
Liang-Saw Wen

Associate Professor
Chemical Oceanography
  • Field

    Coastal & Estuarine Biogeochemistry, Marine Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements

  • Experiences

    • 2009/08-present Associate Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 2005/02-2009/07 Assistant Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
    • 2003/08-2004/07 Associate Research Scientist, National Center of Ocean Research, National Taiwan University
    • 2000/02-2003/07 Assistant Research Scientist, National Center of Ocean Research, National Taiwan University
    • 1999/01-2000/02 Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Technology Institute, National Science and Technology Board, Singapore
    • 1997/02-1999/01 Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, USA
    • 1996/09-1997/01 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, USA
    • 1992/09-1993/07 Lecturer, Department of Marine Science, Texas A & M University at Galveston, USA
    • 1988/09-1990/07 Research Associate, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
    • 1996 Ph.D., Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, USA
    • 1986 M.Sc., Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology
    • 1984 B.Sc., Department of Oceanography, National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology

  • Honors

    • 2011, 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award from National Taiwan University
    • 2005 Annual Exceptional Teaching and Research Personnel of College of Science, National Taiwan University

  • Office

    Room 315

  • Website

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  • Email


Biogeochemistry of Trace Element in Estuarine Environment, Introduction to Marine Dissolved Organic Matter, Introduction to Chemical Oceanography, Shelf and Coastal Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography Reading and Conference, Water Chemistry, Water Analysis


