Environmental Radiochemistry I&II, Marine Sedinentology, Field Work in Marine Geology, Sea Lab., Marine Resources, Taiwan Regional Oceanography, Practice in Marine Geological and Geochemical Instrumentation
A. Journal Papers
- Dang, M. Q., Hsu, F. H., Su, C. C.*, Wang, S. J., Fu, C. C., Lin, I. T. (2025) Investigation of seasonal variations in submarine groundwater discharge using radium isotopes under drought conditions in northwestern coastal Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology, 649, 132450. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132450.
- Lien, W. Y., Chen, C. T., Lee, Y. H., Su, C. C., Wang, P. L., Lin, L. H. (2025) Two-stage oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon in a rapidly exhuming small mountainous catchment. Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1), 45.
- Chen, Y. H., Su, C. C.*, Yu, P. S., Hsu, T. W., Hsu, S. T., Juan, H. C., Chang, Y. P., Ma, Y. F., Chiu, S. D. (2025) Sedimentary Signatures of Super Typhoon Haiyan: Insight from Core Record in South China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13(1), 10.
- Chen, K. T., Hsu, S. K., Lin, A. T. S., Su, C. C., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Lallemand, S., Huang, P. C., Lin, L. K., Lin, H. S., Tsai, C. H., Lin, J. Y., Chen, S. C. (2024) Changes in marine sedimentation patterns in the northeastern South China Sea in the past 35,000 years. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 420.
- Fenies, P., Bassetti, M. A., Riveiros, N. V., Ho, S. L., Chang, Y. P., Löwemark, L., Bretonnière, F., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Hsu, S. K., Su, C. C. (2024) Changes in the particulate organic carbon pump efficiency since the Last Glacial Maximum in the northwestern Philippine Sea. Quaternary Science Advances, 15, 100223.
- Lin, H. T., Denis, V., Hsieh, C. C., Chen, C. J., Hsiao, W. V., Wang, P. L., Su, C. C., Kuo, Y. N. (2024) Inorganic and organic nutrients in tropical-subtropical Western Pacific coral reef waters. Coral Reefs, 43(4), 1053-1069.
- Lin, Y. S., Huang, W. J., Lin, L. H., Lan, T.F., Shao, H. J., Su, C. C., Fu, K. H., Lee, H. F., Huang, C. C., Wang, B. S., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Chen, S. C., Wang, Y.S., Lee, I. H. (2024) Sources and Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Hydrothermally Active Corner of a Backarc Basin (Southwestern Okinawa Trough). Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 129(6), e2023JC020429.
- Hsu, F. H., Su, C. C., Lin, Y. S., Lee, H. F., Chu, M. F., Lan, T.F., Wu, S. F., Chen, S. C. (2024) Geochemical indications of hydrothermal fluid through sediments within the Geolin Mounds and Mienhua Volcano hydrothermal fields, southernmost Okinawa Trough. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 207, 104293.
- Fenies, P., Bassetti, M. A., Riveiros, N. V., Menniti, C., Frigola, C., Ratzov, G., Babonneau, N., Hsu, S. K., Su, C. C. (2023) Changes in Kuroshio Current dynamics and East Asian monsoon variability during the last 26 kyr. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 632, 111836.
- Hsu, H. H., Liu, C. S., Milliman, J. D., Chen, T. T., Chang, J. H., Liu, J. P., Su, C. C., Fan, M. C. (2023) Connecting link between a sediment source and its deep-sea sink: Ilan Shelf offshore northeastern Taiwan. Marine And Petroleum Geology, 157, 106499.
- Kossack, M., Scholz, F., Anderson, C. H., Vosteen, P., Su, C. C., Mohrholz, V., Zabel, M. (2023) Sedimentary molybdenum and uranium cycling under seasonally contrasting redox conditions on the Namibian Shelf. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 358, 174-191.
- Chen, N. C., Yang, T. F., Liou, Y. H, Lin, H. T. T., Hong, W. L., Lin, SL., Su, C. C., Lin, L. H., Wang, P. L. (2023) Controlling factors on patterns of dissolved organic carbon and volatile fatty acids in a submarine mud volcano offshore southwestern Taiwan. Frontiers In Earth Science, 11, 1210088.
