Lithospheric Mechanism of Ocean Basin, Marine Monitoring and Technology, Primary Course of Geophysical Mathematics, Taiwan Regional Oceanography, Introduction to Marine Science
A. Journal Papers
- Chen, T. T., H. H. Hsu, C. C. Su, C. S. Liu, YS. Wang, S. C. Chen, E. T. Y. Chang, F. H. Hsu, L. F. Lin, J. H. Chang, J. N. Wu, T. W. Hsu, and S. F. Wu (2023) Hydrothermal characteristics of the Mienhua submarine volcano in the southernmost Okinawa trough. Marine Geophysical Research, 44(2), 10.
- Lee, F. Y., EH. Tan, and E. T. Y. Chang (2023) Escape Mechanism with Shallow Ramp and Decollements in Southwest Taiwan. Geosciences, 13(2),41.
- Lien, T., E. T. Y. Chang, C. Hwang, C. C. Cheng, R. F. Chen, and C. H. Mu (2022) Delineating a volcanic aquifer using groundwater-induced gravity changes in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 33(1),31.
- Yu, D. C., C. Hwang, O. B. Andersen, E. T. Y. Chang, and L. Gaultier, (2021) Gravity recovery from SWOT altimetry using geoid height and geoid gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment, 265, 112650.
- Kumar, U., B. F. Chao, and E. T. Y. Chang (2020) What Causes the Common-Mode Error in Array GPS Displacement Fields: Case Study for Taiwan in Relation to Atmospheric Mass Loading. Earth and Space Science, 7(11), e2020EA001159.
- Legendre, C. P., B. Deffontaines, H. Bor-Shouh, H. Y. Lee, and E. T. Y. Chang (2020) Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave phase velocity maps of the Sunda Plate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 187, 104094.
- Batsi, E; E. Tsang-Hin-Sun, F. Klingelhoefer, G. Bayrakci, E.T.Y. Chang, J.Y. Lin, D. Dellong, C. Monteil and L. Geli, (2019) Nonseismic Signals in the Ocean: Indicators of Deep Sea and Seafloor Processes on Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 20(8), 3882-3900.
- Gautier, S., C. Tiberi, M. Lopez, O. Foix, S. Lallemand, T. Theunissen, C. Hwang and E. Chang (2019) Detailed lithospheric structure of an arc-continent collision beneath Taiwan revealed by joint inversion of seismological and gravity data. Geophysical Journal International, 218(1), 586-600.
- Kumar, U., B.F. Chao, Y. Hsieh and E.T.Y. Chang (2017) A meteor shockwave event recorded at seismic and infrasound stations in northern Taiwan. Geoscience Letters, 4:13.
- Chang, E.T.Y.*, B.F. Chao, G.Y. Chen, and J.M. Liau (2016) Internal tides recorded at ocean bottom off the coast of Southeast Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121 (5), 3381-3394.
- Hwang, C.W., and E.T.Y. Chang (2014) Seafloor secrets revealed. Science, 346(6205), 32-33.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and B.F. Chao (2014) Analysis of coseismic deformation using EOF method on dense, continuous GPS data in Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 637, 106-115.
- Hwang, C.W., H.J. Hsu, E.T.Y. Chang, W.E. Featherstone, R. Tenzer, T. Lien, Y.S. Hsiao, H.C. Shih, and P.H. Jai (2014) New free-air and Bouguer gravity fields of Taiwan from multiple platforms and sensors. Tectonophysics, 611, 83-93.
- Lo, C.L., E.T.Y. Chang, and B.F. Chao (2013) Relocating the historical 1951 Hualien earthquake in eastern Taiwan based on tide gauge record. Geophysical Journal International, 192(2), 854-860.
- You, S.H., Y. Gung, C.H. Lin, K.I. Konstantinou, T.M. Chang, E.T.Y. Chang, and R. Solidum (2013) A preliminary seismic study of Taal Volcano, Luzon Island Philippines. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 65, 100-106.
- Chiou, M.D., Chang, E.T.Y., and Jan, S. (2013) Evaluation of Seismic Rupture Models for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Using Tsunami Simulation. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24 (4):491-503.
- Tenzer, R., M. Bagherbandi, C. Hwang, and E.T.Y. Chang (2013) Moho Interface Modeling Beneath the Himalayas, Tibet and Central Siberia Using GOCO02S and DTM2006.0. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24 (4), 581-590.