A. SCI Journal Papers:

  • Lee, C. -P. and L. -S. Wen* (2022) Colloidal organic phosphorus in the South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 246, 104179.
  • Jiann, K.-T., K.-C. Wang, and L.-S. Wen, (2021) Trace metal distributions and fluxes in the Taiwan Strait. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 259, 107485.
  • Lee, C.-P. and L.-S. Wen* (2019) Physical and chemical characterization of dissolved arsenic in the South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 209, 128-138.
  • Wen, L-S.*, C.-P. Lee, W.-H. Lee, and A. Chuang (2018) An Ultra-clean Multilayer Apparatus for Collecting Size Fractionated Marine Plankton and Suspended Particles. JoVE- Journal of Visualized Experiments, 134, e56811.
  • Lee, C.-P., C.-Y. Cheng and L.-S. Wen* (2017) Vertical distributions and diurnal variations of high-molecular-weight dissolved arsenic in the oligotrophic ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 62 (5), 2200-2212.
  • Jiann, K.-T., L.-S. Wen and P.H. Santschi (2016) Clean sampling and analysis of river and estuarine waters for trace metal studies. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016 (113), e54073.
  • Pai, S.-C., C.-L. Wei, S. Lin, L.-S. Wen and C.-M. Tseng (2016) Observation of internal tide-induced nutrient upwelling in Hungtsai Trough, a submarine canyon in the northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 120, 59-67.
  • Chuang, C.-Y., P.H. Santschi, L.-S. Wen, L.-D. Guo, C. Xu, S.-J. Zhang, Y.-L. Jiang, Y.-F. Ho, K.A. Schwehr, A. Quigg, C.-C. Hung, M. Ayranov, and D. Schumann (2015) Binding of Th, Pa, Pb, Po and Be radionuclides to marine colloidal macromolecular organic matter. Marine Chemistry, 173(SI), 320-329.
  • Tseng, C.-H., P.-W. Chiang, H.-C. Lai, F.-K. Shiah, T.C. Hsu, Y.-L. Chen, L.-S. Wen, C.-M. Tseng, W.-Y. Shieh, I. Saeed, S. Halgamuge, and S.-L. Tang (2015) Prokaryotic assemblages and metagenomes in pelagic zones of the South China Sea. BMC Genomics, 16, 219.
  • Wei, C.-L., M.-C. Yi, S.-Y. Lin, L.-S. Wen and W.H. Lee (2014) Seasonal distributions and fluxes of 210Pb and 210Po in the northern South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 11(23), 6813–6826.
  • Jiann, K.-T. , L.-S. Wen and C.-L. Wei (2014) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Trace Metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in Coastal Waters off the West Coast of Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 25(1), 121-135.
  • Lee, C.-S., C.-L. Wei, L.-S. Wen, D.-D. Sheu and W.-H Lee (2013) Distribution and Removal of Silver and Lead in the Nearshore Waters of Western Taiwan. Estuaries and Coasts, 36(4), 854-865.
  • Wei, C.-L., K.-T. Jiann, L.-S. Wen and D.-D. Sheu (2012) Distributions and removal fluxes of trace metals in the water column of the Hung-Tsai Trough off southwestern Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(6), 1122-1128.
  • Jiann, K.-T. and L.-S. Wen (2012) Distribution and lability of dissolved iron in surface waters of marginal seas in southeastern Asia. Esturarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 100(SI), 142-149.
  • Wei, C.-L., S.-Y. Lin, L.-S. Wen and D.-D. Sheu (2012) Geochemical behavior of (210)Pb and (210)Po in the nearshore waters off western Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(2), 214-220.
  • Wei, C.-L., S.-Y. Lin, D.-D. Sheu, W.-C. Chou, M.-C. Yi, P.H. Santschi and L.-S. Wen (2011) Particle-reactive radionuclides ((234)Th, (210)Pb, (210)Po) as tracers for the estimation of export production in the South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 8(12), 3793-3808.
  • Wen, L.-S.*, P.H. Santschi, K.W. Warnken, W. Davison, H. Zhang, H.-P. Li and K.-T. Jiann (2011) Molecular weight and chemical reactivity of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, Ni) in surface waters from the Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 92(4), 649-658.
  • Wei, C.-L., K.-T. Jiann, L.-S. Wen, J.R. Tsai and D.-D. Sheu (2011) Removal fluxes of Mn and Fe from the nearshore waters along the west coast of Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(5), 1081-1087.
