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IONTU Speech announcement  10/18 (Fri)  15:30  南海風雲的機會  宋克義 教授 (中山大學海洋科學系)


CO Speech announcement  10/22 (Tue)  13:20 Reconstruction of fish migration history by otolith stable oxygen isotopes.(以耳石穩定性氧同位素重建魚類洄游史)  蕭仁傑 教授 (臺灣大學海洋研究所)


MG&G Speech announcement  10/17 (Thu)  10:30 Investigating the Process of Signal Formation in Paleo Climate Archives.  Alexandra Zuhr (Alfred Wegener Institute and University of Potsdam)


CO Speech announcement  10/15 (Tue)  13:20  Mercury Bioaccumulation in Global Bluefin Tuna Reveals Ocean Pollution.  曾鈞懋 教授 (臺灣大學海洋研究所)


CO Speech announcement  10/8 (Tue)  13:20  Body size, light intensity and nutrient supply determine plankton stoichiometry in mixotrophic plankton food webs.  何佩綺 博士 (臺灣大學海洋研究所)


MG&G Speech announcement  10/3 (Thu)  10:30  A short summary of paleoceanographic studies from central Okhotsk Sea during the past 1.5 Ma.  羅立 (臺大地質系)


CO Speech announcement  10/1 (Tue)  13:20 Reconstructing climate and environment from coral archive.  姜宏偉 博士 (臺灣大學地質系)


MG&G Speech announcement  9/26 (Thu)  10:30 Introduction of Micro-CT in Geoscience: Getting the inside story.(顯微斷層掃描在地質領域的應用簡介)  林子閎 (工業技術研究院)


CO Speech announcement  9/24 (Tue)  13:20  Ni: a major factor affecting nitrogen fixation and hydrogen cycling in some marine cyanobacteria.  何東垣 教授 (中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心)


CO Speech announcement  9/17 (Tue)  13:20  The coupling between physics and biogeochemistry along the pathways of river plume dispersal.  劉祖乾 教授 (國立中山大學海洋科學系)

MB&F Speech announcement  9/11 (Wed)  13:30 Engineering Rapid and Sensitive Electronic Diagnostics for Infectious Disease.  Dr Ling-Shan Yu 余靈珊 博士

MB&F Speech announcement  9/11 (Wed)  13:30 Engineering Rapid and Sensitive Electronic Diagnostics for Infectious Disease.  Dr Ling-Shan Yu 余靈珊 博士

Speech announcement  9/3 (Tue)  14:00  A Constraint on ENSO Transition Complexity as the Pacific Warms.  Shih-Wei Fang 方思惟 Ph.D. Candidate (Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine)

Speech announcement  9/3 (Tue)  14:00  A Constraint on ENSO Transition Complexity as the Pacific Warms.  Shih-Wei Fang 方思惟 Ph.D. Candidate (Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine)


Speech announcement  8/8 (Thu)  14:00  Interdecadal shift of ENSO in 1999/2000.  Zeng-Zhen Hu (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland, USA)


Speech announcement  7/15 (Mon)  14:00  Using EnKF in the data assimilation, part I   Shu-chih Yang (Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University)


Speech announcement  7/9 (Tue)  15:00  Coral diversity and communities in Korea.  Sung-Jin Hwang (Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, Woosuk University)


CO Speech announcement  6/11 (Tue)  13:20  近年台灣周遭海域之紊流觀測  張明輝 副教授 (國立臺灣大學海洋研究所)


CO Speech announcement  6/4 (Tue)  13:20  Role of biopolymers in the biogeochemical cycle of tracers in the sea.  莊佳穎 博士 (中研院環變中心助研究員)


CO Speech announcement  5/28 (Tue)  13:20  Introduction to Seaglider – an autonomous underwater vehicle for oceanographic research (觀測海洋的利器—自走式水下滑翔儀簡介)  楊凱絜 博士 (臺大海洋所技術員)


MG&G Speech announcement  5/23 (Thu)  10:30  晚第四紀南海古海洋變遷與熱帶動力機制  尤柏森 助理研究員 (臺灣海洋科技研究中心)


MG&G Speech announcement  5/9 (Thu)  10:30  Incising and aggrading features of Soma Slope Channel, off Miyagi Japan(日本東北沖宮崎外海相馬海底水道的堆積特徵)  張日新 研究員 (日本国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所)


CO Speech announcement  5/7 (Tue)  13:20  Geochemical Characteristics of New Discovered Hydrothermal Activity Zone in South Okinawa Trough.  蘇志杰 副教授 (臺大海洋所)

Adapting to new challenges: Evolution in humans, animals, and plants Symposium on Apr 22 2019 @ Shih-Liang Hall, NTU

Adapting to new challenges: Evolution in humans, animals, and plants Symposium on Apr 22 2019 @ Shih-Liang Hall, NTU


CO Speech announcement  4/23 (Tue)  13:20  Enhanced West Philippine Sea intrusion diminishes hypoxia conditions in the Pearl River estuary.  雷漢杰 助理教授 (國立中山大學)


IONTU Speech announcement  4/19 (Fri)  15:30  Tracing methane: microbial power on methane regulation in natural systems.  Prof. Pei-ling Wang (Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)


CO Speech announcement  4/16 (Tue)  13:20  Ocean fertilization by natural and anthropogenic nitrogen input in the past and present.  任昊佳 副教授 (國立臺灣大學地質系)