- Chen, T. T., Hsu, H. H., Su, C. C.*, Liu, C. S., Wang, YS., Chen, S. C., Chang, E. T. Y., Hsu, F. H., Lin, L. F., Chang, J. H., Wu, J. N., Hsu, T. W., Wu, S. F. (2023) Hydrothermal characteristics of the Mienhua submarine volcano in the southernmost Okinawa trough. Marine Geophysical Research, 44(2), 10.
- Lin, T. W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Bahr, A., Yamoah, K. A., Su, C. C., Wang, L. C., Wang, P. L., Loewemark, L. (2023) Disentangling the impact of anthropogenic and natural processes on the environment in a subtropical subalpine lake catchment in northeastern Taiwan over the past 150 years. Science of the Total Environment, 866, 161300.
- Hsieh, A. I., Dashtgard, S. E., Wang, P. L., Horng, C. S., Su, C. C., Lin, A. T., Vaucher, R., Lowemark, L. (2023) Multi-proxy evidence for rapidly shifting sediment sources to the Taiwan Western Foreland Basin at the Miocene-Pliocene transition. Basin Research, 35(3), 932-948.
- Tapia, R., Le, SC., Ho, S. L., Bassetti, M. A., Lin, I. T., Lin, H. L., Chang, Y. P., Jiann, K. T., Wang, P. L., Lin, J. K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Hsu, S. K., Su, C. C.* (2022) Planktic-benthic foraminifera ratio (%P) as a tool for the reconstruction of paleobathymetry and geohazard: A case study from Taiwan. Marine Geology, 453, 106922.
- Chuang, P. C., Anderson, C. H., Kossack, M., Fabian, J., Su, C. C., Vosteen, P., Zabel, M., Scholz, F., Schulz-Vogt, H. N., Sommer, S., Dale, A. W. (2022) Nutrient turnover by large sulfur bacteria on the Namibian mud belt during the low productivity season. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 929913.
- Tapia, R.*, Le, S., Ho, S. L.*, Bassetti, M., Lin, I.-T, Lin, H.-H., Chang, Y.-P, Jiann, K.-T., Wang, P.-L, Lin, J.-K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Hsu, S.-K., & Su, C.-C.* (2022). Planktic-benthic foraminifera ratio (%P) as a tool for the reconstruction of paleobathymetry and geohazard: A case study from Taiwan. Marine Geology, 453, 106922. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106922
- Chen, T. T., Huang, C. F., Su, C. C., Liu, C. S., Hsu, S. T., Liu, J. Y. (2022) Application of acoustic classification in different sedimentary environments: A case study of the Gaoping slope in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 237, 105347.
- Zuhr, A. M., Dolman, A. M., Ho, S. L., Groeneveld, J., Loewemark, L., Grotheer, H., Su, C. C., Laepple, T. (2022) Age-Heterogeneity in Marine Sediments Revealed by Three-Dimensional High-Resolution Radiocarbon Measurements. Frontiers In Earth Science, 10, 871902.
- Yang, R. J., Liu, J. T., Su, C. C., Chang, Y., Xu, J. J., Lui, H. K. (2021) Land-Ocean Interaction Affected by the Monsoon Regime Change in Western Taiwan Strait. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 732017.
- Liu, J. T., Lee, J., Yang, R. J., Du, X. Q., Li, A. C., Lin, Y.-S., Su, C. C., Tao, S. Q. (2021) Coupling between physical processes and biogeochemistry of suspended particles over the inner shelf mud in the East China Sea. Marine Geology, 442,106657.
- Kaboth-Bahr, S., Bahr, A., Yamoah, K. A., Chuang, C.-K., Li, H.-C., Su, C. C., Wei, K. Y. (2021) Rapid humidity changes across the Northern South China Sea during the last similar to 40 kyrs. Marine Geology, 440, 106579.
