

李俞靜、曾皓、張以杰及曾鈞懋   秋刀魚(Cololabis saira)是一種小型中上層魚類,廣泛分布於北太平洋,從亞熱帶到亞北極地區,具有重要的經濟、營養及文化價值。...


Drivers of coastal benthic communities in a complex environmental setting

Drivers of coastal benthic communities in a complex environmental setting

Yuting Vicky Lin a, Pierre-Alexandre Château b, Yoko Nozawa c d e, Chih-Lin Wei a, Rainer Ferdinand Wunderlich f g, Vianney...




You-Wei Tzeng, Pan-Wen Hsueh, Chih-Lin Wei 國立臺灣大學海洋研究所博士後研究員曾宥維、魏志潾老師和中興大學生命科學系薛攀文老師,於2024年的五月在...




由海洋所博士候選人許蓁、張以杰老師,以及美國華盛頓大學的André E. Punt教授,美國國家海洋漁業局(NOAA)太平洋島嶼漁業科學中心Jon...


化學組演講公告  5月28日(二)  13:20  Nutrient turnover by large sulfur bacteria on the Namibian mud belt during the low productivity season.  莊佩涓 Chuang Pei-Chuan (National Central University’s Department of Earth Sciences)



化學組演講公告  5月21日(二)  13:20  PFAS in water environments: dilemmas over phase-partitioning study.  李承軒 Lee Cheng-Shiuan (Academia Sinica’s Research Center for Environmental Changes)



化學組演講公告  5月14日(二)  13:20  Nitrogen isotopes to constrain water masses and ocean circulation in the present and recent past.  任昊佳 Abby Ren (NTU’s Geosciences Dept.)



化學組演講公告  5月7日(二)  13:20  The particle dynamics on the river-dominated continental shelf: the case in the northern South China Sea during the summer.  李杰 Jay Lee (Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica)



化學組演講公告  4月30日(二)  13:20  Compound Fluvial Flooding Impacts on Sediments & Associated Containments (As, B[a]P, Pb, etc.) in Woodbridge Watershed, NJ & Lower Darby Creek, PA.  Whung Pai-Yei (NTU Global Scholar; former Senior Scientist at the US Environmental Protection Agency)



演講公告  4月16日(二)  13:20  Humic-like substances as carriers of dissolved iron in river plumes and ocean currents.  François Lucien Léon Muller (Associate Professor, National Sun Yat-sen University)



物理組演講公告  3月28日(四)  14:20  A key role of off-equatorial subsurface temperature anomalies in Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability.  Dr. 陳紹強 (Postdoctoral Researcher in IONTU)