- Chang, E.T.Y., B. F. Chao, CC. Chiang, and C.W. Hwang (2012) Vertical plate motion in the vicinity of Taiwan Convergence. Tectonophysics, 578, 98-106.
- Yen, J.Y., C.H. Lu, C.P. Chang, A.J. Hooper, Y.H. Chang, W.T. Liang, T.Y. Chang, Lin, M.S. and K.S. Chen (2011) Investigating Active Deformation in the Northern Longitudinal Valley and City of Hualien in Eastern Taiwan Using Persistent Scatterer and Small-Baseline SAR Interferometry. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 22(3), 291-304.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and B.F. Chao (2011) Co-seismic surface deformation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake: Spatio-temporal EOF analysis of GPS data. Earth Planets and Space, 63(7), 649-654.
- Tseng, Y.H.,L. Breaker, E.T.Y. Chang (2010) Sea Level Variations in the Regional Seas around Taiwan. Journal of Oceanography, 66 (1), 27-39.
- Angelier, J., T.Y. Chang, J.C. Hu, C.P. Chang, L. Siame, J.C. Lee, B. Deffontaines, H.T. Chu, and C.Y. Lu (2009) Does extrusion occurs at both tips of the Taiwan collision belt? Insights from active deformation studies in the Ilan Plain and Pingtung Plain regions. Tectonophysics, 466, 356-376.
- Yu, H.-S., and E.T.Y. Chang (2009) Links among slope morphology, canyon types and tectonics on passive and active margins in the northernmost South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 20, 1-10.
- Chang, E.T.Y., W.T, Liang, and Y.B. Tsai (2009) Seismic Shear-Wave Splitting in Upper Crust Characterized by Taiwan Tectonic Convergence. Geophysical Journal International, 177, 1256-1264.
- Kuo, B.-Y., W.C. Chi, C.R. Lin, E.T.Y. Chang, J. Collins, and C.S. Liu (2009) Two-station measurement of Rayleigh-wave phase velocities for the Huatung basin, the westernmost Philippine Sea, with OBS: Implications for regional tectonics. Geophysical Journal International, 179, 1859-1869.
- Chang, E.T.Y., S.K. Hsu, and C.S. Lee (2008) Earthquake swarm recorded by an Ocean bottom seismic array in southwest offshore of Taiwan in October (2005) Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 19, 6, 717-728.
- Chang, T.Y, F. Cotton, and Y.B. Tsai (2004) Quantification of hanging-wall effects on ground motions, some insights from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94(6), 2186-2197.
- Chang, C.P., T.Y. Chang, C.T. Wang, C.H. Kuo, and K.S. Chen (2004) Land-surface deformation corresponding to seasonal ground-water fluctuation, determining by SAR interferometry in the SW Taiwan. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 67, 351-359.
- Chang, C.P., K.S. Chen,C.T. Wang, J.Y. Yen, T.Y. Chang, and C.W. Lin (2004) Application of Space-borne Radar Interferometry on Crustal Deformations in Taiwan: A Perspective from the Nature of Events. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15(3), 445-465.
- Chang, C.P., T.Y. Chang, J. Angelier, H. Kao, J.C. Lee, and S.B. Yu (2003) Stress and strain field in Taiwan oblique convergent system: constrains from GPS observations and tectonic data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 115-127.
- Chang, C.-P., C.T. Wang, T.Y. Chang, K.S. Liang, E. Pathier, and J. Angelier (2003). Application of SAR Interferometry to a large thrusting deformation: the 1999 Mw 7.6 ChiChi earthquake (central Taiwan). Geophysical Journal International, 159, 9-16.
- Chang, T.Y., F. Cotton, J. Angelier, and T.C. Shin (2001) Pics d’acceleration du mouvement sismique observes lors du seisme de ChiChi a Taiwan : application a l’estimation de l’alea sismique. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Science de la Terre et des planets, 333, 45-55.
- Chang, T.Y., F. Cotton, and J. Angelier (2001) Seismic Attenuation and Peak Ground Acceleration in Taiwan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91(5), 1229-1246.