- McGuire, H. E., Dunnington, D. W., Loder, A. L., Spooner, I. S., Mallory, M. L., McLellan, N. R., Su, C. C. (2021) Evaluating the multidecadal response of historic seawater incursion events and salinity-induced meromixis at Laytons Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. Lake and Reservoir Management, 37(4), 378-390.
- Chen, H. F., Wei, K. Y., Huang, J. J. S., Lin, C. C., Su, C. C., Song, G. S., Li, H. C., Lee, T. Q., Song, S. R., Pan, H. J. (2021) High-resolution records of anthropogenic activity and geohazards from the reservoir of Sun Moon Lake, Central Taiwan. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1), DOI:10.1525/elementa.2020.00150
- Lin, T. W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Yamoah, K. A., Bahr, A., Burr, G., Chang, Y. P., Dietze, E., Li, H. C., Su, C. C., Yam, R. S. W., Lowemark, L. (2021) East Asian winter monsoon variation during the last 3000 years as recorded in a subtropical mountain lake, northeastern Taiwan. Holocene, 31(9), 1430-1442.
- Davidson, K. B., Holmes, B. E. J., Spooner, I. S., Dunnington, D. W., Walker, T. R., Lake, C. B., Su, C. C. (2021) Application of the paleolimnological method to assess metal contaminant distribution (As, Cu, Pb, Zn) in pulp mill stabilization basin sediments, Nova Scotia, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(37), 51342-51355.
- Chen, N. C., Yang, T. F., Hong, W. L., Yu, T. L., Lin, I. T., Wang, P.-L., Lin, S., Su, C. C., Shen, C. C., Wang, Y. S., Lin, L. H. (2020) Discharge of deeply rooted fluids from submarine mud volcanism in the Taiwan accretionary prism. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 381.
- Chen, T.T., Paull, C.K., Liu, C.S., Klaucke, I., Hsu, H.H., Su, C.C., Gwiazda, R., Caress, D.W. (2020) Discovery of numerous pingos and comet-shaped depressions offshore southwestern Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters, 40(4), 407-421. SI.
- Hsu, F.H., Su, C.C.*, Wang, P.L., Lin, I.T. (2020) Temporal Variations of Submarine Groundwater Discharge into a Tide-Dominated Coastal Wetland (Gaomei Wetland, Western Taiwan) Indicated by Radon and Radium Isotopes. Water, 12(6), 1806.
- Deng, L.H., Bolsterli, D., Kristensen, E., Meile, C., Su, C.C., Bernasconi, S.M., Seidenkrantz, M.S., Glombitza, C., Lagostina, L., Han, X.G., Jorgensen, B.B., Roy, H., Lever, M.A. (2020) Macrofaunal control of microbial community structure in continental margin sediments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(27), 15911-15922.
- Huang, Y.S., Su, C.C., Doo, W.B., Hsu, S.K., Tsai, C.H., Wang, H.F., Lin, S.S., Liang, C.W., Lin, J.Y., Chen, J.E., Lin, Y.J., Wang, Y.S. (2019) Hydrothermal activity revealed by rock magnetic anomaly from core sediments in the southern Okinawa Trough. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 685-694.
- Lin, Y.S, Lin, H.T., Wang, B.S., Wu, S.F., Wang, P.L., Wei, C.L., Lee, H.F., Lan, T.F., Huang, W.J., Chen, S.C., Wang, Y.S., Su, C.C.* (2019) Early diagenesis and carbon remineralization in young rift sediment of the Southern Okinawa Trough. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 633-647.
- Lin, J.Y., Wu, W.N., Su, C.C., Tsai, C.H., Sun, H.H., Chen, Y.F., Chin, S.J., Lin, Y.C. (2019) Spatial and temporal distribution of low frequency volcanic earthquakes in the southern Okinawa Trough back-arc basin. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 621-631.
- Chen, S.C., Lin, J.Y., Su, C.C., Doo, W.B. (2019) Introduction to the special issue on tectonic environment and seabed resources of the southern Okinawa Trough. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 605-611.
