- Chen, T.T., Hsu, H.H., Su, C.C., Liu, C.S., Chen, S.C., Chang, E.T.Y., Hsu, F.H., Lin, L.F., Chang, J.H., Wu, J.N., Hsu, T.W. and Wu, S.F. (2023) Hydrothermal Characteristics of the Meinhua submarine Volcano in the southernmost Okinawa Trough, Marine Geophysical Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11001-023-09517-0
- Chen, T.T., Chiu, L.Y.S. and Lin, Y.T. (2023) Effects of nonlinear internal gravity waves on normal-incident reflection measurements of seafloor sediments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/10.0016858
- Chen, T.T., Lin, Y.T. and Chiu, L.Y.S. (2023) Impacts of seafloor characteristics on three-dimensional sound propagation in a submarine canyon. JASA Express Letters. DOI: 10.1121/10.0016835
- Hsu, H.H., Liu, C.S., Milliman, J.D., Chen, T.T., Chang, J.H., Liu, J.P., Su, C.C. and Fan, M.C. (2023) Connecting link between a sediment source and its deep-sea sink: Ilan Shelf offshore Northeastern Taiwan, Marine and Petroleum Geology. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106499
- Bohrmann, G. Berndt, C., Lin, S., Tu, T.H., Lin, A.T., Hsu, H.H., Lai, M.L., Chi, W.C., Deusner, C., Elger, J., Wallmann, K., Freudenthal, T., Mau, S., Pape, T., Tseng, Y.T., Yu, P.S., Fan, L.F., Chen, J.N., Chen, S.C., Chen, T.T., Wei, K.Y. (2023) Geological controls on the distribution of gas hydrates in the shallow parts of the gas hydrate stability zone – constraints from seafloor drilling off Taiwan, Marine and Petroleum Geology. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106253
- Chen, T.T., Huang, C.F., Su, C.C., Liu, C.S., Hsu, H.H., Hsu, S.T. and Liu, J.Y. (2022) Application of acoustic classification to sedimentary environment classification: a case study of the Gaoping slope in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105347
- Tseng, Y.T., Römer, M., Lin, S., Pape, T., Berndt, C., Chen, T.T., Paull, C.K., Caress, D. W. and Bohrmann, G. (2022) Yam Seep at Four-Way Closure Ridge – a prominent active gas seep system at the accretionary wedge SW offshore Taiwan. International Journal of Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-022-02280-4
- Hsu, H.H., Liu, C.S., Chen, T.T. and Hung, H.T. (2021) Stratigraphic framework and sediment wave fields associated with Canyon-Levee systems in the Huatung Basin Offshore Taiwan Orogen. Marine Geology. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106408
- Chang, J.H., Yang, Y.C.E., Hsu, H.H., Chen, T.T., Liu, C.S. and Chiu, S.D. (2021) Igneous Activity and Structural Development of the Mianhua Terrace, Offshore North Taiwan. Minerals. DOI: 10.3390/min11030303
- Chen, T.T., Paull, C.K., Liu, C.S., Klaucke, I., Hsu, H.H., Su, C.C., Gwiazda, R. and Caress, D.W. (2020) Discovery of numerous pingos and comet-shaped depressions offshore southwestern Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters. DOI: 10.1007/s00367-019-00577-z
- Chang, J.H., Park, J.O., Chen, T.T., Yamaguchi, A., Tsuru, T., Sano, Y., Hsu, H.H., Shirai, K., Kagoshima, T., Tanaka, K., Teresa, E. and Tamura, C. (2020) Structural-morphological features of forearc slope off Miyagi, NE Japan: implications for forearc basin development and future earthquakes. Geo-Marine Letters. DOI: 10.1007/s00367-020-00636-w
- Hsu, H.H., Lin, L.F., Liu, C.S., Chang, J.H., Liao, W.Z., Chen, T.T., Chao, K.H., Lin, S.L., Hsieh, H.S. and Chen, S.C. (2019) Pseudo-3D seismic imaging of Geolin Mounds hydrothermal field in the Southern Okinawa Trough offshore NE Taiwan. Journal of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. DOI:10.3319/TAO.2019.03.14.02
Academic Publications (Non SCI; in Chinese with English abstract)
- 陳姿婷、林穎聰、蔡安益、龔國慶、許鶴瀚、劉家瑄,2022,新海研2號發現北方三島海域淺海熱泉,海洋及水下科技季刊,第32卷,第2期,第51-57頁。
- 廖音瑄、許鶴瀚、陳姿婷、謝獻祥、謝宗霖、劉紹勇,2021,遠岸水深量測之潮位修正技術應用及比較。海洋及水下科技季刊,第31卷,第3期,第53-60頁。
- 連政佳、陳姿婷、許鶴瀚、邱協棟、馬玉芳、劉家瑄,2020,利用多音束聲納系統探測水下目標物:以新研究船隊測試成果為例。海洋及水下科技季刊,第30卷,第4期,第45-50頁。
- 洪瑋廷、陳姿婷、許鶴瀚、謝宗霖、劉家瑄,2020,臺灣新研究船多音束測深系統發展與總傳遞誤差檢驗。海洋及水下科技季刊,第30卷,第3期,第67-75頁。
- 楊懿丞、許鶴瀚、吳俊鼐、溫修敏、陳姿婷、連政佳、洪瑋廷、劉家瑄,2020,地形與震測地層剖面分析於離岸風電場址調查之應用。臺灣能源期刊,第7卷,第3期,第253-268頁。
- 陳姿婷、許鶴瀚、邱協棟、馬玉芳、楊穎堅、劉家瑄,2019,海底地形測量大躍進-新海研 2、3 號多音束聲納系統介紹。海洋及水下科技季刊,第29卷,第4期,第27-32頁。
- 許鶴瀚、劉家瑄、邱協棟、陳姿婷、馬玉芳、塗書琳、韓為中、陳松春、謝欣崧,2016,臺灣西南海域天然氣水合物調查之震測技術發展。經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第30號,第181-199頁。
- 韓為中、劉家瑄、許鶴瀚、林亮甫、陳姿婷、陳松春,2016,臺灣西南海域南海大陸斜坡區之天然氣水合物儲集系統研究。經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第30號,第43-57頁。
- 馬玉芳、邱協棟、陳姿婷、許鶴瀚、劉家瑄,2015,高精準深海海床調查與採樣技術,海洋及水下科技季刊,第25卷,第2期,第22-27頁。
- 邱協棟、馬玉芳、許鶴瀚、陳姿婷、劉家瑄、姚大鈞,2015,高解析地層剖面調查於填海造陸工程之應用,海洋及水下科技季刊,第25卷,第2期,第16-21頁。
- 陳姿婷、許鶴瀚、劉家瑄,2013,深海高解析度海床形貌的探測與應用,地質,32卷,第3期,第70-75頁。