  • STEPHENS, Brandon Michael

    Assistant Professor

  • Tel 1: +886-2-33661377
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  • Research Room: Room 326, Institute of Oceanography
  • Field: uses observational and experimental approaches to elucidate interactions among microbes and organic matter (OM).
  • Academic Background:
    • 2023- Assistant professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University.
    • 2022-2023 Assistant Project Scientist, University of California-Santa Barbara.
    • 2018-2022 Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of California-Santa Barbara.

    • 2012-2018 Ph.D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD.
    • 2006-2008 M.S. University of Minnesota-Duluth
    • 2004 B.S. University of Minnesota
  • Research Achievements/Publications:
    • 2024 Cohn MR, Stephens BM, Meyer MG, Sharpe G, Niebergall AK, Graff JR, Cassar N, Marchetti A, Carlson CA, Gifford S. Microbial Respiration in Contrasting Ocean Provinces via High-Frequency Optode Assays. Frontiers in Marine Science; 11: 1395799.
    • 2024 Manck LE, Coale TH, Stephens BM, Forsch KO, Aluwihare LI, Dupont CL, Allen AE, Barbeau KA. Iron limitation of heterotrophic bacteria in the California Current System tracks relative availability of organic carbon and iron. ISME J; 18(61): 1-15.
    • 2024 Stephens BM, Durkin CA, Estapa ML, Sharpe G, Gifford SM, Carlson CA, Albers J, Santoro AE. Direct observations of microbial community succession on sinking marine particles. ISME J; 18(1): 1-13.
    • 2023 Stephens BM, Fox J, Liu S, Halsey KH, Nicholson DP, Traylor S, Carlson CA. Bacterial production, biomass and community composition influenced by amino acids at the subarctic Pacific’s Ocean Station Papa. Elementa:Science of the Anthropocene 5. 11 (1):00095. doi:
    • 2022 White ME, Rafter PA, Stephens BM, Mazloff MR, Wankel SD, Aluwihare LI. Stable isotopes of nitrate record effects of the 2015–2016 El Niño and diatom iron limitation on nitrogen cycling in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography; 67: 2140-2156.
    • 2021 Siegel DA….Stephens BM…(74 co-authors). An operational overview of the Export Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) Northeast Pacific field deployment. Elementa. 9:1.
    • 2021 Baetge N, Behrenfeld M, Fox J, Halsey KH, Mojica KDA, Novoa A, Stephens BM, Carlson CA. The seasonal flux of dissolved organic carbon through bacterioplankton in the Western North Atlantic. Frontiers in Microbiology; 12:669883.
    • 2020 Stephens BM, Opalk K, Petras D, Liu S, Comstock J, Aluwihare LI, Hansell DA, Carlson CA. Organic matter composition at Ocean Station Papa affects its bioavailability, bacterioplankton growth efficiency and the responding taxa. Frontiers in Marine Science; 7:590273.
    • 2019 Stephens BM, Wankel SD, Beman JM, Rabines A, Allen AE, Aluwihare LI. Euphotic zone nitrification in the California Current Ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography; 65: 790-806.
    • 2019 White ME, Rafter PA, Stephens BM, Wankel SD, Aluwihare LI. Recent increases in water column denitrification in the seasonally suboxic bottom waters of the Santa Barbara Basin. Geophysical Research Letters; 46: 6786-6795.
    • 2018 Morrow RM, Ohman MD, Goericke R, Kelly TB, Stephens BM, Stukel MR. CCE V: Primary production, mesozooplankton grazing, and the biological pump in the California Current Ecosystem: Variability and response to El Niño. Deep Sea Research I; 140: 52-62.
    • 2018 Stephens BM, Porrachia M, Dovel S, Roadman M, Goericke R, Aluwihare LI. Non-sinking organic matter production in the California Current. Global Biogeochemical Cycles; 32: 1386-1405.
    • 2018 Ball GI, Noble PJ, Stephens BM, Higgins A, Mensing SA, Aluwihare LI. A lignin, diatom, and pollen record spanning the Pleistocene-Holocene transition at Fallen Leaf Lake, Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Geological Society of America Special Issue: Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time.
    • 2017 Petras D, Koester I, Da Silva R, Stephens BM, Haas AF, Nelson CE, Kelly LW, Aluwihare LI, Dorrestein PC. High-resolution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry enables large scale molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter. Frontiers in Marine Science; 4(405).
    • 2017 Arakawa NK, Aluwihare LI, Simpson AJ, Soong R, Stephens BM, Lane-Coplan D. Carotenoids are the likely precursor of a significant fraction of marine dissolved organic matter. Science Advances; 3(9).
    • 2017 Stukel MR, Aluwihare LI, Barbeau KA, Chekalyuk AM, Goericke R, Miller AJ, Ohman MD, Ruacho A, Song H Stephens BM, Landry MR. Mesoscale ocean fronts enhance carbon export due to gravitational sinking and subduction. PNAS; 1609435114.
    • 2015 Burd AB, Frey S, Cabre A, Ito T, Levine NM, Lonborg C, Long M, Mauritz M, Quinn Thomas R, Stephens BM, Van Walleghem T, Zeng N. Terrestrial and marine perspectives on modeling organic matter degradation pathways. Global Change Biology; gcb.12987.
    • 2010 Stephens BM, Minor EC. DOM characteristics along the continuum from river to reservoir: a comparison of freshwater and saline transects. Aquatic Sciences; 72(4): 403-417.
    • 2008 Minor EC, Stephens BM. Dissolved organic matter characteristics within the Lake Superior watershed. Organic Geochemistry; 39: 1489-1501.