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PO Speech announcement  11/29 (Thu)  14:20  Tools of Oceanography – the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10)  Prof. Rich Pawlowicz (University of British Columbia, Canada)


MG&G speech announcement  11/22 (Thu)  10:30  New inputs on the Active Tectonics in the Longitudinal Valley (onshore/offshore Eastern Taiwan)  Dr. Benoît Deffontaines (Université Paris-Est, Marne-La-Vallée France)


MG&G speech announcement  11/8 (Thu)  10:30  From the Source to the Sink: What we learn from the Biomarker Results in the Taiwan Strait.  張詠斌 博士 (國立中山大學海洋科學系副教授)

PO Speech announcement  11/1 (Thu)  14:20  美菲臺PISTON計畫R/V Thompson海上探測見聞  陳紹強、謝孟樵 (IONTU)

PO Speech announcement  11/1 (Thu)  14:20  美菲臺PISTON計畫R/V Thompson海上探測見聞  陳紹強、謝孟樵 (IONTU)


MG&G speech announcement  11/1 (Thu)  10:30  Precise determination of offshore earthquake source parameters with complex near trench structure.  Dr. Shengji Wei (Assistant Professor, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University)


PO Speech announcement  10/25 (Thu)  14:20  Mixing efficiency in the ocean.  Prof. Mike Gregg (Univ. of Washington)


Faculty positions available at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University

The Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (IONTU), invites applications for up to two faculty positions, at the level of assistant professor or higher, starting on August 1, 2019. Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in research fields related to marine sciences, including physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology & [...]


MG&G speech announcement  10/25 (Thu)  10:30  A potential paleoclimatic signal of deep-sea fans.  Dr. Roger Flood (Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, USA)


PO Special seminar on turbulence measurement in the ocean  17 Oct.  10:30  Observing Ocean Turbulence.  Prof. Emily Shroyer (Oregon State University)


CO speech announcement  10/23 (Tue)  13:20  Marine Geochemistry of methane.  Prof. Mary Scranton (School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Stony Brook University, USA)


MG&G speech announcement  10/18 (Thu)  10:30  Progress in the application of gas geochemistry to earthquake precursor in Taiwan and its future scenarios.  傅慶州 博士 (中央研究所地球科學所助研究員)


PO speech announcement  10/18 (Thu)  14:20  Climate change and fishing effects on marine fisheries.  Prof. Hui-Yu Wang (IONTU)

PO speech announcement  10/11 (Thu)  14:20  Diversity, status, and threats on Taiwanese coral reefs.  Prof. Vianney Denis (IONTU)

PO speech announcement  10/11 (Thu)  14:20  Diversity, status, and threats on Taiwanese coral reefs.  Prof. Vianney Denis (IONTU)


MG&G speech announcement  10/11 (Thu)  10:30  Top and Bottom: Paleo-Southern Ocean Intermediate Water in the South Pacific.  Dr. Raúl Tapia (Postdoc, Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile)

2018 CASTS Symposium on Environmental Flows (October 22 – 23, 2018)

2018 CASTS Symposium on Environmental Flows (October 22 – 23, 2018)


MG&G speech announcement  9/27 (Thu)  10:30  台灣地震科學中心:支援、合作與決策  梁文宗 博士 (中央研究所地球科學所研究技師)


PO speech announcement  9/20 (Thu)  14:20  ”Fun and curiosity brings me to the ocean research field”  Prof. H.-T. Lin (Tina), 林卉婷 助理教授 (IONTU)


CO speech announcement  9/18 (Tue)  13:20  美國研究船R/V Thompson 合作航次經驗分享  王漢松、連政佳 (科技部貴重儀器中心海洋探勘組技術員)


MG&G speech announcement  9/20 (Thu)  10:20  Geometry of the South China Sea at the end of spreading. Geodynamic consequences.  Dr. Jean-Claude Sibuet (Key Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China)


MB&F speech announcement  9/12 (Wed)  13:45  The rises and falls of opsin genes in 59 ray-finned fish genomes and their implications for environmental adaptation.  Dr. Tzi-Yuan Wang (Associate Research specialist, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica)

IONTU speech announcement  9/14 (Fri)  15:30  “Open-access” to paleo-extreme events archived into deep sedimentary archives around Taiwan: From the birth of the EAGER Project to the 2018 Marion Dufresne cruise.  Dr. Serge Lallemand (Senior researcher, Geosciences Montpellier Laboratory, Montpellier University, France)

IONTU speech announcement  9/14 (Fri)  15:30  “Open-access” to paleo-extreme events archived into deep sedimentary archives around Taiwan: From the birth of the EAGER Project to the 2018 Marion Dufresne cruise.  Dr. Serge Lallemand (Senior researcher, Geosciences Montpellier Laboratory, Montpellier University, France)


IONTU speech announcement  7/19 (Thu)  16:00  Trace metals and phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean.  Dr. Susanne Fietz (Senior Lecturer, Stellenbosch University)

IONTU speech announcement  6/29 (Fri)  15:30  Linking ecology to management for sustaining resources of Taiwan coral reefs facing climate changes: case of Kenting National Park.  Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu (PhD student, Biodviersity Research Center, Academia Sinica)

IONTU speech announcement  6/29 (Fri)  15:30  Linking ecology to management for sustaining resources of Taiwan coral reefs facing climate changes: case of Kenting National Park.  Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu (PhD student, Biodviersity Research Center, Academia Sinica)


IONTU speech announcement  6/22 (Fri)  15:30  Feedback between bacterial community assembly and carbon accumulation in the ocean.  Prof. Takeshi Miki (IONTU)


IONTU speech announcement  6/15 (Fri)  15:30  The joint statement of the International Symposium on the Discovery of Formosa Landlocked Salmon’s 100th Anniversary.  Prof. GWO Jin-chywan (Aquaculture Department, Taiwan National Ocean University)