  • Chen, H.-Y., L.-D. Chen, Z.-Y. Chiang, C.-C. Hung, F.-J. Lin, W.-C. Chou, G.-C. Gong and L.-S. Wen (2010) Size fractionation and molecular composition of water-soluble inorganic and organic nitrogen in aerosols of a coastal environment. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 115(11), D22307.
  • Wei, C.-L., J.-R. Tsai, Y.-R. Hou, L.-S. Wen, D.-D. Sheu and W.-C. Chou (2010)Scavenging Phenomenon Elucidated from Th-234/U-238 Disequilibrium in Surface Water of the Taiwan Strait. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 21 (4), 713-726.
  • Ho, T.-Y., C.-F. You, W.-C. Chou, S.-C. Pai, L.-S. Wen, D.-D. Sheu (2009) Cadmium and phosphorus cycling in the water column of the South China Sea: The roles of biotic and abiotic particles. Marine Chemistry, 115, 125-133.
  • Wei, C.-L., L.-H. Chou, J.-R. Tsai, L.-S. Wen and S.-C.Pai (2009) Comparative geochemistry of 234Th, 210Pb, and 210Po: a case study in the Hung-Tsai Trough off southwestern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, 20, 411-423.
  • Jiann, K.-T., L.-S. Wen and G.-C. Gong (2009) Distribution and behaviour of Cd, Cu and Ni in the East China Sea surface water off the Changjiang Estuary. Terrestrial Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, 20,433-443.
  • Wei, C.-L., J.-R. Tsai, L.-S. Wen, S.-C. Pai and J.-H. Tai (2009) Nearshore scavenging phenomenon elucidated by 234Th/238U disequilibrium in the coastal waters off western Taiwan. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 137-150.
  • Jiann, K.-T. and L.-S. Wen (2009) Intra-annual variability of distribution patterns and fluxes of dissolved trace metals in a subtropical estuary (Danshuei river, Taiwan). Journal of Marine System, 75, 87-99.
  • Wen, L.-S, K. Warnken, and P. Santschi (2008) The role of organic carbon, iron, and aluminium oxyhydroxides as trace metal carriers: Comparison between the Trinity River and the Trinity River Estuary (Galveston Bay, Texas). Marine Chemistry, 112, 20-37.
  • Wen, L.-S., K.-T. Jiann and K.-K. Liu (2008) Seasonal Variation and Flux of Dissolved Nutrients in the Danshuei Estuary, Taiwan: A Hypoxic Subtropical Mountain River. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 78(4), 694-704.
  • Chou, W.-C., D.-D. Hseu, C.T.A. Chen, L.-S. Wen, Y. Yang and C.-L. Wei (2007) Influence of the South China Sea subsurface water outflow on the carbon chemistry of Kuroshio waters off southeastern Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 112, C12008, doi:10.1029/2007JC004087.s.
  • Liu, W-C, S.-W. Chang, K.-T. Jiann, L.-S. Wen and K.-K. Liu (2007) Modelling diagnosis of heavy metal (copper) transport in an estuary. Science of the Total Environment, 388, 234-249.
  • Wong, G.T.F., C.-M. Tseng, L.-S. Wen and S.-W Chung (2007) Nutrient dynamics and nitrate anomaly at the SEATS station. Deep-Sea Research II, 54, 1528-1545.
  • Liu, H., J. Chang, C.-M. Tseng, L.-S. Wen and K. K. Liu (2007) Seasonal variability of picoplankton in the northern South China Sea at the SEATS station. Deep-Sea Research II, 54,1602-1616.
  • Ho, T.-Y., L.-S. Wen, C.-F. You and D.-C. Lee. (2007) The trace metal composition of size-fractionated plankton in the South China Sea: Biotic versus abiotic sources. Limnology and Oceanography, 52, 1776-1788.
  • Liu, K.-K., S.-J. Kao, L.-S. Wen and K.-L. Chen (2007) Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of particulate organic matter and biogeochemical processes in the eutrophic Danshuei Estuary in northern Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment 382 (1), 103-120.
  • Wen, L.-S, K.-T. Jiann and P. Santschi (2006) Physicochemical Speciation of Bio-active Trace Metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni) in Oligotrophic South China Sea. Marine Chemistry,101, 104-129.
  • Jiann K.-T, Wen L.-S. and P.H. Santschi (2005) Trace metal (Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) partitioning, affinities and removal in the Danshuei River estuary, a macro-tidal, temporally anoxic estuary in Taiwan. Marine Chemistry, 96(3-4), 293-313.
