (1978) General review of demersal fish resources in the Sunda Shelf and the Australian waters. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 8: 109-140.
  • Yeh, S.-Y., H.L. Lai and H. C. Liu (1977) Age and growth of lizard fish, Saurida tumbil (BLOCH), in the East China Sea and the Gulf of Tonkin. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 7: 134-145.
  • Liu, H. C. and S.-Y. Yeh (1974) Maturity and fecundity of lizard fish, Saurida tumbil, in the East and South China Seas. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 4: 225-240.
  • Su, M.S., S.-Y. Yeh and H. C. Liu (1973) Morphometric and meristic studies on the yellow sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) from the South and the East China Seas. Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 3: 223-234.
  • Yeh, S.-Y. and H. C. Liu (1973) Comparative morphometric and meristic studies of lizard fish (Saurida tumbil) from the south and the East China Seas. Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, 2(2): 59-74.