B. Journal Paper in Chinese
- 康竹君、張翠玉、李建成 (2008) 南沖繩海槽之最西端及梨山斷層最北端:蘭陽平原的構造活動特性,Vol. 8, 中華民國地質學會會刊 (Western Pacific Earth Sciences),第17-42頁。
- 陳美瑜、張翠玉、梁文宗 (2007) 臺灣西部地殼內地震剪力波的非均向性。經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊,第20號,第53-69頁。
- Chang, E.T.Y., and Hwang, C.W. (2009) New Concepts for Taiwan Tectonic Activities by Combined Observations from Gravity and Seismology. APSG Workshop 2009 on Space Geodesy for Earth Environment Change and Disaster Monitoring 17-21 August, 2009, Urumqi, CHINA.
- Chang, E.T.Y., B.F. Chao , C.C. Chiang, and C.W. Hwang (2009) Vertical Crustal Motion of Active Plate Convergence in Taiwan Derived from Tide Gauge, Altimetry and GPS Data. International Workshop on Gravity, GPS and Satellite Altimetry Observations of Tibet, Xinjiang and Siberia (TibXS), August 20-22, 2009, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.
- Chang, E.T.Y. and C.W. Hwang (2009) New Concepts for Taiwan Tectonic Activities by Combined Observations from Gravity and Seismology. International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan, Taipei, September 17~19.
- Chang, E.T.Y., Y.C. Gung, B.Y. Kuo, and S. Lallemand (2009) Seismic Characters of the Shallow Oceanic Crust, in light of OBS and Ambient Noise Analysis, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 14~18.
- Chang, E.T.Y. (2008) Normal-faulting Focal Mechanisms Observed in front of the Manila Trench, in 2006. In 2008 WPGM General Assembly, July Cairns, Australia.
- Chiang, C.C., T.L. Lo, E.T.Y. Chang, and B.F. Chao (2008) Vertical plate motion determined from altimeter and Taiwan tidal gauge data. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and L.Y. Chiao (2007) Seismotectonic Characterization of Northern- most Manila Subduction: OBS observation Offshore SW Taiwan. In 2007 SSA Springl Meeting, April Hawaii.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and L.Y. Chiao (2007) Seismicity of Northern Manila Subduction, Monitored by OBS Array. In 2007 AOGS General Assembly, August Bangkok, Thailand.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and L.Y. Chiao (2007) Seismotectonics of Northernmost Manila Subduction – in Lights of Two OBS Arrays SW offshore Taiwan. In 2007 AGU Fall Meeting, December 9-14, 2007, San Francisco, California.
- Angelier, J., T.Y. Chang, J.C. Hu, J.C. Lee, L. Siame, H.T. Chu, B. Deffontaines, and C.Y. Lu (2005) Does extrusion occurs at both tips of the Taiwan collision belt? Insights from active deformation studies in the Ilan Plain and Pingtung Plain regions. In Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Scien Symposium, November 24-29, Taitung, Taiwan, pp 35-38.
- Chang, E.T.Y., S.K. Hsu, J.W. Liang, and C. S.Lee (2005) Application of micrOBS off SW Taiwan: Seismogenic analysis at northern tip of the Manila Trench. In Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Scien Symposium, November 24-29, Taitung, Taiwan, 245-246.
- Chang, E.T.Y., and Y.B. Tsai (2005) Systematic study of Seismic anisotropy characteristics at west Taiwan, EGU 2005 Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
- Chang, E.T.Y., Y. Wang, and C.S. Lee (2005) Signals embedded in the OBS records, in light of Gabor Spectral Analysis. In 2005 AGU Fall Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., and E.T.Y. Chang (2005) Folding and rotating of the southern Taiwan mountain range. In 2005 AGU Fall Meeting, December 5-9, 2005, San Francisco, California.
- Deffontaines, B., C.S. Liu, J.C. Hu, C.T. Lee, H.T. Chu, J.C. Lee, R.J. Rau, S.K. Hsu, C.Y. Lu, F.C. Li, J.C. Sibnet, C.P. Chang, T.Y. Chang, and J. Angelier (2005) Lateral expulsion offshore SW Taiwan: An onshore-offshore structural approach. In Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Scien Symposium, November 24-29, Taitung, Taiwan, 171-175.
- Chang, E.T.Y. (2007) Seismogenic Zone at Northernmost Manila Subduction – Seismological Observations from Two OBS Arrays SW Taiwan. In proceeding of conference “subduction dynamics”, June Montpellier, France.
- Chang, E.T.Y., J.C. Sibnet, and C.S. Lee (2005) Tremor analysis of OBS arrays deployed in Okinawa Trough, 2003. In Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Scien Symposium, November 24-29, Taitung, Taiwan, 98-99.