- Chen, T.T., Paull, C.K., Liu, C.S., Klaucke, I., Hsu, H.H., Su, C.C., Gwiazda, R., Caress, D.W. (2019) Discovery of numerous pingos and comet-shaped depressions offshore southwestern Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters, 1-15. DOI: /doi.org/10.1007/s00367-019-00577-z
- Kuo, M.Y., D.R. Kang, C.H. Chang, C.H. Chao, C.C. Wang, H.H. Chen, C.C. Su, H.W. Chen, M.C. Lai, S. Lin, and L.L. Liu (2019) New records of three deep-sea bathymodiolus mussels (Bivalve: Mytilida: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vent and cold seep in Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 27(4), 352-358.
- Liu, J.T., B.Q. Huang, Y. Chang, X.Q. Du, X. Liu, R.J. Yang, R.T. Hsu, S. Lin, J.J. Hung, J. Lee, C.C. Su, and Y.P. Chang (2019) Three-dimensional coupling between size-fractionated chlorophyll-a, POC and physical processes in the Taiwan Strait in summer. Progress in Oceanography, 176, 102129.
- Kaboth-Bahr, S., V. Denis, C.C Su., M. O’Regan, R. Gyllencreutz, M. Jakobsson, and L. Lowemark (2019) Deciphering similar to 45.000 years of Arctic Ocean lithostratigraphic variability through multivariate statistical analysis. Quaternary International, 514(SI), 141-151.
- Larsen, H.C., G. Mohn, M. Nirrengarten, Z. Sun, J. Stock, Z. Jian, A. Klaus, C.A. Alvarez-Zarikian, J. Boaga, S.A. Bowden, A. Briais, Y. Chen, D. Cukur, K. Dadd, W. Ding, M. Dorais, E.C. Ferre, F. Ferreira, A. Furusawa, A. Gewecke, J. Hinojosa, T.W. Hofig, K.H. Hsiung, B. Huang, E. Huang, X.L. Huang, S. Jiang, H. Jin, B.G. Johnson, R.M. Kurzawski, C. Lei, B. Li, L. Li, Y. Li, J. Lin, C. Liu, Z. Liu, A.J. Luna, C. Lupi, A. McCarthy, L. Ningthoujam, N. Osono, D.W. Peate, P. Persaud, N. Qiu, C. Robinson, S. Satolli, I. Sauermilch, J.C. Schindlbeck, S. Skinner, S. Straub, X. Su, C. Su, L. Tian, F.M. Van Der Zwan, S. Wan, H. Wu, R. Xiang, R. Yadav, L. Yi, P.S. Yu, C. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, N. Zhao, G. Zhong, and L. Zhong (2018) Rapid transition from continental breakup to igneous oceanic crust in the South China Sea. Nature Geoscience, 11(10), 782-+.
- Lin, J.Y., Y.F. Chen, C.C. Su, S.J. Chin, W.B. Cheng, W.N. Wu, C.W. Liang, H.S. Hsieh, S.K. Hsu, and Y.C. Lin (2018) Seismic site response of submarine slope offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29 (1), 51-63.
- Su, C.C.*, S.T. Hsu, H.H. Hsu, J.Y. Lin, and J.J. Dong (2018) Sedimentological characteristics and seafloor failure offshore SW Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29 (1), 65-76.
- Hsu, H.H., J.J. Dong, S.K. Hsu, and C.C. Su (2018) Back analysis of an earthquake-triggered submarine landslide near the SW of Xiaoliuqiu. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29 (1), 77-85.
- Liu, J.T., R.T. Hsu, R.J. Yang, Y.P. Wang, H. Wu, X.Q. Du, A.C. Li, S.C. Chien, J. Lee, S.Y. Yang, J.R. Zhu, C.C. Su, Y. Chang, and C.A. Huh (2018) A comprehensive sediment dynamics study of a major mud belt system on the inner shelf along an energetic coast. Scientific Reports, 8, 4229.
- Hsu, H.H., J.-J. Dong, S.K. Hsu, and C.C. Su (2018) Back analysis of an earthquake-triggered submarine landslide near the SW of Xiaoliuqiu. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29(1), 77-85.
- Su, C.C., S.T. Hsu, H.H. Hsu, J.Y. Lin, and J.-J. Dong (2018) Sedimentological characteristics and seafloor failure offshore SW Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29(1), 65-76.