  • Chen H.-Y, T.-H. Fang and L.-S. Wen (2005) A preliminary study of the distributions of Cd in the South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 25(3), 297-310.
  • Chang Y.-H. and L.-S. Wen (2003) Sampling representativeness of the oceanographic surveys using ship-based instruments. Journal of Coastal Research, 19, 997-1010.
  • Wu, J., S.-W. Chung, L.-S. Wen, K.-K. Liu, Y.-L. Lee Chen, H.-Y. Chen and D. Karl (2003) Dissolved inorganic phosphate, dissolved iron and Trichodesmium in the oligotrophic South China Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycle, 17(1), art. No. 1008.
  • Wen, L.-S., P. Santschi, G. Gill, and D. Tang, (2002) Silver concentrations in Colorado,USA Watersheds using improved methodology. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21 (1), 2040-2051.
  • Wong T. F., S.-W. Chung, F.-K. Shiah, C.-C. Chen, L.-S. Wen and K.-K. Liu (2002) Nitrate anomaly in the upper nutricline in the northern South China Sea – Evidence for nitrogen fixation. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, art. No. 2097.
  • Lin, I-I, L.-S. Wen, K.-K. Liu, W.-T. Tsai and A.K. Liu (2002) Evidence and Quantification of the Correlation Between Radar Backscatter and Ocean Colour Supported by Simultaneously Acquired In Situ Sea Truth. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1464.
  • Wu, J., E. Boyle., W. Sunda and L.-S. Wen (2001) Soluble and Colloidal Iron in the Oligotrophic North Atlantic and North Pacific. Science, 293 (3), 847-849.
  • Santschi, P.H., L. Guo, S. Asbill, M. Allison, B. Kepple and L.-S. Wen (2001) Accumulation rates and sources of sediments and organic carbon on the Palos Verdes shelf based on multiple radioisotopic tracers (137Cs, 239,240Pu, 210Pb, 234Th, 238U and 14C). Marine Chemistry, 73(2), 125-152.
  • Santschi, P.H., L.-S Wen and L. Guo (2001) Transport and diagenesis of trace metals and organic matter in Palos Verdes shelf sediments affected by a wastewater outfall. Marine Chemistry, 73(2), 153-171.
  • Santschi, P., L. Guo and L.-S. Wen (2001) Box coring artifacts in sediments affected by a waste water outfall. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42(4), 267-272.
  • Tang, D., L.-S. Wen and P. H. Santschi (2000) Analysis of biogenic thiols in natural water samples by HPLC separation and fluorescence detection with ammonium 7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole-4-sulfonate (SBD-F). Analytica Chimica Acta, 408, 299-307.
  • Guo, L., L.-S. Wen, D. Tang and P. Santschi (2000) Re-examination of cross-flow ultrafiltration for sampling marine colloids: Evidence from molecular probes, Marine Chemistry, 69, 75-90.
  • Wen, L.-S., P.H. Santschi, G. Gill and C. Paternostro (1999) Estuarine Trace Metal Distributions in Galveston Bay : Importance of Colloidal Forms in Dissolved Phase Speciation, Marine Chemistry, 63, 185-212.
  • Warnken, K.W., G.A. Gill, L.-S. Wen, L.L. Griffin, and P.H. Santschi (1999). Trace metal analysis of natural waters by ICP-MS with on-line preconcentration and ultrasonic nebulization. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 14, 247-252.
  • Wen, L.-S., P. Santschi and D. Tang (1997) Interaction between radioactively labeled colloids and natural particles: evidence for colloidal pumping, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta., 61, 2867-2878.
  • Wen, L.-S., P.H. Santschi, G. Gill, R. Lehman and C. Paternostro (1997) Colloidal and Particulate Silver in River and Estuarine Waters of Texas. Environmental Science and Technology, 31, 723-731.
  • Wen, L.-S., M.C. Stordal, D. Tang, G.A. Gill and P.H. Santschi (1996) An ultra-clean cross-flow ultrafiltration technique for the study of trace metal phase speciation in sea water. Marine Chemistry, 55, 129-152.
  • Stordal, M.C., G.A., Gill, L.-S. Wen and P.H. Santschi (1996) Mercury phase speciation in the surface waters of selected Texas estuaries: Importance of colloidal forms. Limnology and Oceanography. 41, 52-61.

