Author Archive: office


MG&G Speech announcement  3/3 (Thu)  10:30  Issues of gemological concerns: viewpoints from earth scientists.
林書弘 (台灣聯合珠寶玉石鑑定中心負責人;國立臺灣海洋大學地球科學研究所博士候選人)


CO Speech announcement  3/8 (Tue)  14:20 Marine Particle Research: Fundamentals and Practice.  劉祖乾 教授(中山大學 海洋科學系)

MG&G Speech announcement  2/24 (Thu)  10:30  小琉球的新期構造  鍾令和 (國立自然科學博物館車籠埔斷層保存區 助理研究員/國立中正大學 兼任助理教授)

MG&G Speech announcement  2/24 (Thu)  10:30  小琉球的新期構造  鍾令和 (國立自然科學博物館車籠埔斷層保存區 助理研究員/國立中正大學 兼任助理教授)



IONTU Speech announcement  12/10 (Fri)  15:30  那個離開海洋又回來的科普作家  潘昌志 (科普作家)


MB&F Speech announcement  11/24 (Wed)  10:30 Evolution of immunity – from marine invertebrates to diverse antibody repertoires.  Professor Sebastian Fugmann (Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung University)


IONTU Speech announcement  11/26 (Fri)  15:30  多物種漁業下的資源評估  郭庭君 助理教授 (國立臺灣海洋大學海洋事務與資源管理研究所)


IONTU Speech announcement  10/22 (Fri)  15:30  為湛而戰 — 海洋垃圾移除計畫  陳思穎 (社團法人臺灣湛藍海洋聯盟 共同創辦人暨執行長)


CO Speech announcement on line  6/8 (Tue)  13:20  季節性降雨變化驅動快速造山帶流域風化微生物群落變異  塗子萱 (中山大學 海洋科學系 助理教授)


Ph.D. candidate Public speech announcement on line  5/28 (Fri)  10:00  Optimum estimation of coastal currents using moving vehicles.  Kuan-Yu Chen (IONTU Ph.D. candidate)


CO Speech announcement on line  5/25 (Tue)  13:20  灌溉渠道中新興關切化合物的宿名與風險  江政傑 (中原大學 環境工程學系 助理教授)


CO Speech announcement  5/11 (Tue)  13:20  淺談海洋環流與生地化模擬  辛宜佳 (中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心 副研究員)


MB&F Speech announcement  5/5 (Wed)  10:20  小化石大哉問:古生物學在海洋生態保育的應用  林千翔 博士 (中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心助理研究員)


CO Speech announcement  5/4 (Tue)  13:20  I as a marine tracer.  George Burr (臺灣大學 地質科學系暨研究所 講座教授)


CO Speech announcement  4/13 (Tue)  13:20  南沖繩海槽深海熱液區的碳循環  林玉詩(中山大學 海洋科學系 副教授)


CO Speech announcement  3/30 (Tue)  13:20  Adaptive physiological features of vent-endemic crabs in the shallow hydrothermal system.  曾庸哲 (國立臺灣大學 海洋研究所 合聘助理教授)


CO Speech announcement  3/23 (Tue)  13:20  珊瑚骨骼環境與微生物  楊姍樺

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/26 (Fri) 15:30 Carbon and nitrogen cycles in coral reefs: toward linking organisms and the ecosystem.  Dr. Yasuaki Tanaka (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2008)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/26 (Fri) 15:30 Carbon and nitrogen cycles in coral reefs: toward linking organisms and the ecosystem.  Dr. Yasuaki Tanaka (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2008)


MG&G Speech announcement  3/25 (Thu)  10:20  The application of Geomechanics in Nankai, Japan.  Dr. Hung-Yu Wu (Assistant Professor, Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/19 (Fri) 15:30 Applications of barium and radium isotopes in ocean studies: tracers of ocean mixing and biogeochemical cycles.  Dr. Yu-Te Alan Hsieh (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2012)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/19 (Fri) 15:30 Applications of barium and radium isotopes in ocean studies: tracers of ocean mixing and biogeochemical cycles.  Dr. Yu-Te Alan Hsieh (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2012)

(Taiwan) 110學年碩士班入學考試錄取名單

(Taiwan) 110學年碩士班入學考試錄取名單


Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/16 (Tue) 13:30 Trophic interactions and their ecological consequences.  Dr. Feng-Hsun Chang (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2019)

PO Speech announcement  3/11 (Thu)  14:20  Eel leptocephalus as underwater bio-tracer?  Prof. Yu-San Han (Institute of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan University)

PO Speech announcement  3/11 (Thu)  14:20  Eel leptocephalus as underwater bio-tracer?  Prof. Yu-San Han (Institute of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan University)


Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/12 (Fri) 15:30 How benthos reveal secrets of deep-water habitats (and our surprising connection to them)?  Dr. Angela Stevenson (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2015)


Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/9 (Tue) 13:30 Interdisciplinary approaches towards predicting the future biogeography of marine animals.  Dr. Chung, Ming-Tsung (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2015)


MG&G Speech announcement  3/11 (Thu)  10:20  印度-西太平洋魚類/海洋生物多樣性探勘  Dr. Wei-Jen Chen (Professor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)

PO Speech announcement  3/4 (Thu)  14:20  From sea level changes to land hydrological processes.  Prof. Min-hui Lo (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University)