(Taiwan) 中央研究院2018年「第31屆新科院士演講」系列活動訂5月15日至7月9日舉行

(Taiwan) 中央研究院2018年「第31屆新科院士演講」系列活動訂5月15日至7月9日舉行

中央研究院 2018 年「第 31 屆新科院士演講」系列活動訂 5 月 15 日至 7 月 9 日舉行 相關資訊請見中研院網頁:


IONTU speech announcement  5/29 (Tue)  11:00 Adjustment and scattering of semidiurnal Kelvin Waves on wide continental shelves.  Prof. Alexander Yankovsky (University of South Carolina, USA)


PO speech announcement  5/24 (Thu)  14:20  The Impact of ENSO to the South China Sea during the ENSO decaying winter-spring using a regional coupled model.  郭怡君 博士 (臺灣大學海洋研究所)


IONTU speech announcement  5/25 (Fri)  15:30  Progress on the research of fish systematics and evolution through the Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos program.  Prof. Wei-Jen Chen (IONTU)


IONTU speech announcement  5/25 (Fri)  15:30  花東海盆IODP鑽探的意義  黃奇瑜 教授 (國立成功大學地球科學系兼任教授;同濟大學海洋及地球科學院及同濟大學高等研究院特聘研究員)


MG&G speech announcement  5/17 (Thu)  10:30  Timing and Magnitude of Sediment Mass Transport and Carbon Export to the Deep Sea: Climate vs. Tectonic Drivers?  Prof. Dr. Michael Strasser (Institute of Geology, University of Innsbruck, Austria)


PO speech announcement  5/10 (Thu)  14:20  A Small Step toward Freak Wave Modeling in Northeastern Coastal Environment, Taiwan.  楊智傑 教授 (海洋大學)


PO speech announcement  5/8 (Tue)  14:20  Bathymetry control in estuarine circulation.  Prof. Yinglong Joseph Zhang 張應龍教授 (Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Center for Coastal Resource Management)


IONTU speech announcement  5/4 (Fri)  15:30  Vertical distributions and diel variations of dissolved Arsenic species in the oligotrophic West Pacific Ocean. (Presentation in English)  Chih-Ping Lee (Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)

Meeting: Symposium on East-Asian Sustainable Fisheries

Meeting: Symposium on East-Asian Sustainable Fisheries


IONTU speech announcement  4/20 (Fri)  15:30 Circulation and dynamics on the northeastern Chukchi Sea Shelf, Arctic Ocean.  Dr. Ying-Chih Fang (University of Alaska Fairbanks)


MB&F speech announcement  4/18 (Wed)  13:30 Validation of the nitrogen isotopic record of carbonate-bound organic matter in modern and fossil fish otoliths.  Jessica Lueders-Dumont (Ph.D. candidate Princeton University)


MG&G speech announcement  4/12 (Thu)  10:30 GPS/Acoustic seafloor observation in eastern Taiwan.  陳宏宇博士 (中央研究院地球科學所 GPS 專業技術師)


PO speech announcement  4/12 (Thu)  14:20  High-resolution observations of internal wave induced turbulence in the deep ocean.  Dr. Hans van Haren (NIOZ, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)


IONTU speech announcement  4/13 (Fri)  15:30  Upper Ocean Research using Subsurface EM-APEX Floats.  Dr. Je-Yuan Hsu (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation (CSIRO), Perth, Australia)


MB&F speech announcement  3/28 (Wed)  13:30  The evolutionary ecology of whole body asymmetry in flatfishes (Order Pleuronectiformes)  Dr. Carolyn Ann Bergstrom (Professor, University of Alaska Southeast)


IONTU speech announcement  3/30 (Fri)  15:30  從沈積物散布到季風、從地層特徵到流體移棲-震測訊號的研究應用  許鶴瀚 (國立臺灣大學海洋中心助理研究員)


MG&G speech announcement  3/29 (Thu)  10:30  Tidal modulation and tectonic implications of tremors in Taiwan. 陳卉瑄 (國立台灣師範大學 地球科學系 教授)


PO speech announcement  3/29 (Thu)  14:20  Storm Forced Near Inertial Waves and Turbulence Mixing.  Dr. Ren-Chieh Lien (連仁杰) 華盛頓大學 應用物理實驗室


PO speech announcement  3/22 (Thu)  14:20 Measurement of Infragravity Edge Waves Using a Single Instrument–Methodology and Its possible extensions.  陳冠宇 教授 (中山大學)


MG&G speech announcement  3/22 (Thu)  10:30 Application of magnesium isotope geochemistry to igneous petrogenesis.  彭君能 (中央研究院 地球科學研究所 助研究員)

PO speech announcement  3/15 (Thu)  14:20  Preliminary Scientific Results from a Shelfbreak Observatory: The OOI Pioneer Array.  Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz (WHOI)

PO speech announcement  3/15 (Thu)  14:20  Preliminary Scientific Results from a Shelfbreak Observatory: The OOI Pioneer Array.  Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz (WHOI)


IONTU speech announcement  3/9 (Fri)  15:30  Precession and atmospheric CO2 modulated variability of sea ice in the central Okhotsk Sea since 130,000 years ago.  Dr. Li Lo (Associate Researcher, State Key Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


MG&G speech announcement  3/8 (Thu)  10:30  Active tectonics of Myanmar and the plausible earthquake rupture of the 1839 Ava earthquake along the central Sagaing fault.  王昱 (臺灣大學地質科學系 助理教授)


PhD candidate public speaking  2/12 (Mon)  10:30 Collection, isolation and classification of novel strains of marine bacteria in the Proteobacteria.  黃思博 (Huang, Ssu-Po)