Prospects for the future

  1. To promote cross-disciplinary, multiscale research and education in marine sciences.
  2. To review and implement multi-disciplinary courses in graduate studies and to develop a systematic curriculum on marine sciences and marine affairs for undergraduate students.
  3. To encourage globalization by developing international oceanographic research projects, participating in international organizations and conferences, and sponsoring international conferences and workshops.
  4. To plan for the next generation, university running 1,000 tonnage research vessel as a part of the national fleet of marine research.


[tab name=”Physical Oceanography”]
Physical Oceanography is a scientific discipline that aims to understand the evolving patterns of ocean currents and water properties such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and to explore the roles of ocean circulation in the earth’s eco-systems. The Physical Oceanography Division of the Institute of Oceanography at NTU has been an active research force in studying oceanographic processes on a wide range of scales: with spatial scales ranging from tens of meters in coastal/estuarine flows to hundreds of kilometers in ocean-basin-wide circulation; with temporal scales ranging from seconds in ocean waves to interannual variability of western boundary current.

Some recent research themes include the origin and the transport variability of Kuroshio, Kuroshio interactions with mesoscale eddies and topographic features, the generation and propagation of large-amplitude internal waves in South China Sea, the interactions between Typhoon and upper ocean, acoustic ray tracing of marine mammals, circulation dynamics in Taiwan Strait and East China Sea, and the dynamics of sediment-laden river plumes. Our approaches integrate field observation, remote sensing, numerical modeling, and theoretical studies. We continue to actively involve in international collaborations. We also maintain a strong tradition of field observation, and our seagoing technical and scientific group has proven ocean-sensing capability under a variety of sea conditions.

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[tab name=”Chemical Oceanography”]
Implemented since 1990, the division currently offers core and special courses for M.S. and Ph.D. programs, covering studies in marine biogeochemical cycle, isotopes, diagenesis, environmental pollution, seawater chemistry, etc. Laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art instruments including atomic adsorption spectrophotometers, ICP emission spectrometer, radioactivity counters, ion and gas chromatographs, autoanalyzer, together with ship-board-operated sampling devices and chemical probes. Faculty members and students of this division have widespread research interests and have participated in many integrated-scale exploration projects during the last decade. The results are fruitful, and have been published in a variety of scientific journals.

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[tab name=”Marine Geology & Geophysics”]
There are three basic research groups that concentrate on marine geology, geophysics and geochemistry. General subfields that our teaching and researches are interested in also include applied geology、environmental geochemistry、geophysics and underwater survey and tracking techniques. Specific research topics range from academic researches such as the kinematics and dynamics of the lithosphere and other tectonophysics to integrated MG&G survey of the seafloor、sedimentary structures and natural resources of the offshore area near Taiwan. Major observational instruments include single channel and multi-channel reflection seismic profiler、single beam and multi-beam echo sounder for bathymetry measurement、surface and deep-towed marine magnetometer and metal detector、underwater remote control vehicle and camera set、side-scan sonar、underwater heat probe for the thermal mapping of the seafloor heat flow etc. Furthermore, there are also analytical laboratory instruments such as electronic microscope、laser grain size analyzer X-ray diffractometer and radiography system ,α-counter、atomic absorption spectrophotometer and gas chromatography etc. Faculties of our division offer more than 30 different graduate courses as well as organize and design introductory courses on General Oceanography and other integrated courses for the Earth System Program and Oceanography Program. For many years since the establishment of this division, we have also been very enthusiastic in engaging the training of next generation experts that are capable of providing valuable MG&G conciliation and management for the interests of general public and the development of the local society. Projects such as the exploration of geothermal resources, deposition and dredging of the water dam, exploration and evaluation of marine resources such as ocean thermal energy、gas hydrate、sea-sands, seafloor mapping (for the purpose of cables and pipes routing) as well as underwater searching for missing vessels and airplanes have all been undertaken and yielded satisfactory results. We are proud of continuously being the major institute that is fully capable of operating modern cutting-edge sophisticate observational instruments as well as well experienced and keen in analyzing and interpreting the insights of the observed data. For the academic basic research, we keep close interactions with the international main stream as well as developing our own unique edges. Furthermore, we also pay close attention to potential paradigm shifts in the fields of Earth sciences to encourage an open-minded perspective as well as a lively academic atmosphere that we believe is inspirational for both the faculties and the students.


Faculties of this division have been actively involved in pioneering all sorts of original and creative basic and applied researches under the support of National Sciences Council (NSC), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Communication. Furthermore, we have also initiated as well as actively taking parts in major domestic and international cooperative research projects such as the Ocean Drilling Project (ODP)、the Taiwan-US-French cooperated Taiwan subduction-collision system research (TAICRUST) and the Kuroshio edge exchange program (KEEP) and the research on atmospheric environments of Taiwan area. Besides making original and important academic contributions in basic researches in recent years, important interests on the investigation、archiving and managing strategy of the regional characteristics includes,
(1). Coastal and near shore hazards mitigation such as slope slumping、earthquake and tsunami.
(2). Plate convergence and sediment transport research in the Taiwan offshore area.
(3). Investigation of the distribution of marine resources such as gas hydrates in the continental margin.
Furthermore, other major research projects that we have already been or will be actively involved includes
(1). TEC (Taiwan Earthquake Center)
(2). Taiwan-French Eastern Taiwan seismotectonics observatory.
(3). TAIGER: Taiwan offshore – onshore seismic refraction survey of the dynamics of the regional plate tectonics.
(4). Research project for the sediment transport on the Taiwan continental shelf.
(5). Taiwan-Japan deep sea drilling project.
(6). Gashydrate distribution in the southwestern offshore Taiwan.
(7). Continental shelf survey near Taiwan.

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[tab name=”Marine Biology & Fisheries”]
The Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries embraces education and research on a broad spectrum of marine biological sciences, including marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions, marine ecology, evolution of marine organisms, and fisheries science and management. Faculty expertise ranges from the bottom of marine food web (producers) to the top predatory species, and includes both theoretical and practical approaches. We also encourage inter-disciplinary approaches through discussions and research collaborations. Our goal is to provide required knowledge and rational solutions to societal challenges.
Our research areas underlie some of the cutting edge in marine sciences, such as: 

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