- Lin, J.Y., Y.F. Chen, C.C. Su, S.J. Chin, W.B. Cheng, W.N. Wu, C.W. Liang, H.S. Hsieh, S.K. Hsu, and Y.C. Lin (2018) Seismic site response of submarine slope offshore southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29(1), 51-63.
- Hiruta, A., T.F. Yang, S. Lin, C.C. Su, N.C. Chen, Y.J. Chen, H.W. Chen, T.H. Yang, Y.C. Huang, K.Y. Wei, J.J. Huang, S.C. Chen, and S.R. Song (2017) Activation of gas bubble emissions indicated by the upward decreasing Lead-210 activity at a submarine mud volcano (TY1) offshore southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 160-171.
- Chen, N.C., T.F. Yang, W.L. Hong, H.W. Chen, H.C. Chen, C.Y. Hu, Y.C. Huang, S. Lin, L.H. Lin, C.C. Su, W.Z. Liao, C.H. Sun, P.L. Wang, T. Yang, S.Y. Jiang, C.S. Liu, Y.S. Wang, and S.H. Chung (2017) Production, consumption, and migration of methane in accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (8), 2970-2989.
- Chang, J.H., H.H. Hsieh, A. Mirza, S.P. Chang, H.H. Hsu, C.S. Liu, C.C. Su, S.D. Chiu, Y.F. Ma, Y.H. Chiu, H.T. Hung, Y.C. Lin, and C.H. Chiu, (2017) Crustal structure north of the Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), southern margin of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 142, 119-133.
- Chang, J.H., H.H. Hsu, C.S. Liu, T.Y. Lee, S.D. Chiu, C.C. Su, Y.F. Ma, Y.H. Chiu, H.T. Hung, Y.C. Lin, and C.H. Chiu (2017) Seismic sequence stratigraphic analysis of the carbonate platform, north offshore Taiping Island, Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea. Tectonophysics, 702: 70-81.
- Berndt, C., C. Hensen, C. Mortera-Gutierrez, S. Sarkar, S. Geilert, M. Schmidt, V. Liebetrau, R. Kipfer, F. Scholz, M. Doll, S. Muff, J. Karstens, S. Planke, S. Petersen, C. Boettner, W.-C. Chi, M. Moser, R. Behrendt, A. Fiskal, M.A. Lever, C.-C. Su, L. Deng, M.S. Brennwald, and D. Lizarralde (2016) Rifting under steam-How rift magmatism triggers methane venting from sedimentary basins. Geology 44(9): 767-770.
- Loewemark, L., W.-S. Chao, R. Gyllencreutz, T.J.J. Hanebuth, P.-Y. Chiu, T.-N. Yang, C.-C. Su, C.-K. Chuang, D.C.L. Dominguez, and M. Jakobsson (2016) Variations in glacial and interglacial marine conditions over the last two glacial cycles off northern Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 147(SI): 164-177.
- Chang, J. H., H.H. Hsu, C.-C. Su, C.S. Liu, H.T. Hung, and S.D.Chiu (2015) Tectono-sedimentary control on modern sand deposition on the forebulge of the Western Taiwan Foreland Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 66(4): 970-977.
- Lowemark, L., T.T. Chen, B. Gunnarson, C.-C. Su, T.N. Yang, J.J. Huang, Y.H. Lan, and G. Burr (2015) The Tienchi Pond on Lanyu Island (Western Pacific): Lake formation and potential as environmental archive. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 114(3) SI: 435-446.
- Hsu, F.H., C.-C. Su, C.-H. Wang, S. Lin, J. Liu, and C.-A. Huh (2014) Accumulation of terrestrial organic carbon on an active continental margin offshore southwestern Taiwan: Source-to-sink pathways of river-borne organic particles. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 91: 163-173, SI.
- Hsu, R. T., J. T. Liu, C.-C. Su, S. J. Kao, S.N. Chen, F. H. Kuo, and J. C. Huang (2014) On the links between a river’s hyperpycnal plume and marine benthic nepheloid layer in the wake of a typhoon. Progress in Oceanography 127: 62-73.
