
Shraddha Tukaram Band

  • Supervisor:

    Jeroen Groeneveld

  • Office


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  • Major Interests:

    Paleoceanography, Isotope Geochemistry, Indian Summer Monsoon

Publication list

  1. Nazir, A., Ghosh, P., Sakthivel, T., & Khan, M. A. (2022) Stable isotopic analysis of long-whiskered catfish (Sperata aor) otoliths for characterization of their habitat and relationship with water temperature in the Ganges River. Current Chinese Science.
  2. Nazir, A., Khan, M. A., & Ghosh, P. (2022) Assessment of variations in metal concentrations of the Ganges River water by using multivariate statistical techniques. Limnologica, 125989.
  3. Ghosh, P., Rajawat, V. S., Nazir, A., Banerjee, Y., Nath, A. K., & Sakthivel, T. (2022) Stable isotope on hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) otoliths revealed migratory behavior of a population found in Hooghly River, West Bengal, India. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
  4. Nazir, A., & Khan, M. A. (2021) Using otoliths for fish stock discrimination: status and challenges. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 51(2), 199-218.
  5. Nazir, A., & Khan, M. A. (2020) Stock-specific assessment of precise age and growth in the long-whiskered catfish Sperata aor from the Ganges River. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71(12), 1693-1701.
  6. Nazir, A., & Khan, M. A. (2019) Spatial and temporal variation in otolith chemistry and its relationship with water chemistry: Stock discrimination of Sperata aor. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 28(3), 499-511.
  7. Nazir, A., & Khan, M. A. (2019) Using otolith weight to predict the age of different stocks of Sperata aor (Siluriformes: Bagridae) from the River Ganga. Revista de Biología Tropical, 67(3), 534-540.
  8. Khan, M. A., & Nazir, A. (2019) Stock delineation of the long-whiskered catfish, Sperata aor (Hamilton 1822), from River Ganga by using morphometrics. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(1), 107-113.
  9. Khan, M. A., Nazir, A., & Banday, U. Z. (2018) Utility of otolith weight to estimate age of Labeo bata inhabiting river Ganga. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 48(3), 257-260.
  10. Nazir, A., & Khan, M. A. (2017) Stock discrimination of Sperata aor from river Ganga using microsatellite markers: implications for conservation and management. Aquatic Living Resources, 30, 33.
  11. Khan, M. A., Nazir, A., & Khan, S. (2016). Assessment of growth zones on whole and thin-sectioned otoliths in Sperata aor (Bagridae) inhabiting the river Ganga, India. Journal of Ichthyology, 56(2), 242-246.