B. Conference Articles:

  • Wen, L.-S., C.-K. Wang, C.-S. Lee, K.-T. Jiann and C.-L. Wei (2010)Determination of Spatial Variations of Dissolved Ag in Western Pacific Marginal Seas by Clean Method,American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 21~26, Portland, Oregon, US
  • Wen, L.-S., K. Warnken and P. Santschi (2009) The role of organic carbon, iron, and aluminium oxyhydroxides as trace metal carriers: comparison between the trinity river and the trinity river estuary, 9th Biennial State of the Bay Symposium, Jan. 12-14, 2009, Galveston, Texas, US
  • Jiann, K.T. and L.-S. Wen (2008) Distribution and Chemical Reactivity of Dissolved Iron in Surface Waters of Northwestern Pacific Marginal Seas, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 14~19, San Francisco, US
  • Wen, L.-S., K. Warnken and P. Santschi (2008) Size and Chemical Affinity Fractionated Dissolved Cadmium, Copper and Nickel in Gulf of Mexico Surface Waters, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 14~19, San Francisco, US
  • Wen, L.-S., C.-K. Wang, C.-S. Lee, Y.-C. Fong, K.-T. Jiann, C.-L. Wei, S.-C. Pai (2008) Ag in Estuarine & Shelf Waters off West Coast Marine Environments, Workshop for 2008 Oceanographic Research Programs, April 20-22, 2008, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Wen, L.-S., et al., (2007), Anthropogenic Impacts and Biogeochemical Dynamics in Estuarine and Coastal Waters of Taiwan, Asia-France Environmental Workshop, IFREMER, 19~22 June, Nantes, France.
  • Wen, L.-S., W.-H. Lee and T.-Y. Ho (2007) Suspended Particle Dynamics in Surface Water of South China Sea Revealed by “CATNET”- an Ultraclean Sampler. Workshop for 2007 Oceanographic Research Programs, May 15-18, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Jiann, K.T., L.-S. Wen, C.-L. Wei, S.C. Pai and C.-S. Chen (2007) Chemical characteristics and trace metal (Cd, Cu, Ni) partitioning in near-shore waters off Taiwan’s west coast. Workshop for 2007 Oceanographic Research Programs, May 15-18, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Yang, Y., L.-S. Wen, K.-T. Jiann and W.-C. Chou (2007) Joint Hydrographic Survey, Spring 2006. Workshop for 2007 Oceanographic Research Programs, May 15-18, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Jiann, K.T., L.-S. Wen, C.-L. Wei and S.C. Pai (2006) Distribution and speciation of cadmium, copper, and nickel in Taiwan’s near-shore coastal waters. Workshop for 2006 Oceanographic Research Programs, March 20-22, 2006, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Wen, L.-S., J.-Y. Juang and K.-T. Jiann (2006) Distribution of total dissolved sulfides in the waters of East and South China Sea. Workshop for 2006 Oceanographic Research Programs, March 20-22, 2006, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Jiann, K.T. and L.-S. Wen (2005) Preliminary results of distributions and chemical affinities of trace elements (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb) in the East China Sea shelf waters. Workshop for 2005 Oceanographic Research Programs, March 28-30, 2005, Nantou, Taiwan.
  • Wen, L.-S. and K.-T. Jiann (2005) Examination of shipboard contaminations of ambient water by the clean sampling techniques. Workshop for 2005 Oceanographic Research Programs, March 28-30, 2005, Nantou, Taiwan.
  • Jiann, K.T. and L.-S. Wen (2004) Estimated of bioavailable iron and other species in the East China Sea shelf water: Preliminary results. Workshop for 2004 Oceanographic Research Programs, May 17-19, 2004, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Wen, L.-S. and K.-T. Jiann (2004) Anthropogenic impact on nutrient dynamics in Danshuei Watershesd and estuary. Workshop for 2004 Oceanographic Research Programs, May 17-19, 2004, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
  • Wen, L.-S. (2004) Importance of Colloid for Trace Metal Speciation in Natural Waters, Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & APHW 2nd Conference, Singapore, 05 – 09 July 2004, Invited Speaker
  • Wen, L.-S, and K.T. Jiann (2004) Environmental Stressing and Anthropogenic Impact on Geochemical Dynamic of Nutrient and Trace Metal in an Tributary Estuarine Milieu at Northern Taiwan, , Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & APHW 2nd Conference, Singapore, 05 – 09 July 2004,
  • Wen, L.-S, and K.T. Jiann (2004) Anthropogenic Impact on Nutrient Dynamics in a Macro-tidal Sub-oxic-anoxic Estuary, Ocean Research Conference, ASLO & TOS, Honolulu, Hawaii. February 15-20
  • K.T. Jiann and L.-S. Wen (2004) Redox Control on Speciation and Removal of Trace Metals in a Partly Anoxic Estuary, Ocean Research Conference, ASLO & TOS, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 15-20
  • Wen, L.-S, K.T. Jiann and K.-K. Liu (2003) Bioactive Trace Elements (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni) in Oligotrophic South China Sea, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 6~12
  • K.-T. Jiann and L.-S. Wen (2002) Trace Metal Dynamics in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Wen, L.-S and K.-T. Jiann (2002) Bio-active Trace Elements in Oligotrophic South China Sea: Speciation & Reactivity, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Wen, L.-S. and K.-K. Liu (2002) Human Stressors on Ecological and Environmental Effects off Taiwan’s Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Wang, Y.-H., G.-S. Song, P.-C. Sun, L.-S. Wen and K.-K. Liu (2002)Hydrography and Hydrodynamic in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Kuo, T.-Y., L.-S. Wen, K.-T. Jiann, C.-Y. Chuang, I.-T. Chiang and K.-K. Liu (2002) Suspended Particles and Turbidity in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Li, H-P., L.-S. Wen, S.-H. Song, E. Chung and K.-K. Liu (2002) Photopigments and Primary Production in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Wu, L.Y., L.-S. Wen, C.-T. Su, S.-W. Chung and K.-K. Liu (2002) Nutrient Dynamics and Environmental Geochemistry in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Yu, T.-H., L-.S. Wen, K.-T. Jiann, C.-Y. Chuang, K.-K. Suen and K.-K. Liu (2002) Dissolved Organic Matter&Particulate Organic Matter in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Su, T.-T., Y.-T. Lo, L.-S. Wen, K.-K. Suen and K.-K. Liu (2002) Real-time Monitoring and Numerical Modeling in Danshuei Estuary, Annual Ocean Science Conference, National Science Council, Taitung, Taiwan, Dec. 23~25.
