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Mélissa Hanafi-Portier

  • Supervisor:

    Wei-Jen Chen

  • Office


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  • Major Interests:

    Megabenthic community ecology, Seamount ecology, Marine habitat heterogeneity, Biodiversity spatial patterns

Publication list


  1. Hanafi-Portier M., Samadi S., Corbari L., Chan T-Y., Chen W-J., Chen J-N., Lee M-Y., Mah C., Saucède T., Borremans C., Olu K. (2021) When Imagery and Physical Sampling Work Together: Toward an Integrative Methodology of Deep-Sea Image-Based Megafauna Identification. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:749078.
  2. Hostachy C., Couzi P., Portemer G., Hanafi-Portier M., Murmu M., Deisig N., Dacher M. (2019) Exposure to Conspecific and Heterospecific Sex-Pheromones Modulates Gustatory Habituation in the Moth Agrotis ipsilon. Front. Physiol. 10:1518. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01518.
  3. Hostachy C., Couzi P., Hanafi-Portier M., Portemer G., Halleguen A., Murmu M., Deisig N., Dacher M. (2019) Responsiveness to Sugar Solutions in the Moth Agrotis ipsilon: Parameters Affecting Proboscis Extension. Front. Physiol. 10:1423. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01423.

In review or in preparation:

  1. Hanafi-Portier M., Samadi S., Corbari L., Boulard M., Miramontes E., Penven P., Leroy B., Napoléon T., Jorry SJ., Olu, K. Multiscale spatial patterns and environmental drivers of seamount and island slope megafaunal assemblages along the Mozambique Channel (Accepted in Deep Sea Research Part I)
  2. Hanafi-Portier M., Samadi S., Cardenas P., Pante E., Olu K. Image-based ecological assessment of deep-sea cnidarian and sponge assemblages through a morpho-functional approach (In preparation)
  3. Pelletier D., Monk J., Althaus F., Borremans C., Hanafi-Portier M., Scoulding B., Olu K., Untiedt C., Jackett C. Barrett N., Laffargue P., Vaz S., Maguire K., Mortimer N., Williams A. Interoperability and reuse of marine imaging data from field collection to Essential Biodiversity Variables (In review in Scientific Data)