PO Speech announcement  3/4 (Thu)  14:20  From sea level changes to land hydrological processes.  Prof. Min-hui Lo (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/5 (Fri) 15:30 Inorganic geochemistry on biogenic carbonates and its relevance for oceanography and marine geology.  Dr. Jeroen Groeneveld (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2005)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/5 (Fri) 15:30 Inorganic geochemistry on biogenic carbonates and its relevance for oceanography and marine geology.  Dr. Jeroen Groeneveld (apply for Associate Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2005)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/2 (Tue) 13:30 Methylmercury in marine food chains: from bacterioplankton to apex predators.  Dr. Cheng-Shiuan Lee (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2017)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  3/2 (Tue) 13:30 Methylmercury in marine food chains: from bacterioplankton to apex predators.  Dr. Cheng-Shiuan Lee (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2017)


MG&G Speech announcement  3/4 (Thu)  10:20  地熱能源探勘  Dr. Louis Suh-Yui Teng (Retired Professor, Department of Geosciences National Taiwan University)


CO Speech announcement  2/23 (Tue)  15:10  海洋科普、旅行作家與學生分享會  黃佳琳(黃小莫) Lynn Mo 海島旅行生活家,永續旅遊推廣者

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  2/26 (Fri) 15:30 Plankton stoichiometry determine trophic transfer in aquatic food webs.  Dr. Pei-Chi Ho (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2018)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  2/26 (Fri) 15:30 Plankton stoichiometry determine trophic transfer in aquatic food webs.  Dr. Pei-Chi Ho (apply for Assistant Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2018)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  2/23 (Tue) 13:30 My Journey in Carbonate Chemistry Study.  Dr. Wen-Chen Chou (apply for Full Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2004)

Faculty candidate Speech announcement  2/23 (Tue) 13:30 My Journey in Carbonate Chemistry Study.  Dr. Wen-Chen Chou (apply for Full Professor, receiving Ph.D. in 2004)


Schedule of 2021 Faculty Candidates Speech Announcement

Wen-Cheng Chou (周文臣) 2/23 (Tuesday) 1:30-3:00pm 海洋所大講堂 on site Pei-Chi Ho (何珮綺) 2/26 (Friday) 3:30-5:00pm 海洋所大講堂 on site Cheng-Shiuan Lee (李承軒) 3/2 (Tuesday) 1:30-3:00pm 海洋所大講堂 on line Jeroen Groeneveld 3/5 (Friday) 3:30-5:00pm 海洋所大講堂 on line Ming-Tsung Chung (鍾明宗) 3/9 (Tuesday) 1:30-3:00pm 海洋所大講堂 on line Angela Stevenson 3/12 (Friday) 3:30-5:00pm 海洋所大講堂 [...]


PO Speech announcement  12/31 (Thu)  14:30  Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction: from Weather, Climate, to Global Warming.  林依依 教授 (國立臺灣大學 大氣科學學系)


CO Speech announcement  12/22 (Tue)  13:20 Ontogenetic habitat differences in Benthosema pterotum during summer in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea.  李明安 博士 (國立臺灣海洋大學環境生物與漁業科學學系)


CO Speech announcement  12/15 (Tue)  13:20  Bacterial roles in dimethyl sulfoniopropinate-driven sulfur cycle in coral holobiont.  湯森林 博士 (中央研究院 生物多樣性研究中心)


IONTU Speech announcement  12/18 (Fri)  15:30  我們與防災的距離  黃少薇 (臺灣防災產業協會 秘書長)


Marine biodiversity and phylogenomics lab at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University is recruiting a research assistant and one to two post-doc research associates


PO Speech announcement  12/17 (Thu)  14:30  背風渦漩以及大氣邊界層結構對臺灣空氣品質影響之特性分析  鄭芳怡 (國立中央大學 大氣科學學系)


CO Speech announcement  12/8 (Tue)  13:20  Very active in the exploration of marine science.  鄭明修 博士 (中央研究院 生物多樣性研究中心)


IONTU Speech announcement  12/11 (Fri)  15:30  Typhoon research with potential vorticity.  郭鴻基 (臺灣大學)


CO Speech announcement  12/1 (Tue)  13:20  Evaluate sustainability of marine fishes under climate warming.  王慧瑜 博士 (國立臺灣大學海洋研究所)


IONTU Speech announcement  11/27 (Fri)  15:30  氣候變遷對日本鰻的影響  吳朝榮 (國立臺灣師範大學)


CO Speech announcement  11/24 (Tue)  13:20  Air-Sea Physical/Biogeochemical Interactions in the Western Pacific and the South China Sea: Short-Term observations and Long-Term Implication.  林依依 博士 (國立臺灣大學大氣系 教授)


CO Speech announcement  11/17 (Tue)  13:20  Pacific climate variability and an improved ENSO prediction scheme.  曾于恒 博士 (國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 教授)


CO Speech announcement  10/27 (Tue)  13:20  Does omnivory alter the effects of biodiversity on energy transfer?  張峰勳 博士 (國立臺灣大學海洋研究所 生物組博士後)


PO Speech announcement  10/29 (Thu)  14:30  Shelf Break Acoustics Study.  Dr. Ying-Tsong Lin (Associate Scientist, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

PO Speech announcement  10/22 (Thu)  14:30  Applying acoustic noise to probe the water column in a dynamic shallow-water environment.  Dr. Tsu Wei Tan (Department of Marine Science, Naval Academy)

PO Speech announcement  10/22 (Thu)  14:30  Applying acoustic noise to probe the water column in a dynamic shallow-water environment.  Dr. Tsu Wei Tan (Department of Marine Science, Naval Academy)


MG&G Speech announcement  10/22 (Thu)  10:20  High-Resolution 3D Seismic Study of a Gas Hydrate System beneath a Thrust Ridge Anticline Off SW Taiwan.  Pascal Kunath (Ph.D. Candidate of IONTU)


CO Speech announcement  10/20 (Tue)  13:20 Accumulation dynamics of macro ocean litter and its influences on ecosystems.  柯佳吟 博士 (國立臺灣大學漁業科學研究所、生命科學系)