PO Speech announcement  4/11 (Thu)  14:20  資料同化於劇烈天氣預報上之應用與挑戰  楊舒芝 (中央大學大氣系)

IONTU Speech announcement  4/12 (Fri)  15:20  The Development of Acoustical Oceanography in IONTU.  Prof. Chen-Fen Huang (Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)

IONTU Speech announcement  4/12 (Fri)  15:20  The Development of Acoustical Oceanography in IONTU.  Prof. Chen-Fen Huang (Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)


CO Speech announcement  4/9 (Tue)  13:20  IONTU深海著陸器發展與展望  魏志潾 副教授 (國立臺灣大學海洋研究所)


MG&G Speech announcement  3/28 (Thu)  10:30  High-Resolution 3D P-wave Velocity Structures under NE Taiwan and their Tectonic Implications.  陳伯飛 副教授 (中央大學地球科學學系)

(Taiwan) 108學年碩士班錄取名單

(Taiwan) 108學年碩士班錄取名單


CO Speech announcement  3/26 (Tue)  13:20  Impacts of upwelling on the carbonate system of Pearl River plume on the northern South China Sea during summer.  黃蔚人博士 (國立中山大學助理教授)


PO Speech announcement  3/25 (Mon)  10:20  Small-Scale Vortical Mode in the Ocean.  Dr. Ren-Chieh Lien (University of Washington)


PO Speech announcement  3/22 (Fri)  15:00  Variability of the Dynamic Height and Sea Surface Height in the Kuril Basin of the Okhotsk Sea.  Dr. Vigan Mensah (Hokkaido University)


MG&G Speech announcement  3/21 (Thu)  10:30  A journey to the center of the Earth.  謝文斌副研究員 (中央研究院地球科學研究所)


CO Speech announcement  3/19 (Tue)  13:20  Spatial and temporal distribution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in coral and seagrass bed hosted ecosystems.  林卉婷(Tina Lin) (國立臺灣大學助理教授)

MG&G Speech announcement  3/14 (Thu)  10:30 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Dense GPS Data and Examination of the Nature of the Clusters Associated with Regional Tectonics in Taiwan.  Atsushi Takahashi (Disaster prevention research institute, Kyoto University)

MG&G Speech announcement  3/14 (Thu)  10:30 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Dense GPS Data and Examination of the Nature of the Clusters Associated with Regional Tectonics in Taiwan.  Atsushi Takahashi (Disaster prevention research institute, Kyoto University)


PO Speech announcement  3/20 (Wed)  13:20  Applications of Data Assimilation on the Seasonal-Decadal Prediction of Coupled Models in IAP.  Dr. Fei Zheng (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


PO Speech announcement  3/18 (Mon)  10:20  Study Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea and their Impact on the Marine Environment (DieCAST Modeling)  Dr. Konstantin A. Korotenko (Department of Physical Oceanography, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia)

PO Speech announcement  3/14 (Thu)  14:20  The Changing Impacts of El Niño on Mid-latitude Hydroclimate.  Dr. Yu-chiao Liang (Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)

PO Speech announcement  3/14 (Thu)  14:20  The Changing Impacts of El Niño on Mid-latitude Hydroclimate.  Dr. Yu-chiao Liang (Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA)


CO Speech announcement  3/12 (Tue)  13:20  Distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in the South China Sea.  曾筱君博士 (國立臺灣海洋大學助理教授)


IONTU Speech announcement  3/7 (Thu)  10:00  High resolution analysis of mussel shell by NanoSIMS.  Professor Yuji Sano (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)


PO Speech announcement  3/7 (Thu)  14:20  Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and turbulence in the atmosphere and oceans.  Professor Bill Smyth (Oregon State University)


CO Speech announcement  3/5 (Tue)  13:20  The potential role of seagrass meadows in ocean acidification buffering and atmospheric CO2 sequestration: insight from the observations at Dongsha Island.  周文臣教授 (國立臺灣海洋大學教授)


CO Speech announcement  2/26 (Tue)  13:20  Using trace metal isotopes to study marine trace metal cycling: a case study of sinking particles in the SCS.  廖文軒博士 (中央研究院博士後研究員)


IONTU Speech announcement  1/10 (Thu)  10:30  水下搜索經驗交流  文展權 教授 (高雄科技大學)


MB&F Speech announcement  1/2 (Wed)  13:30  Biology of the wandering Arctic lamprey (Lethenteron camtschaticum).  Dr. Andres Lopez (Associate Professor, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska)


PO Speech announcement  12/27 (Thu)  14:20  Shipboard marine X-band radar applications in oceanography.  Dr. Björn Lund (University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing)


PO Speech announcement  11/29 (Thu)  14:20  Tools of Oceanography – the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10)  Prof. Rich Pawlowicz (University of British Columbia, Canada)


MG&G speech announcement  11/22 (Thu)  10:30  New inputs on the Active Tectonics in the Longitudinal Valley (onshore/offshore Eastern Taiwan)  Dr. Benoît Deffontaines (Université Paris-Est, Marne-La-Vallée France)


MG&G speech announcement  11/8 (Thu)  10:30  From the Source to the Sink: What we learn from the Biomarker Results in the Taiwan Strait.  張詠斌 博士 (國立中山大學海洋科學系副教授)