• Je-Yuan Hsu

    Assistant Professor

  • Tel 1: +886-2-33661376
  • Tel 2: +886-2-33661620
  • Fax:
  • E-mail 1: jyahsu@ntu.edu.tw
  • E-mail 2:
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  • Research Room: Room 119 and 125,  Institute of Oceanography
  • Field: Physical oceanography, upper ocean boundary layer dynamics and air-sea interaction
  • Academic Background:
    • 2020-present: Assistant Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (IONTU), Taipei, Taiwan
    • 2018-2019: Postdoc Fellow, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation (CSIRO), Perth, Australia
    • 2013-2017: Ph.D., Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.
    • 2011-2013: M.S., Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, U.S.
    • 2006-2010: B.A., Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Research Achievements/Publications:
    • Hsu*, J.-Y., 2024. A New Rotating Axes Method for Processing High-Resolution Horizontal Velocity Measurements on EM-APEX floats. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology [Link]
    • Hsu, J.-Y., 2023. Effect of Wave Directions on Orientation and Magnitude of Surface Wind Stress under Typhoon Megi (2010). Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(7), 1767-1785. [Link]
    • Chang, M. -H., Y. -H. Cheng, Y. -Y. Yeh, J. -Y. Hsu, S. Jan, Y. -H. Tseng, C. -H. Sui, Y. J. Yang, and P. -H. Lin, 2023. Diurnal Sea Surface Temperature Warming Along the Kuroshio off Taiwan Under Easterly Wind Conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(2). [Link]
    • Zhou, X. H., T. Hara, I. Ginis, E. D'Asaro, J.-Y. Hsu, and B. G. Reichl, 2022. Drag Coefficient and Its Sea State Dependence under Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(7), 1447-1470. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.-Y., M. Feng, and S. Wijffels, 2022. Rapid restratification of the ocean surface boundary layer during the suppressed phase of the MJO in austral spring. Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 024031. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.‐Y., H., 2022. Observing Surface Wave Directional Spectra under Typhoon Megi 2010 Using Subsurface EM-APEX Floats. Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, 38(11), 1949-1966. [Link]
    • Feng, M., Y. L. Duan, S. Wijffels, J.-Y. Hsu, C. Li, H. W. Wang, Y. Yang, H. Shen, J. J. Liu, C. L. Ning, and W. D. Yu, 2020. Tracking Air-Sea Exchange and Upper-Ocean Variability in the Indonesian-Australian Basin during the Onset of the 2018/19 Australian Summer Monsoon. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(8), E1397-E1412. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.‐Y., H., Hendon, M., Feng, and X., Zhou, 2019. Magnitude and phase of diurnal SST variations in the ACCESS‐S1 model during the suppressed phase of the MJOs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(12), 9553-9571. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.‐Y., R.‐C., Lien, E. A., D'Asaro, and T. B., Sanford, T. B., 2019. Scaling of drag coefficients under five tropical cyclones. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 3349– 3358. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.-Y., R.-C., Lien, E. A., D’Asaro, and T. B., Sanford, 2018. Estimates of Surface Waves Using Subsurface EM-APEX Floats under Typhoon Fanapi 2010. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35, 1053–1075. [Link]
    • Hsu, J.-Y., R.-C., Lien, E. A., D’Asaro, and T. B., Sanford, 2017. Estimates of Surface Wind Stress and Drag Coefficients in Typhoon Megi. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 545–565. [Link]
    • Ali, M. M., P. S. V., Jagadeesh, I. I., Lin, and J.-Y., Hsu, 2012. A Neural Network Approach to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential in the Indian Ocean. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, 9, 1114–1117. [Link]