- Chiang, C.S., H.-S. Yu, A. Noda, T. TuZino, and C.-C. Su (2012) Avulsion of the Fangliao submarine canyon off southwestern Taiwan as revealed by morphological analysis and numerical simulation. Geomorphology 177: 26-37.
- Huh, C.-A., W.F. Chen, F.H. Hsu, C.-C. Su, J.K. Chiu, S. Lin, C.S. Liu, and B.J. Huang (2011) Modern (< 100 years) sedimentation in the Taiwan Strait: Rates and source-to-sink pathways elucidated from radionuclides and particle size disttibution. Continental Shelf Research 31(1): 47-63.
- Hirose K., Y. Kikawada, T. Doi, C.-C. Su, and M. Yamamoto (2011) Pb-210 deposition in the far East Asia: controlling factors of its spatial and temporal variations. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 102(5): SI, 514-519.
- Hosono T, C.-C. Su, R. Delinom, Y. Umezawa, T. Toyota, S. Kaneko, and M. Taniguchi (2011) Decline in heavy metal contamination in marine sediments in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia due to increasing environmental regulations. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 92(2): 297-306.
- Hosono T., C.-C. Su, K. Okamura, and M. Taniguchi (2010) Historical record of heavy metal pollution deduced by lead isotope ratios in core sediments from the Osaka Bay, Japan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107 (1): 1-8.
- Hosono T, C.-C. Su, F. Siringan, A. Amano, and S. Onodera (2010) Effects of environmental regulations on heavy metal pollution decline in core sediments from Manila Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60(5): 780-785.
- Liao, H.R., H.-S. Yu, and C.-C. Su, (2008) Morphology and sedimentation of sand bodies in the tidal shelf sea of eastern Taiwan Strait. Marine Geology 248(3-4): 161-178.
- Chen, H.-Y., C.-C. Su, C.C. Hung, T.C .Yeh, Y.H. Shen, C.H. Tsai, L.D. Chen, and G.C. Gong (2008) Occurrence of azaarenes in Sediments of the Danshuei River, Taiwan – The use of azaarenes as indicator of anthropogenic source to the estuarine system. Environmental Toxicology 23(1): 25-35.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2006) Measurements of 7Be and 210Pb in cloudwaters: Toward a better understanding of aerosol transport and scavenging. Geophysical Research Letters 33: L04807, doi:10.1029/2005GL025042
- Huh, C.-A., C.-C. Su and L.-J. Shiau (2006) Factors controlling temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric deposition of 7Be and 210Pb in northern Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research 111(D16): D16304.
- Huh, C.-A., Su, C.-C., Wang, C.-H., Lee SY, and Lin IT (2006) Sedimentation in the Southern Okinawa Trough-Rates, turbidites and a sediment budget. Marine Geology 231(1-4): 129-139.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2006) Measurements of Be-7 and Pb-210 in cloudwaters: Toward a better understanding of aerosol transport and scavenging. Geophysical Research Letters 33(4): L04807.
- Huh, C.-A. and C.-C. Su (2004) Distribution of fallout nuclides (7Be, 137Cs, 210Pb and 239,240Pu) in soils of Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 77(1): 87-100.
- Huh, C.-A., C.-C. Su, W.-T. Liang, and C.-Y. Ling (2004) Linkages of turbidites in the southern Okinawa Trough to submarine earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters 31(12): L12304, doi:10.1029/2004GL019731.
- Lee, S.-Y., C.-A. Huh, C.-C. Su, and C.-F. You (2004) Sedimentation in the Okinawa Trough off northeastern Taiwan: Boundary scavenging and teleconnection between the Equatorial Pacific and western Pacific margins. Deep-Sea Research Part I 51(11):1769-1780.
- Huh, C.-A., C.-C. Su, Y.-Y. Tu, K.-T. Shao, C.-Y. Chen and I.-J. Cheng (2004) Marine environmental radioactivity near nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 12(5): 418-423.
