Special Topic-Ocean Ecogeochemisrty I&II, Metabolic Ecology, Marine Resources, Marine Conservation Biology, Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, Sea Lab., Field Work in Marine Biology, Introduction to Biological Oceanography, Marine Stable Isotope and Experiments, Fish Sclerochronology
- Lin, C. -H., Lin, T. -Y., Nazir, A., Wang, Y. -C., Wang, P. -L., Iizuka, Y., Li, K. -T., Chung, M. -T., and Shiao, J. -C. (2025) Evidence of lower age, fast growth, and shrinking habitat in critically endangered croaker fish Larimichthys crocea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 313: 109095.
- Higuchi, T., Chung, M. -T., Yoshikawa, C., and Minegishi, Y. (2024) Editorial: Sharing technical knowledge to understand the distribution patterns and migration history of marine organisms. Frontiers In Marine Science, 11: 1392102.
- Nazir,A., Lai, C.-F., Wang, S.-W., Lin, S.-M., Li, H.-C., Chung, M.-T., Wang, P.-L., Tseng, Y.-C., and Shiao, J.-C. (2024) Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution inferred by stable isotope records of crustose coralline algae. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 198: 115839.
- Chung, M.-T., Kitagawa, T., Murakami-Sugihara, N., Tanaka, K., Miki, S., and Shirai, K. (2023) Pre-treatment methods for stable oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of structural carbonates of bones in marine teleost fishes. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 37(19): e9609.
- Chung, M.-T., Peng, Y.-Y., Nazir, A., Wang, Y.-C., Wang, P.-L., and Shiao, J.-C. (2023) Species-specific trophic enrichment factor of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes in fish otolith organic matter. Marine and Freshwater Research, 29(12): 3318-3330.
- Avigliano, E., Chung, M.-T., Pouilly, M., Huang, K.-F., Casalinuovo, M., Dominino, J., Silva, N., Sanchez, S., Facetti, J. F., and Volpedo, A. V. (2023) Strontium isotope mapping and its application to study the fish life history (Salminus brasiliensis) in semi-fragmented rivers (La Plata Basin, South America). Fisheries Research, 265: 106741.
- Avigliano, E., Niklitschek, E., Chung, M. -T., Diaz, B., Chalde, T., Di Prinzio, C., Solimano, P., Llompart, F., Garces, C., Ochoa, J. D., Aldea, C., Huang, K. -F., Duquenoy, C., Leisen, M., and Volpedo, A. (2023) Isotope geochemistry as a natural tag of fish in Patagonian freshwater environments: The invasive Chinook salmon case. Science of The Total Environment, 873: 162395.
- Sakamoto, T., Takahashi, M., Chung, M. -T., Rykaczewski, R.R., Komatsu, K., Shirai, K., Ishimura, T., and Higuchi, T. (2022) Contrasting life-history responses to climate variability in eastern and western North Pacific sardine populations. Nature Communications, 13(1): 5298.
- Reis-Santos, P., Gillanders, B. M., Sturrock, A. M., Izzo, C., Oxman, D. S., Lueders-Dumont, J. A., Hussy, K., Tanner, S. E., Rogers, T., Doubleday, Z. A., Andrews, A. H., Trueman, C., Brophy, D., Thiem, J. D., Baumgartner, L. J., Willmes, M., Chung, M. -T., Johnson, R. C., Heimbrand, Y., Limburg, K. E., and Walther, B. D. (2022) Reading the biomineralized book of life: expanding otolith biogeochemical research and applications for fisheries and ecosystem-based management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, DOI10.1007/s11160-022-09720-z.
- Chung, M.-T., Chen, C.-Y., Shiao, J.-C., Shirai, K., and Wang, C.-H. (2021) Metabolic proxy for cephalopods: Stable carbon isotope values recorded in different biogenic carbonates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(9): 1648-1657.
- Tran, N. T., Labonne, M., Chung, M.-T., Wang, C.-H., Huang, K.-F., Durand, J.-D., Grudpan, C., Chan, B., Hoang, H. D. and Panfili, J. (2021) Natal origin and migration pathways of Mekong catfish using strontium isotopes and element concentrations in environmental water. PLoS ONE, 16(6): e0252769.
- Chung, M.-T., Jørgensen, K.-E. M., Trueman, C. N., Knutsen, H., Jorde, P.-E., and Grønkjær, P. (2021) First measurements of field metabolic rate in wild juvenile fishes show strong thermal sensitivity but variations between sympatric ecotypes. Oikos, 130: 287-299.
- Chung, M.-T., Chen, C.-Y., Shiao, J.-C., Lin, S., and Wang, C.-H. (2020) Temperature dependent fractionation of stable oxygen isotopes differs between cuttlefish statolith and cuttlebone. Ecological Indicators, 115: 106457.
- Chiang, C.-I., Chung, M.-T., Shiao, J.-C., Wang, P.-L., Chan, T.-Y., Yamaguchi, A. and Wang, C.-H. (2020). Seasonal movement patterns of the bigfin reef squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana predicted using statolith δ18O values. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 249.
- Martino, J. C., Doubleday, Z. A., Chung, M.-T., and Gillanders, B. M. (2020) Experimental support towards a metabolic proxy in fish using otolith carbon isotopes. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223: jeb217091.
- Chung, M.-T., Huang, K.-F., You, C.-F., Chiao, C.-C., and Wang, C.-H. (2020) Elemental ratios in cuttlebone indicate growth rates in the cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 796.
- Godiksen, J. A., Chung, M.-T., Folkvord, A. and Grønkjær, P. (2019) Effects of temperature on tissue–diet isotopic spacing of nitrogen and carbon in otolith organic matter. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(12): 1757-1767.
- Chung, M.-T., Trueman, C. N., Godiksen, J. A. and Grønkjær, P. (2019) Otolith δ13C values as a metabolic proxy: Approaches and mechanical underpinnings. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(12): 1747-1756.
- Chiang, C.-I., Chung, M.-T., Shih, T.-W., Chan, T.-Y., Yamaguchi, A. and Wang, C.-H. (2019) Evaluation of 137Ba mass-marking technique in the early life-history stages of Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Marine and Freshwater Research, 70(12): 1698-1707.
- Chung, M.-T., Trueman, C. N., Godiksen, J. A., Holmstrup, M. E. and Grønkjær, P. (2019) Field metabolic rates of teleost fishes are recorded in otolith carbonate. Communications Biology, 2: 24.
- Trueman, C.N., Chung, M.-T. and Shores, D. (2016) Ecogeochemistry potential in deep time biodiversity illustrated using a modern deep water case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371(1691): 20150223.
- Liu, H.-C., You, C.-F., Chen, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-C. and Chung, M.-T. (2014) Geographic determination of coffee beans using multi-element analysis and isotope ratios of boron and strontium. Food Chemistry, 142: 439-445.
- Chung, M.-T. and Wang, C.-H. (2013) Age validation on growth lamellae of cuttlebone from cultured Sepia pharaonis at different stages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 447: 132-137.