  • Wang, Y.-H., P.-C. Sun, C.-T. Chiu, C.-K. Hu, L.-S. Wen and L.-Y. Chiao (2001) Analysis of flows in the Tanshui Plume, Proceedings of the 23rd Ocean Engineering Conferences in Taiwan. pp. 179~185.
  • Wen, L.-S., A. Shiller, P. Santschi and G. Gill (1998) Trace element behavior in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, In: T.S. Bianchi, J.R. Pennock and R.R. Twilley, eds., Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico Estuaries, John Wiley and Sons, pp 303-336.
  • Gill, G. A., L.-S. Wen, P.H. Santschi, D. Tang and R. Lehman (1998) Silver in Colorado Watersheds – Concentrations and Chemical and Phase Speciation. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 19th Annual Meeting, 15 – 19 November 1998, Charlotte, NC, USA. (Invited Paper).
  • Santschi, P.H., L.-S. Wen, M. Quigley and D. Tang (1998) Phase and chemical speciation studies of surface-bound trace metals in estuarine environments. Proc. 8th Int. Symp. of SETAC, Bordeaux, France, April 14-18, 1998, pp. 28 (Invited Paper).
  • Tang, D., L.-S. Wen and P. Santschi (1997) Calibration of cross-flow ultrafiltration for phase speciation studies for trace elements, 214th ACS national meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Wen, L.-S., Tang, D., Lehman, R. , Gill, G. and P. Santschi (1997) Dissolved and colloidal Ag in natural waters-analytical aspects. Proc. 5th International Argentum Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.(Invited Paper)
  • Santschi, P., D. Tang, L.-S. Wen and G. Gill (1997) Macromolecular organic sulfur complexes of silver in estuarine environments of Galveston Bay. Proc. 5th International Argentum Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.(Invited Paper)
  • Gill, G., Wen, L.-S., Lehman, R. , Tang, D., and P. Santschi (1997) Silver in Colorado watersheds. Proc. 5th International Argentum Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.(Invited Paper)
  • Wen, L.-S., Santschi, P.H. and Gill, G. A. (1996) Interaction and transport of trace elements in estuarine environment via colloidal organic materials, Paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, California.
  • Stordal M.C., Wen, L.-S., Santschi, P., Gill, G.A. (1996) Mercury speciation: the role of colloids in natural systems. Paper presented at forth International conference on Mercury as a global Pollutant, Aug. 4-8, 1996, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Wen, L.-S., M.C. Stordal, D. Tang, G.A. Gill, P.H. Santschi (1996) Application of ultraclean cross-flow filtration technique for the study of colloidal trace metals in seawater. Paper presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 12-16, 1996, San Diego, California.(Invited Paper)
  • Stordal, M.C., G.A. Gill, L.-S. Wen, P.H. Santschi (1996) Filter-passing and colloidal arsenic, antimony and selenium within three Texas estuaries, Paper presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-25, 1994, San Diego, California.
  • Wen, L.-S., M.C. Stordal, D. Tang, G.A. Gill and P.H. Santschi (1995) An ultra-clean cross-flow ultrafiltration technique for the study of trace metal phase speciation in sea water. Paper presented at Pro. 13th Biennial Estuarine Res. Fed. Conf., Nov.14-18, 1995, Corpus Christi, Texas.
  • Stordal M.C., Wen, L.-S., Santschi, P., Gill, G.A. (1995) Phase speciation of As, Hg, Sb, and Se in Galveston and Corpus Christi Bay: significance of colloidal forms. Paper presented at Pro. 13th Biennial Estuarine Res. Fed. Conf., Nov.14-18, 1995, Corpus Christi, Texas.
  • Santschi, P.H., L.-S. Wen, B.D. Honeyman, and J. Lenhart. (1995). Heterogeneous Processes Affecting Trace Element Distribution in Estuaries. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Model Estuaries, March 21-24, 1995, Nantes, France. (Invited Paper)
  • Santschi, P.H., Wen, L.-S., Paternostro, C., and G. Gill. (1995). Phase partitioning of silver in river and estuarine waters of Texas. Proc. 3rd International Argentum Conference, Washington, D.C. (Invited Paper)
  • Stordal, M.C., L.-S. Wen, P. Santschi and G. A. Gill (1995). Colloidal Mercury in Texas Estuaries. Paper presented at the Texas Academic of Science, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, March 3-4, 1995.
  • Gill, G. A., P. H. Santschi, R. Lehman and L.-S. Wen. (1995). Silver measurements in Texas Watersheds. Final Report prepared for the Silver Coalition, Harrison, NY, February 1995.
  • Stordal, M.C., L.-S. Wen, P. Santschi and G. A. Gill (1995). Colloidal Mercury in Texas Estuaries. Paper presented at the American Chemical Society Annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, April 1995.
  • Gill, G. A., P. H. Santschi, R. Lehman and L.-S. Wen. (1994). Silver measurements in Texas Watersheds. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on the Transport, Fate, and Effects of Silver in the Environment, September 11-14, 1994, Madison, Wisconsin (Invited Paper).
  • Wen, L.-S., P.H. Santschi, and C. Paternostro (1994) Trace metal speciation in the waters of the Trinity River Estuary, Paper presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-25, 1994, San Diego, California.
  • Santschi, P.H., S.D. Oktay-Marshall, L.-S. Wen, and O. Corapcioglu (1993) Processes which control the cycling of toxicants in Galveston Bay. In: Proceedings of the Second State of the Bay symposium, Feb. 4-6, 1993, Galveston Bay Estuary Program, GBNEP-23, Clear Lake, Texas, 115-123.
  • Wen, L.-S., S. Oktay-Marshall, O. Corapcioglu, and P.H. Santschi (1993) Processes which regulate dissolved and colloidal Pb and Zn concentrations from the Trinity River to the open Gulf of Mexico, Pro. 12th Biennial Estuarine Res. Fed. Conf., Nov.14-18, 1993, Hilton Head Island, S.C.
  • Wen, L.-S., K.-K. Liu, S.-C. Pai and C.-T. Liu (1989) Apparent Oxygen Utilization and nutrients in the Kuroshio and Shelf Waters near Taiwan, 3rd: ROC-ROK Seminar on Oceanography, Sept. 25~29, 1989, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.