- Su, C.-C., C.-A. Huh, and F.-J. Lin (2003) Factors controlling atmospheric fluxes of 7Be and 210Pb in northern Taiwan. Geophysical Research Letters 30(19): 2018, doi:10.1029/2003GL018221.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2002) 210Pb, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in East China Sea sediments: Sources, pathways and budgets of sediments and radionuclides. Marine Geology 183(1-4): 163-178.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2002) Atmospheric Po-210 anomaly as a precursor of volcano eruptions. Geophysical Research Letters 29(5): 1070, doi:10.1029/2001GL013856.
- Su, C.-C., C.-A. Huh and J.-C. Chen (2000) A rapid method for the determination of 137Cs in seawater. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 11(4): 753-764.
- Huh, C.-A. and C.-C. Su (1999) Sedimentation dynamics in the East China Sea elucidated from 210Pb, 137Cs and 239,240Pu. Marine Geology 160(1/2): 183-196.
B. Conference Papers
- Huang, S.W., Lo, C.Y., Chang, M.S., Chen, J.C., and Su, C.-C., (2009) Geochemistry and grain size analysis of cored sediments from Taiwan Strait and offshore southwestern Taiwan: A comparison. EGU 2009 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 19-24, (2009)
- Su, C.-C., Tsen,g J.Y., Chiang, C.S., Yu, H.-S. (2009) Offshore Records of Turbidites off south-western Taiwan: Two mechanisms with one Result. 2009 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- Tseng, J.Y., and Su, C.-C., (2009) Using X-ray radiograph, grain size, and 210Pb radionuclide results to discuss the transportation of sediments in canyon off SW Taiwan. 2009 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- Hirose, K., Kikawada, Y., Doi, T., Su, C.-C., Yamamoto, M. (2009) 210Pb Deposition in the Far East Asia: Controlling Factors of Its Spatial and Temporal Variations. International Topical Conference on 210Po and 210Pb, Seville, Spain, 26-28 October, (2009)
- Su, C.-C. (2009) The existence of submarine groundwater discharge off the Southwestern Taiwan and its possible role in submarine landslide geohazards. The 3rd International Symposium HUMAN IMPACTS ON UEBAN SUBSURFACE ENVIRONMENT, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 17-20, (2009)
- Su, C.-C., and Cheng C.-J. (2009) The provenance of modern sediments in the most southern part of Okinawa Trough – New insights from clay minerals. 2009 International Sediment Transport and Sedimentation Symposium, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Su, C.-C., and Chang M.S. (2008) The fate of sediments in the Taiwan Strait: A reassessment. Abstract book of 2008 Ocean Science Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2-7 Mar. (2008)
- Su, C.-C., Tseng, J.Y., Chang, M.S., Chiang, C.S., Yu, H.-S. (2008) Offshore Records of Submarine hazards off Southwestern Taiwan: Earthquake versus Flooding Events. 2008 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- Chang, M.S., Su, C.-C., Liao, H.R., Yu, H.-S. (2008) The sources and transport of sediments in the Taiwan Strait. Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- Chen, I.Y., Su, C.-C. (2008) Chemical characteristics of acid precipitation at Yangmingshan in Taipei and the rural site in Chiayi. Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- Hosono, T., Umezawa, Y., Siringan, F., Delinom, R., Su, C.-C., Okawa, H., Onodera, SI., Taniguchi, M. (2008) Vertical variation of the heavy metal concentrations in the sediment core collected from the Osaka Bay, Jakarta Bay, and Manila Bay. AOGS 2008 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, South Korea, 16-20 Jun, (2008)
- Umezawa Y., Hosono T., Siringan F., Delinom R., Su, C.-C., Taniguchi M.A., Onodera S.I. (2008) Carbon and Nitrogen Characteristics of Sedimentary Organic Matter as Indicators of Historical Trophic State in Osaka Bay, Jakarta Bay, and Manila Bay. AOGS 2008 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, South Korea, 16-20 Jun, (2008)
- Su, C.-C., Ling, C.Y. (2007) The characteristics and provenance of earthquake triggered submarine landslide deposits in the southern Okinawa Trough. EGU 2007 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 15-20, 2007.
