International cooperation


Faculty positions available at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University

The Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (IONTU), invites applications for one or two faculty position(s), at the level of assistant professor or higher, starting on August 1, 2018. Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in research fields related to marine sciences, including physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology & [...]

<!--:tw-->The TAIGER (Taiwan Integrated GEodynamic Research) project<!--:-->

The TAIGER (Taiwan Integrated GEodynamic Research) project

The TAIGER (Taiwan Integrated GEodynamic Research) project is a large Taiwan-US cooperative research project participated also by scientists from France, Japan and Philippine. This project uses seismic techniques to image the crustal and upper mantle structures of the Taiwan mountain belt and its surrounding seas for the purposes of understanding [...]

<!--:tw-->International cooperation (Taiwan-U.S.A., Taiwan-Russia, Taiwan-Germany)<!--:-->

International cooperation (Taiwan-U.S.A., Taiwan-Russia, Taiwan-Germany)

1. Taiwan-U.S.A. Samplings of sea floor sediments, rocks, corals, benthic biological samples and other samples at the bottom of sea are difficult tasks with most sampling equipment unable to see the object on the sea floor prior to sampling. Not knowing what is/are at the bottom of the sea, most [...]