C. Book Chapters, Reports & Others:

  • 温良碩 (2014) 第五章:海洋化學。戴昌鳳等著,臺灣區域海洋學。第219-254頁。臺北市:臺大出版中心。2014年12月。ISBN:978-986-350-045-2。
  • Lin I.-I., L.-S. Wen, G.R. Liu, and K.-K. Liu (2002) Retrieval of suspended particulate matter and chlorophyll-a concentration in a highly turbid tropical river by in situ bio-optical data – a case study, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 7, 75-85
  • Song, G.-S., L.-S. Wen, K.-K. Liu and P.-K. Liu (2002) Underwater Topography in the Downstream Portion of Tanshui River, Acta Ocean Taiwanica., 40, 25-30.
  • Wen, L.-S. (2002) 控制海洋生產力的樞紐, 科學月刊, 2, 386, 144-152
  • Chung S.-W. , L.-S. Wen, C.-Y. Chuang, T.-T. Sue (2001) Salinity/Ionic Effect on nutrients analysis in natural waters. Chemistry (The Chinese Chem. Soc.), 59, 311-316.
  • Jiann K.-T. and Wen, L.-S. (2001) 超純淨採樣方法的必要性─簡介美國環保署測量自然水樣中重金屬之採樣方法制。工業污染防治,8,25-28。
  • Wen, L.-S., P.H. Santschi, and C. Paternostro (1994) Trace metal speciation in the waters of the Trinity River Estuary, EOS, 75/3, 122.
  • Wen, L.-S. and C. T. A. Chen (1990) Determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water by potentiometric titration, National Science Council, Regional Instrument Center, Publication No. 003.
  • Wen, L.-S. and K.-K. Liu,(1990) An operation note of the deep sea reversing thermometer, National Science Council, Regional Instrument Center, Publication No. 002.
  • Wen, L.-S., K.-K. Liu, S.-C. Pai and C.-T. Liu (1989) Apparent Oxygen Utilization in the Western Philippines Sea and Shelf Waters near Taiwan, Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica, 23, 19-32.
  • Pai, S.-C., C.-J. Liu, L.-S. Wen, R.-L. Lai, T.-S. Fang, K.-T. Jiann and C.-C. Yang (1987) Primary Investigation of the Western Philippine Sea Water-Chemical data from the CHIPS-1 Expedition, Yearly Journal of the National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology, 21, 49-68.
  • Pai, S.-C., G.-C. Gong, L.-S. Wen and C.-C. Yang (1987) Salt Matrix Interference on Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Its Elimination by Polarized Zeeman Effect Correction System, Yearly Journal of the National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology, 21, 33-47.

D. Dissertation & Thesis:

  • Wen, L.-S. (1996) Geochemistry of trace metals in estuarine waters: A multi-phase speciation approach. Ph. D. dissertation, Texas A&M University.
  • Wen, L.-S. (1986) Determination of trace metals in sea water using solvent extraction pre-concentration and Polarized Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Master Thesis, National Taiwan College of Marine Science & Technology.