- Su, C.-C., Ling, C.Y. (2007) Earthquake triggered submarine landslide deposits in the southern Okinawa Trough: Their grain size distribution and possible provenance. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA), May 15-18, 2007, Acer Aspire Park, Longtan, Taoyuan County, Taiwan.
- Su, C.-C., Yu, H.-S., Chiang C.-S. (2007) Offshore Records of Earthquake Triggered Events: Observations from Chirp Sonar Profiles and Cores. 2006 Pingtung Offshore Doublet Earthquakes, Nov. 23, 2007, Nan-Kang, Taipei, Taiwan. Su, C.-C., Tsai CH, Liao HR, Yu YS (2008) Where have all the sediments gone? The fate of sediments in the Taiwan Strait: A reassessment. Taiwan–US Source-to-Sink Research Workshop, Feb. 20, 2008, Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan.
- Su, C.-C., C.-Y. Ling, and C.-A. Huh, (2006) Earthquake Triggered Turbidites in the Southern Okinawa. Abstract book of 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Hawaii, February 20-24 2006.
- Su, C.-C., C.-Y. Ling, (2006) Earthquake triggered turbidites in the southern Okinawa Trough: A case study of the March 31, 2002 M6.8 Earthquake off Hualien. 2006 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C.
- . Lin S, Huh, C.-A., Wang, C.-H., Su, C.-C. (2006) Distribution of Terrigenous Organic Carbon in Marine Sediments of Southern Okinawa Trough and Surrounding Area. 2006 Annual Meeting of Geological Society, Taipei.
- Su, C.-C., 2005. Distribution and transportation of turbidites in the southern Okinawa Trough. 2005 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C. (in Chinese)
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2004) Sedimentation dynamics off the Changjian Estuary: Radiochemical observations. Proceedings of the 9th ISRS, Vol. 4, pp. 2617-2624.
- Su, C.-C. (2003) Applications of fallout nuclides to environmental research. Investing in the Future: The search for talent. Part II, IESAS, Taipei, Oct. 7 2003.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2003) Distribution of 7Be, 210Pb and 210Po in Size Fractionated Aerosols From Northern Taiwan. Abstract book of 2003 AGU Fall Meeting.
- Su, C.-C., C.-A. Huh and F.-J. Lin (2002) The atmospheric flux of 7Be, 210Pb and 210Po in the southern East China Sea: A comparison between land and sea. 7th SPERA 2002, Australia, Sydney, May 13-17 2002.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2001) Sedimentation dynamics off the Yangtze River Estuary: Radiochemical observations. ECORAD 2001 Conference, Aix en Provence, France, 3-7 September 2001.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2001) Atmospheric 210Po anomaly in northern Taiwan area: A signal of volcanic activities. 1999-2000 Annual Workshop for Nuclear Technology Cooperative Research Program, NSC/AEC, R.O.C.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2001) 210Pb, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in East China Sea Sediments: Sources, Pathways and Budgets of Sediments and Radionuclides. EOS, Trans. American Geophysical Union. (Presented at 2001 AGU Spring Meeting).
- Su, C.-C., C.-A. Huh and F.-J. Lin (2001) The atmospheric flux of 7Be, 210Pb and 210Po in northern Taiwan area. 2001 Joint Geosciences Assembly (JGA), Taipei.
- Su, C.-C. and C.-A. Huh (2000) Sedimentation dynamics in the East China Sea: A multitracer approach. 2000 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C. (in Chinese)
- Su, C.-C., C.-A. Huh, and J.-C. Chen (1999) Sedimentation dynamics off the Changjiang Estuary: A Multitracer Approach. 1999 Annual Workshop for Oceanographic Research Program, NSC, R.O.C. (in Chinese)
C. Book Chapters
- Su, C.-C., Tsen,g J.Y., Hsu H.H., Chiang, C.S., Yu, H.-S., Lin S., Liu J.T. (2012) Offshore records of submarine natural hazards off southwestern Taiwan. In: Terry, J.P. & Goff, J. (eds). Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region: Recent Advances and Emerging Concepts. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 361, 41-60, DOI: 10.1144/SP361.5